Help to locate a very interesting bank, which someone with a lot of money had mentioned very excitedly


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Feb 4, 2024
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Here is the story to give context, it turns out that 1 month ago I was invited to a very luxurious restaurant and while I was there I could notice a man who clearly was not a nobody and was talking to another person but suddenly he mentioned that He had paid €5,000 to a trusted tax advisor and told him to open a bank account in a much more special bank than others. Later he began to describe the benefits of that bank so I started listening to that conversation and what He said about that bank it would be this

: which of course is offshore
: does not participate in the Common Reporting Standard
: guarantees your deposits with audited gold in its reserves and barely participates in the fractional reserve
: you can deposit and withdraw in cryptos
: you can also buy through him, btc without kyc
: be able to make any incoming or outgoing bank transfer without apparent limits
: you can open it online from many parts of the world

Does anyone have any idea what it would be? the man was quite excited
Disneyland bank.

how do you recognize such men?
I repeat, the restaurant was truly luxurious and the guy looked quite superb and with very luxurious suits, now regardless of that, the important thing is, does anyone have the slightest idea which bank that could be? or references from similar banks?
I repeat, the restaurant was truly luxurious and the guy looked quite superb and with very luxurious suits,
It really means nothing... (in our context)
now regardless of that,
Yes, let's put it aside.
the important thing is, does anyone have the slightest idea which bank that could be? or references from similar banks?
Well, I am afraid that any bank fulfilling all the points above simply does not exist. Nowadays.
It could also be that the person who talked about this fantastic bank might have fabricated a story to entice the counterpart into something in exchange for payment. I completely agree with @Forester, I don't believe such a bank exists - for powerful individuals, 5000 EURO is what they spend in a fraction of a second and it doesn't affect them at all, so I don't believe it would be mentioned at all during such a conversation.
Reactions: jafo
I wouldn't take him as someone with real "power" but as someone with quite a bit of solvency, that was my impression.

However, he really seemed excited about it, although assuming that not all of the advantages of that bank were real, I have the feeling that there is something similar

I should look more, I guess I should first filter between banks that have ambiguous CSR, although it will be complicated
Hogwarts bank. They have a branch at Kings Cross station, platform 9 3/4.
Reactions: intlman
Guys, I'm serious, and no, I wasn't hallucinating half drunk or something like that, at this point I'm tempted to believe that there may be something at least similar, only it's more hidden from the masses and maybe opaque.
Guys, I'm serious, and no, I wasn't hallucinating half drunk or something like that, at this point I'm tempted to believe that there may be something at least similar, only it's more hidden from the masses and maybe opaque.
Perhaps its the Kingdom Bank?

Hold your funds safe - We are a full reserve bank so 100% of your funds are kept in the bank with the perfect blend of banking, technology experience

got to be legit....
I had an anonym contact back in 2013 who was an advisor for VERY high ranked peopel (Davos) and mentioned a bank in the arabic world which

: guarantees your deposits with audited gold in its reserves and barely participates in the fractional reserve
:be able to make any incoming or outgoing bank transfer without apparent limits
: you can open it online from many parts of the world

In 2013 there was of course no crypto with banks or CRS reporting so i can't say if it fits or not but he told me the wealthy are using that bank where their fiat is secured 1:1 with physical gold and that at that time the minimum deposit was 500k Euro.The forum were some important information was shared was first attacked by psyops and later closed so i lost contact to him.
I tried to find it myself but never had luck anyone else hearing about it even on this forum.

I remember i even asked FRED about this bank
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Reactions: jafo
Guys, I'm serious, and no, I wasn't hallucinating half drunk or something like that, at this point I'm tempted to believe that there may be something at least similar, only it's more hidden from the masses and maybe opaque.
Im pretty sure it exists at the designated location ive mentioned, however I have no idea how to access it.
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