Hide assets before marriage?

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Great points all around @hernanday.

In a way, this is somewhat similar to typical discussion we have in the forum:
"taxes in my country are awful and CRS will report me" -> "move to a tax-friendly country"

So now that we've established that western countries are awful with regards to marriage (and ofc with regards to tax and whatnot), this begs the question:

Which countries have GOOD marriage\divorce laws? And which ones combine BOTH friendly tax laws AND marriage laws.

It seems Monaco has great divorce laws, and 0% tax. But it's boring and not really for everyone.

Will be interesting to know if other friendly countries like Cyprus, Malaysia, Malta etc have also friendly marriage\divorce laws.
That certainly is a good question and it is where the next layer of the discussion needs to be.

I'm not sure if the answer is northern Europe like Sweden, Norway, etc. where women don't hit the lottery for divorcing but it is tax hell. Perhaps the middle east? I don't know what divorce law looks like in Malaysia, Malta, Cyprus, but I would like to know.

I think Texas has decent divorce laws and low taxes.
I'm not sure if the answer is northern Europe like Sweden, Norway, etc. where women don't hit the lottery for divorcing but it is tax hell. Perhaps the middle east?

Yes the middle east and Talaq is best
I'm just wondering why getting married if you don't want to share the shits... Just don't do it, it's easier and cheaper too.

Me and my GF have been together for more than 5 years and none of us want to get married because we feel we are OK just like now, we even emigrated together and started businesses together because we care more about those things. You don't need to be married to someone to proof that you really love her/him.

Also there are some countries where running a business is easier if none of both are tied legally, where we are living at this moment we are not allowed to make bills from one business to another one if the owners are married (funny thing ah?).

If you want sex pay for it (I haven't paid for sex and probably never will but everybody can do whatever they want) but if you love and trust her/him just don't get married, spend time together and be happy without the need of getting into a contract (marriage) because remember that sometimes people just get married because of external things like social pressure or stupid things like that.

But well... I could be wrong too haha.
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it's not about getting married, in many countries if you live together for 2+ years you are de facto married so she's entitled to 50% of your community property and even alimony (palimony).

The point is to protect yourself. Not every girl you date for 2-3 years deserves to get HALF YOUR s**t.

Seriously, saying "don't get married if you don't wanna give away half your s**t" is like saying "don't start a business if you don't wanna be taxed at 50%".
We are all here on this forum because we want to have the cake AND eat it. Otherwise we can just move to normal western country and pay 60%+ tax like any normal worker slave..
The point is to protect yourself. Not every girl you date for 2-3 years deserves to get HALF YOUR s**t.

Exactly I would check local laws very carefully if living unmarried to a woman you don't ever intend to marry. You want to make sure that if the relationship finishes she gets to keep nothing from you not even your damn phone number.
it's not about getting married, in many countries if you live together for 2+ years you are de facto married so she's entitled to 50% of your community property and even alimony (palimony).

Here that law doesn't exists so is not an issue for me. Just live in a country where you don't need to care about stupid laws like that because as you said, we don't need to live in a normal western country.

Exactly I would check local laws very carefully if living unmarried to a woman you don't ever intend to marry. You want to make sure that if the relationship finishes she gets to keep nothing from you not even your damn phone number.

We already did it, that's why we know we can deduct costs/give money from one business to another one without issues since we are not married... Also I have to admit that if the relationship ends I will be the one wanting to take half of the money since she has a lot more than me haha
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Yeah, you are wrong regarding most things you wrote, but hey, everyone has a different view on life, marriage and money and that is fine.

Regarding OP, if you have lots of money and you are scared of losing it, just go and see your lawyer. There is also a thing called prenup *secret
The more I read these laws, I think you are just better off to marry a rich woman/heiress. You stand to lose nothing and gain everything. Unless she tries to whack you for divorce to avoid paying off money to you.
Problem with these heiresses tend to marry fellow loaded fat cats most of the time. And yes getting whacked is a possibility. But all in all, i do agree one should tuck their assets away if you can before marriage such that bitch doesnt get granted half your wealth after two yrs of marriage if things go south or however long. She aint gettin nothing!
I agree, they typically do, but even if you find a woman who earns a little more or just comes from a decently rich family, you'd be alright.
I agree, they typically do, but even if you find a woman who earns a little more or just comes from a decently rich family, you'd be alright.
Indeed cause most laws are biased. I've seen it , men bear the brunt, woman takes 3 quaters of the your wealth if not more because say you have kids with her. So she gets half your wealth then awarded more cause of the kids etc. Its bulshit, look at Ray Parlour he lost everything in his divorce, thats just one. Even Ian wright lost everything. These were two Arsenal footballers
Its bulshit, look at Ray Parlour he lost everything in his divorce, thats just one. Even Ian wright lost everything. These were two Arsenal footballers

Yup even Paul McCartney stupidly married that 1 legged chick Heather Mills. Who would imagine a 1 legged chick would turn out to be a serious gold digger. She wanted to $250m settlement but luckily he got away with giving her much less. Look at some of what she initially requested. i.e

----- start quote

He called many of Mills’ financial-support requests—including proposed yearly budgets of more than $400,000 for private flights, $80,000 for wine and $250,000 for clothes—”ridiculous,” as well as “unreasonable, indeed exorbitant.”

