How do you make money?

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I agree with you, I never said that I want easy money or that business is easy. I was just asking what you people do and how you make money, I didn't ask you to draw on paper for me.
I agree with you, I never said that I want easy money or that business is easy. I was just asking what you people do and how you make money, I didn't ask you to draw on paper for me.
scamming and stealing is probably the easiest and most efficient way to make money
if it's against your philosophy or if you calculate the risk higher than reward then your second best way is to do something that no one else does or can do
if you're second best or worse create unique niche in which you'll be the best
if you don't know how or if there are other obstacles invest into education or into change of your situation to fix this
if you can't do this get a day job paid from public finance (and there you go... you're stealing anyways )
your second best way is to do something that no one else does or can do
if you're second best or worse create unique niche in which you'll be the best
that’s not necessarily true, and can even be counterproductive.
You can make good money, with less risk, by entering into a big enough market and collecting the crumbs. If the market is really big, then the crumbs should satisfy your appetite and can be used to finance entry into another market.
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I do a lot of online work for people and make my living that way.
I would expect a lot better and deeper thoughts on this in a business forum like this. Nobody says what he or she does, just BS and offtopic. The question was simple and clear. I am broke AF so I can´t give any advice. One thing is for sure from my side, be happy you can make even 5k per month. That would be for me a dream come true and that guy who makes shitty millions while 10-50k means peanuts and whoever can´t make at least 100k/month is either stupid or lazy or both I got a message - support him, invest in him or do some charity but please don´t make you sound like above everybody!
If I had a sure recipe for making $5k per month I would keep it for me! Giving business advice doesn’t mean gifting money away!
if you are expecting something from someone else, mostly if you don't even know them ... then I am sorry, but you won't be successfull anytime near
if you are expecting something from someone else, mostly if you don't even know them ... then I am sorry, but you won't be successfull anytime near
What kind of answer is that? What does it have to do with me being successfull or not? I can talk about my business what I am doing, how much I make, how much I lose, how much I invest in adverts and stuff like that. I could write an essay and the OP would get what he asks for. I don´t get it but hey just keep writing BS and I wonder how long will the guy who started this thread be looking with faith in to this forum after zero value answers he got. These are no secrets he should find only in the mentor group. One or two guys did give him at least something. A broke guy won´t give him any ideas but you all are rich as hell so please share.
No one will tell you exactly what they do as most operate in more niche markets which cannot use much more competition (e.g. getting the crumbs as Johnny said).
Though several people here at least have given a general indication of what they do. Also, given the nature of the forum I suspect not many people will give you loads of info as it may be used to associate them with their real life identity.

Also just by browsing this very forum you may be able to do this thing called *market research* where you look at what people are actively searching for, and provide them with that service (if possible). I do not see the issue with people not exactly telling you all what they do for a living.
Nobody is talking here about giving exact information. General info is fine, but the majority of answers are just crap no value and more like jokes. And I stand by that. This is not just an issue in this thread, but all over the forum. The only exception is mentor group where suddenly your problem with association of their real life identity is secondary or none of a problem Or the majority are doing illegal business when this wants to be such a secret? And my problem with this is that it greatly degrades the high value of this forum when a thread starter gets such low value info or no info at all. So to show everybody I don´t give a **** about keeping stuff secret I was working in the P**N industry and think about going back. Nice money can be done. And I mean you don´t have to be an actor. There are many options here. Bam here you go, another idea and tied to my personal identity
You forgot to tell us what are your skills.
For example, I have an extremely nice endowment and I could use it in the P**N industry or as a gigolo.
You might be a nasty midget and someone could hire you for the midget in a desk scam.
Or you could be great at finding high value ticket clients in a particular industry, in which case you could setup an ad in this forum and might find someone willing to hire you.

Your question seems to be like “tell me your secrets for free”, while it should be “I am good at this and that, does anyone have offers or advice?”

