

New member
Nov 13, 2023
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Wonderful site where I can get answers to almost all the questions I have encountered, I wish I had known about this site 5 years ago.

I will introduce myself, although I am not a public person
I have several projects in different high risk topics, including filesharing.
I was looking for a payment gateway for a long time, now I have one solution that I have been working with for more than 2 years.
If interested - please contact me, I will pass your contact and get a referral fee, as long as this payment gateway does not know about this site.
Welcome aboard, enjoy your stay and be happy you found it now
Welcome to the wonderful world of OCT
I'm having trouble with Skype again
who wrote to the old skype and didn't get a reply, write to the new one.
Current contacts below
Dm me or Skype live:.cid.a7bb1d9930deb43a
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