----- end quote

Forget it you must protect yourself from such gold diggers. Nobody expects to get divorced or believes there wife is a gold digger but believe me be prepared.
Rich women don't marry down. They don't marry poor men unless they themselves are very old and ugly and the man is young and hot. Jeremy Meeks as an example. Are you Jeremy Meeks tier? Didn't think so.
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Rich women don't marry down. They don't marry poor men unless they themselves are very old and ugly and the man is young and hot. Jeremy Meeks as an example. Are you Jeremy Meeks tier? Didn't think so.
Most of them do marry normal income men, but you are going to have date down like Jeremy Meeks did, he dated a girl who was like a 5/10 or 6/10 and he is an 8-9. So if you are a 7 or a 6 male, you might have to date a 6 or 5 rich woman in terms of looks.

Jeremy Meeks and Chloe Green (billionaire heiress)

Do you really think she has a lineup of rich hot men wanting to date her, if she did, she would be dating a broke "hawt" felon. Most men don't give a s**t how much money a woman has, or how rich she is, so its not the same attractiveness being a rich woman as it is for a man.

By the time these women hit 30, they get so scared of being alone and getting no one, they are no longer in a position to be the choosers like they were at 21 or 19. When they are 31 the men are choosing them and picking and turning down, things reverse and the women start doing the chasing, hence the whole cougar phenomena. Ironically Paris Hilton ended up being one of these women, last I heard, she is still single. She almost married that near broke dude Chris Zylka.

Almost no man is marrying a woman for her money, so she better have something else going for her besides money and looks unless they want to end up like Paris Hilton with fading looks, drying womb, and almost 40 and never married and no kids.

If a man truly wants to marry rich, he can't be looking for 19,21, 25, 29 year old women, he needs to be looking at women in their 30s who are single and never married and rich. At that point, any "cawk" will do.
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Paul McCartney and the single legged skank is a bad example because he didn't do a pre-nup... So honestly he deserves it for being an idiot
I suspect pre-nups were not enforceable when he married her. UK top courts only recognized them in 2010.
Plus, prenups don't help guys with income streams over the course of the marriage generally, you need to be rich first and put that money into a separate property that doesn't touch martial property ever (which is easy in theory but hard in practice to achieve) for the prenup to work.

Even when your prenup does work. Courts still use equity to try to harm you. For instance, if Paul put his music income into a segregate fund and separate property that never touched martial property, and lets say it was worth $200 million. And lets say he put $50 million into maritial assets like house, cars, property, etc. Court will say Paul, you have $200 million in separate property. Dumb skank has $0. Your $200 million cannot be touched, but we can count it for purposes of equitable property distribution. So ideally we'd do $250/2 =$125 million each, so her equitable share will be all of the martiial assets = $50 million. Well now she is short of $75 million in equity. Ok, Paul, you make $20 million a year. $15 million after tax. Ok Paul, you going to pay your wife $75 million over the next 6 years to get her into an equitable position, or $12.5 million a year. This is the kind of crap the courts pull to get around prenups. Your $200 million "Wasn't" touched, but the practical effect of having to give 83% of your income over to your ex-wife over 6 years is the same. That is why many people have concluded the pre-nups are basically worthless.

And don't even come back and claim you will just claim your income was 0 or just the interest on the $200 million. The courts will order an audit of your lifestyle, and draw a conclusion of your income based on your spending and not your actual reporting. So if you are paying $10 million a year in your lifestyle maintenance while reporting no income, they will say you have a functional income of $10 million and order alimony based off of that.

The family court is a woman's court, it will basically use the principal of equity to bend the law, break the law, or twist the law in the favour of women. It is not democratic except in a few tax hell countries like Norway, Iceland, northern europe etc.
You think the law is on the side of the guys in Norway? Perhaps you haven't heard about Barnevernet - https://www.thelocal.com/20150512/norways-child-welfare-slammed-by-swedish-press

Almost no man is marrying a woman for her money, so she better have something else going for her besides money and looks unless they want to end up like Paris Hilton with fading looks, drying womb, and almost 40 and never married and no kids.
I completely agree, perhaps it is not politically correct but historical data and studies show exactly this... Guys have no problems marrying "down" if the girl is pretty / nice / whatever. Girls want to marry in the same social group or marry "up" and they are waiting for a prince that will come on a white horse for them.

Maybe it is not completely true in some countries (think Iceland, Sweden... which were already mentioned) but majority of the world works like this and it is even more extreme in developing countries like China and India.

Rich women don't marry down. They don't marry poor men unless they themselves are very old and ugly and the man is young and hot.
I think this is actually an extremely difficult situation that I do not envy them - you are a woman and you happen to be attractive, successful and very rich, maybe you are also very ambicious. Then you hope you will meet someone that matches your level - but 99 % of guys don't so one day you may turn 40 and realize your life is fucked up.

Just a side note - I'm not a very big fan of "marriage" as a state institute or even worse a religious institute. If I want to live with someone, I don't need state's permission or I don't want the state to dictate whether gay people can marry etc... Of course marriage can function as an "insurance" for the wife but that seems somewhat wrong to me
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