Houthi terror attack in Abu Dhabi: Support pours in for UAE

“Houti terror”, after bombing half Yemen and carrying out a real genocide there. And nobody say nothing. I really hope next drones and rockets will be gently landing more close to the f*ckin’ sheiks heads!
“Houti terror”, after bombing half Yemen and carrying out a real genocide there. And nobody say nothing. I really hope next drones and rockets will be gently landing more close to the f*ckin’ sheiks heads!

Can't agree more

I wrote the below back in May 2020:

People in UAE should walk away. The Houthi's are pissed at their unjust suffering and are ready to share their suffering with UAE. Please look at map again if you live in UAE and see where you can run to if it escalates...lol. Irans proxy support of Houthis is not gonna stop while injustice continues.

P.S Best for UAE to seek peace as Houthis have nothing to lose but Gulf states do.

Poor expats....get out while you still can.

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TBH I don’t understand what they are looking for in Yemen. They could have been the Switzerland of the gulf, but they chose a - wrong - position and are spending a lot of money in high-tech weapons that left in the hands of mercenaries from all over the world. Drones and missiles have changed the position of strengths and the craziness in the USA can lead to growing conflicts in that area of the globe in spite of the recent withdraws in Afghanistan and - partially - Irak.
TBH I don’t understand what they are looking for in Yemen.

They are just looking to remove Iran's influence in the country. This UAE interference in Yemen led by the Saudi's has been a humanitarian disaster for the Yemenis. After the UAE and Saudi's bomb innocent women and children they are coming out in public asking the world to condemn the very people they are committing a genocide on??? Who in their right mind would support such butchers like the Saudi's and emirates. Western powers are just turning a blind eye as a lot of money, investment and weapon sales is at stake. To make matters worse America is just sat there laughing at the situation and rubbing its hands thinking more weapon sales to these rich idiots in the gulf states. In end weapon sales is all that matters in this conflict not innocent woman and children in Yemen being bombed and killed.

P.S Who would have thought the west would support dictatorships like UAE and Saudi's against a former democracy like Yemen .
RT News

Houthi Leader Killed in Coalition Revenge Strike - 23 dead (reports)
A Saudi-led coalition airstrike in Yemeni capital Sanaa has killed 23, including the Houthi Major General Abdullah Qassem al-Junaid - in retaliation for a deadly drone attack in the UAE.

Sanaa death toll risen to 23 per Al-Mayadeen TV, dozens of homes damaged - Yemeni parliament & military academy hit

Really hope a rain of rockets will put those UAE and Saudi bastards where they really belong.
Reactions: troubled soul
They are just looking to remove Iran's influence in the country.
That's the real answer, Iran - and by extension hezbollah - has major influence in the region, Lebanon, Iraq, syria, Yemen...you name it. That's why you find the gulf countries rushing to normalize relationships with Israel, they all have Iran as their number #1 target (plus hey, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?), add the Warlords in the US to the mix, and you have a WW3 waiting to happen.

this area really has some of the most complicated matters of the 21st century, you don't really know who is an ally of who and who is an enemy of who, for example, Egypt is on bad terms with Ethiopia, but they support al asad and his regime in syria and they are also an ally of saudi arabia and UAE, while Saudis despise al asad and supports the Syrian militants and are also an ally to Egypt and UAE but an enemy to iran, and then you have the Emiratis - who are allies of Egypt and Saudi Arabia - aid Ethiopia with weapons and machinery and an enemy to Iran (but at the same time are the second trade Partner of Iran). all of this and you are watching as an outsider wondering wtf is going on .

All I can say is that politics is fucking nasty and I'm glad that I stayed out of it, I have various relationships with people in power, but it's just like this - a relationship that come and go and I hope that I can keep it that way.
I somewhat disagree, your average Joe isn't really affected by these events that much, I mean, terrorist activities happened all over the EU (London, Paris....etc) and you didn't really see sharp declining in travelers cause of these attacks, and random shootings happens all the time in the US and people sill go.
So as long as the UAE stays relevant (low taxes, good banking, good activities...etc) people will still come to the UAE, or that's my opinion at least.

There is a big difference between other countries and UAE. UAE is not a transparent place and I don't know if you know anything about Gulf culture but the police force and military are historically complete cowards and no one is coming to try and help or save you as a guest of the emirates if things go pear shaped over there. At least in US and EU they have search and rescue and people that will run to an incident to try and help you. In UAE, which is nothing more than a third world country with stable electricity and glitzy buildings, good luck finding help from those desert nomads in a crisis.....lol. The Sheiks will be in their second homes in West London before a conflict even starts and those in military who are not foreign mercenaries will run for their lives just like Dubai rulers Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum ex-wife .

