Houthi terror attack in Abu Dhabi: Support pours in for UAE

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Israel said ready to sell Iron Dome to UAE, build regional defenses against Iran​


Didn't have to wait long for that one, although the deal is not done yet. It makes so much sense, that already before my previous message I checked if the manufacturer of Iron Dome (Rafael/IAI) is a listed company. No luck there

Anyway, this would serve much more the interests of Israel than those of the UAE. Even if a missile shield did its job, being subject to these attacks will scare away lots of people. There is really no alternative for peace, if the UAE wants to remain a regional hub for finance, trade and tourism. They should just let go of their grievances against Iran and copy the foreign policy of Switzerland, Singapore etc. For Israel this is a completely different game. They're fighting to maintain their regional hegemony. Hence they try to build a coalition against Iran. All the better for them if the coalition also serves their economic interests. Sheiks should pause and think before going all-in the anti-Iran bandwagon.
Reactions: troubled soul
It’s a pity BJ would gladly nuke UK if it helps to make people forgetting about his covid parties…

BJ needs all help he can get to stay in office right now . What distraction will he present next if sticking his nose in Ukraine/Russia issue does not work .
wait for it
Shadow Iraqi group 'True Promise Brigades' claims responsibility for UAE attack


Still some tourists don't care even with travel warnings. But sentiment can change quickly sadly after a strike .

Hmm, how about an Alien invasion? That could be twisted as a funny distraction at least.

I think the usual random event of a terror attack always does the trick to change the headlines every now and then sadly . BJ can come out and say the usual spill about how attacker was known to authorities and we killed him and how without brexit they could not kill the attacker (lol...don't ask I made that bit up). Sadly Russia is not playing ball with UK and US ratcheting up of tensions with Ukraine. Hell even Ukraine is not playing ball any more as its harming their economy financially.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I read this. Use of a $3,000,000 patriot missile to shoot down a $200 drone. Did I read it correctly a single patriot missile costs $3,000,000 ?????

The Houthi's just have to keep sending inexpensive unarmed drones and bankrupt UAE and Saudi Arabia . $3m a shot adds up really quickly and Saudi's have ordered more. Only party that benefits from this conflict is Raytheon sadly.

Reactions: FlipnShip
From what I understand, saudis are running out of patriots due to Houti drone attacks.
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