One of the secrets of making money is asking the right questions.
Johnny no I didn´t forget to tell you my skills because you don´t say your skills and as I said I am not gonna give any advice because I am not rich and lost all money and became broke. So yes at least I am fair. You and others are so rich and succesfull so you should talk and give something away. But yeah greed is the thing right? I don´t need any advertisement here nor your help or suggestions. This topic is not about me, its about BS that you guys give out to a guy who asked a serious question. The replies are jokes, BS and offtopic crap. And not just in this thread! I don´t care anymore as I never started a thread here and won´t ever start one due to this same reason. Paying for the mentor group is the only way to get at least a bit serious advice and talk. This free place should just be renamed to BS forum and not the one I registered years ago.
Hate will not help you to make money.
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The easier path to get rich is simply to reduce your expenses. It will take longer but you'll get rich for sure eventually.

I never made a lot of money, but I have a 7 digit net worth and live off my investments (I always invested heavily), and I'm only in my 30s. But yeah, I never owned a car, never paid for any subscriptions (besides the gym), I change my phone every 10 years lol. All those things are worthless anyways at the end of the day. Most of my money goes to savings and investments.

I spend most of my time in SEA too... It all adds up pretty quickly, believe it or not, especially once you add investment returns into the equation and those investments start growing and producing more and more dividend income.

You also gotta choose your friends and your gf wisely. Need to surround yourself with people with that mindset of self-development, and not so much with the mindset of "showing off" and "enjoying life" (apparently enjoying life for a lot of people means throwing money down the drain).

Of course it's not for everyone, but unless you have a really good business idea and a lot of luck, the chances you'll get rich quickly are slim to none.

With the right plan, however, you'll definitely get rich in 10-20 years as long as you have some decent income.
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I'm honestly glad it worked for you - however my short response to you advice would be "survivor bias"
Very well done but to reach 7 figures in mid 30s without running a business means you probably invested part of your income in some risky assets like crypto.
Very well done but to reach 7 figures in mid 30s without running a business means you probably invested part of your income in some risky assets like crypto.

I did invest in crypto but the truth is that only a small fraction of my portfolio is in it. I always preferred stocks and ETFs. I love the concept of crypto though and I wish more people would see its advantages instead of seeing it as a get-rich-quick scheme.

I'm honestly glad it worked for you - however my short response to you advice would be "survivor bias"

You can easily do the math. For instance, assume an income of $4,000/mo and only spending $1,000 a month.

That's $3,000 per month saved. In one year you have $36,000. Simply investing those $36,000 in the SP500 will give you a 7% return (historic rates and last 20 years as well).

Plug the numbers in Excel and you'll see that in 20 years you have almost $1,000,000.

And that's just with an income of $4,000. Add better paid work that can be done remotely and requires skills (like programming or design) and you can reach a million much more quickly, and then just let compound interest do its magic and you can sit and watch your money grow by itself.

Almost everyone I know who became rich from scratch (without inheritance or anything like that) did it this way. I even know someone who was a PE teacher in high school, and now he owns a huge hotel worth millions of dollars. How did he do it? Slowly over time, building the hotel from scratch, room by room, acquiring land as needed, looking for the best rates for construction work, doing construction work himself... It all paid off in the end and I'm sure he enjoyed the journey as well.

And I also know middle class people who are stuck there even though they earn much more than that PE teacher. Still working 10 hours a day and will continue doing so because they don't have the mindset. They own a bunch of cars and toys that they bought with money they didn't have and are still paying off, they spend hard every weekend, they're always in debt. It's their life, but they'll never be rich. It's mathematically impossible for them unless they win the lottery (which they also waste their money in btw).

I'm fully convinced that doing it slowly, with a plan, and controlling one's expenses is the best way to do it, and has a high chance of success (almost 100% I'd say if one sticks to the plan).

But, of course, I'm open to be proven wrong and be shown how making an extra million in the next 10 minutes is actually easier.
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