Also if explosions start going off in Dubai in random spots zero tax is not worth losing your life over. Your average Joe is not gonna want to live in a tax free war zone. Dubai is within spitting distance of Iran and UAE in general is no match for Iran and its drones and ballistic missiles. Not even the Saudi's could stop drone attacks on their oil facilities and US is not gonna wanna step in to help either of them other then sell them some more weapons.

P.S Its all hypothetical and highly unlikely there will ever be conflict as its a 100% sure loss for the UAE militarily and economically within 48hrs.
True, safety and tax free environment are the biggest factor of Dubai success.
Even smallest possibility of conflict Dubai will collapse in 48 minutes. Not in hours. Dubai never involve in any war in its history. Police and military establishment does not have any experience in it. The fighters jet and army are just "show off". Forget about army even future ruler prince fazza is "chocolate boy". He will cry like a baby when something bad happen in Dubai.

It is very unlikely anything wrong happen, but who knows???? Who can predict Soviet union collapse???

I think biggest problem is not external. But the internal , in future there will be problem between seven Emirates state. In pandemic , there were rumours that Dubai and Abu Dhabi relationship are not in good terms.
Reactions: MiddleEuroAsia
There is a big difference between other countries and UAE. UAE is not a transparent place
I know, we all know why a lot of expats are in the UAE and it's not because of it's transparency, UAE is as transparent as golf ball in a mud pool.
I mean what do you expect when most of your citizens are wealthy and most just join the military for the status, that's why you have Sudanese mercenaries work for the UAE, but the difference is that they do it out of need to provide for their families, they have no other choice.

and no, you will 100% get help from the UAE if s**t happens, but it won't be from the sheikhs, it will be from the south east Asians who work in these positions, and just like the sudanese - they will stay because they need to provide for their families. I can't disagree though that bin zayed and the rest of the crew will be chilling somewhere in Knightsbridge.
At least in US and EU they have search and rescue and people that will run to an incident to try and help you.
In the US, it doesn't help when you have an active shooting situation, and no thank you, I wouldn't like any help from the US police. US firefighters and EMS are fine, but I don't like some a*****e trying to make me dance around with confusing orders while I'm laying around anxious and injured, and would probably shoot first if I make any sudden mistake, the US police are a joke of a force.

and for some Americans, specially new Yorkers, yeah, I wouldn't expect any help from them.

For the EU, I agree that they will help, but again won't help much when a suicide bomber want to give you a warm hug.
I don't disagree, as I said earlier, my point was that these are individual events and your average Joe won't be affected by it that much, but if the UAE turned into the next Iraq of course no one will live on it
P.S Its all hypothetical and highly unlikely there will ever be conflict as its a 100% sure loss for the UAE militarily and economically within 48hrs.
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Just have an active exit plan if you live in the UAE.

And people can quote me on this. The evil Sheikhs over there will use foreigners as human shields in any conflict. Think Nino Brown picking up that little girl to protect himself in New Jack city. Then picture yourself being told to leave your apartment for safety reason and go and sit in basement of government buildings for the buildings protection.....excuse me for your protection.
I'm not saying Dubai is the best city in the world but way better than most EU countries and part of US. Some people really like Dubai bashing but the reality is different.

Check busiest airports in the world or most visited cities in the world. There is always Dubai. Those betting against Dubai will lose one more time
Reactions: troubled soul
If a drone strike hits Dubai airport and even a passenger plane it will be a game changer for Dubai. The emirate Sheikhs funding rebels in Yemen will bring the war home to UAE eventually and it will really hurt them.
Reactions: EuroKiss
If a drone strike hits Dubai airport and even a passenger plane it will be a game changer for Dubai.

Seems like I spoke too soon as Houthi's said they fired ballistic missiles at Dubai airport . UAE needs to make peace with Houthi's and expats need to get the hell away from that place asap and not wait and see if missiles start landing on their targets before making their decision. All flights will be grounded the minute a rocket hits the airport. And no carrier will fly into that airport either....lol.

P.S There is only one easy way out of Dubai and that is the airport that is being attacked .

Meanwhile Ruler of Dubai busy in designing "new luxury garden"

Yup he is preparing his bolt hole to flee too the minute UAE takes hard hits .
Reactions: troubled soul
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