I was offered a payment processor whose bank resides in Guatemala for USA clients.
Its a 3D processor and 70% approval rate is claimed.
Whats the "thing" with 3Ds providers? At least in my experience not being from a developed country... cards in a 3Ds processor simply dont work even if the bank support it. Does that approval ratio for USA clients look real? What other cons should I expect?
I was also told that they being in Guatemala, and not Asia for example is better for approval rates.. but i thought that customer banks wouldnt care about that, or is it because along with the descriptor they will see the country name?
Otherwise what advantage can a Guatemala bank have with the payment processor?
Its a 3D processor and 70% approval rate is claimed.
Whats the "thing" with 3Ds providers? At least in my experience not being from a developed country... cards in a 3Ds processor simply dont work even if the bank support it. Does that approval ratio for USA clients look real? What other cons should I expect?
I was also told that they being in Guatemala, and not Asia for example is better for approval rates.. but i thought that customer banks wouldnt care about that, or is it because along with the descriptor they will see the country name?
Otherwise what advantage can a Guatemala bank have with the payment processor?