Hello! I need some advice.

You're an illegal immigrant but don't want to infringe the law with regards to making money online? lol
Sounds funny right? It's very complicated. I've been living in Spain for 17 years. So I want to know how can I do this. If I am in the wrong place asking questions I should find another human being with more feelings in another platform. Thanks for your time.
Reactions: jafo
Just to be on the safe side and avoid confusion...
You started living in Spain when you were 17 or you have been living in Spain for 17 years?

The latter would mean that you arrived in Spain when you were 8 years old, correct? Also, if the latter, it explains a lot of things.

How have you been earning an income e.g. in these last 7 years (2016-2023)?
If your case has not only been cash but you also have access to a financial institution (FI) e.g. local bank, why can't your affiliate marketing company send you money to your FI?

Also, how's your "relationship" with Hacienda?
Reactions: wellington
Hello! I've been living in Spain for 17 years.
I was working in different places getting paid in hand for this 7 years. I am not doing any affiliate programs yet because I want to do it right. I don't have a FI in Spain because of my situation I am not allowed.
That's why I have managed to open a bank account in Belgium with my Russian passport.
My relationship with Hacienda is not existent.
That's why I am asking. If I start a financial activity in Spain how can I do affiliate marketing legally with my Belgium bank account. Is there a limit of earnings since which Hacienda start to look into you. If that happens I am doomed.
How can I do affiliate marketing legally while living in Spain, being a Russian citizen and having a Bank account based in Belgium.
I know, it's complicated. That's why I am looking for guidance.
Thank you !
Unrelated to the actual question but if you've lived in Spain for 17 years, I'm pretty sure there are ways to get some kind of residency. With Arraigo Social for example, my friend became a legal resident after overstaying his student visa for 1 year longer. You just need to prove to them you've been in Spain for more than 2 years in whatever way possible (like no passport stamps & store purchase receipts etc). Definitely talk to a lawyer to know the options u have. Unless you don't want to become a resident legally for whatever reason?
Reactions: jafo
I also think this is the easiest, cheapest, and fastest.

If he can get this done, this is a wonderful idea.
Every local nominee I talk to, says "Yes I hope you find someone willing to marry you"
And being a refugee is not an option for Russians, only for Ukrainian people. I know I asked several times to several people including a lawyer.
Small correction (which shouldn't matter in your case) it's 3 years for Arraigo Social but 2 years for Arraigo de formacion. My friend did the latter. You just need a +2y padron, no exit stamps on ur passport (a fresh new passport is fine, they don't check with national police if you actually left the country or not) and some random store receipts are also a good plus.
Reactions: jafo
Have you tried Arraigo Social as @OffChance above mentioned?

Source: Arraigo Social en España: Guía Completa Para 2023 (Actualizada)
Thanks for your integrity. The thing is that I am deported as well so all my legal record in Spain has been erased by law. Now I am starting from zero. For doing arraigo social y have to be working legally for six months a year with all the stipulations of a fair worker which costs to the employer more or less 1500€ a month plus the salary which is a similar number. A few people do that because it's expensive. That's why I want to make money online and do affiliate marketing because I can make very engaging content for products. And also I can work as a virtual assistant which seems to be easier but maybe not unless I get paid in hand. Or in some other way. Since I have become aware that nobody can really help me. I am thankful for your time, interest and humanness.
My best Regards.

But I need money in the mean time you know, to buy groceries and rent a place.
Reactions: jafo
What about Arraigo de formacion?
What about Arraigo de formacion?
The thing about that is that after you finish your studies ,your arraigo is cut down. And I will need time to study, a work to live and also the falsity to study something I ma not interested in. As a matter of fact I have explored my academic possibilities and I am not interested in anything. But thanks for your concern.
Reactions: OffChance
This is just a suggestion so you can be a legal resident and freely open bank accounts, you don't have to actually study. I believe my friend got 1y Arraigo de formacion residency and is "taking" some 3 weeks course just to get it over with.
Reactions: Megazor27
This is just a suggestion so you can be a legal resident and freely open bank accounts, you don't have to actually study. I believe my friend got 1y Arraigo de formacion residency and is "taking" some 3 weeks course just to get it over with.
That actually helpful, but what if I have to demonstrate that I came to Spain this year and my latest stamp on my passport is of 2018 with my old Spanish ID number Wich now is banned? I mean If I go loud in the system,they might f*** me up really nicely,you know what I mean? And I don't want to be sent to Russian and be compelled to take lives.
"For the country "
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