Have 200K EURO to invest in crypto, what coin would you place them in?

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Don't put all of them into a single coin obviously but I'd look into Radixdlt.com.

I have been following them since 2014 and after 10 years if development they release the smart contracts main net in September.

Hype is dead now but the innovation seems insane, it's a layer one.

So even if it doesn't kill ETH which I doubt anyone would do soon, if the next bull run they have the same success Solana had the last bull run, I could see 30-50X against BTC. Or if now it's trading at 5 cents 2 to 10 dollars in two years seems possible.

Marketing is what concerns me as I said, DYOR but in terms of ready product things look serious. If you could throw 15% of your portfolio there it could get tasty and also very safe to invest now.

Price at 180 satoshi against BTC, historical support which had been broken only once in the past. That being said I expect it to start taking off at least for a short term pump the next 2 weeks or so because of the upcoming launch (most likely price will dump right around launch at least mid term).
People will be disapointed from BTC performance.
Also plan holding up to till end of 2026 if you choose alts

What always comes when new technology is being implemented ?
A big crash see dot com bubble.Holding till 2030....?thank you but i'll pass
I have to agree with you on this. Many in the end will be disappointed with BTC performance. First of something doesn't mean better.

If you don't know what you're doing just DCA into blue chips like BTC, ETH, SOL, ARB, LINK in the next 6 months or buy index of top 30 like JohnnyDoe said.
You included SOL and LINK, but left out DOT and ADA, interesting. Everyone's pushing the coins they own
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This forum has provided me with a wealth of information across various subjects. I'd like to share my perspective on cryptocurrency, acknowledging that my insights might be fallible. However, I'll do my best to articulate my strategy clearly.

To begin, it's important to note that altcoins are not suited for long-term investments. Holding onto them for over a year is generally not advisable. Altcoins are primarily designed for speculative purposes, with the aim of generating quick profits. They don't represent new paradigms or groundbreaking innovations; such narratives are often misleading.

The fundamental question arises: what purpose do most altcoins truly serve? To be frank, they often lack substantial utility.

Altcoins are primarily instruments for speculation. It's prudent not to develop strong attachments to any particular altcoin. Their primary function lies in the potential for rapid profit accumulation.

Regarding trading strategies, need to follow one, find your's, could be also a common and straightforward approach involves employing a widely-used indicator, such as the 14-day RSI (Relative Strength Index). Buying during oversold conditions and selling during overbought conditions can be an effective method.

I strongly advise against blindly following the online community or Twitter opinions. Much of the discourse in these spaces is often unsubstantiated. For instance, consider the XRP Army, which consistently touts announcements and partnerships. Despite the hype, the recent partial resolution of the SEC trial led to a less than 50% price increase. Some Twitter enthusiasts predicted XRP reaching $100, yet it remains stagnant at $0.63.

It's worth acknowledging that XRP could potentially surge to $5 or more in the future. Nevertheless, it's crucial to recognize the risks and uncertainties associated with such investments.

Many altcoins currently trade at 90% to 99% below their all-time highs (ATH). The question arises: is it rational to invest in assets that have experienced such substantial losses?

Consider Solana, often praised for its technological advancements. However, a comparative analysis with Ethereum (ETH) might reveal surprising discrepancies.

Are you really looking to invest in such stuff? This is the new era of tech?

Investing in such endeavors warrants careful consideration. It's also vital to discuss the concept of "halving." Reflecting on 2016 and 2020, numerous altcoins faced challenges, with several undergoing significant changes. Dash, once highly discussed in 2016, has largely faded from prominence.

The forthcoming halving presents uncertainties regarding the altcoins that will flourish and those that will falter. Placing your wallet in the current top 10 market cap altcoins may seem unwise, given their substantial ATH losses and history.

Examine the two snapshots provided. If you had invested in the majority of altcoins depicted, your current position would likely entail substantial losses.

Additionally, it's essential to contemplate a crucial factor: a significant number of individuals who entered the market at its peak are patiently waiting for their coins to regain a semblance of their former value before deciding to sell.

Consider the scenario where you purchased a coin that has since depreciated by 80% from its original value. Any price surge would likely trigger a surge in selling activity as numerous investors seek to recoup their initial investments.

Thus, a prudent approach involves employing altcoins for speculative purposes. Engage with newly-created ones, purchase during RSI oversold conditions (like ARB), and promptly sell when RSI indicates overbought conditions.

Kindly refrain from fixating on the notion of achieving 1000% gains; those novelty "pepe" coins are real trash. A respectable outcome lies in the range of 40%, and even a 20% gain should be deemed satisfactory.

The mentioned instances serve merely as illustrations; it's important not to blindly emulate them. Crafting a reliable strategy necessitates a broader evaluation beyond just relying on RSI indicator, I'm mentioning it just for undestanding a strategy. Other factors should also be thoroughly examined.

Now, shifting the focus to two standout projects: BTC and ETH. While BTC may face criticisms of centralization and cost, it remains resilient and consistently generates results.

Contrary to sensationalized narratives predicting astronomical valuations, a more grounded perspective suggests BTC's halving growth may resemble that of LTC, indicating a range of $25,000 to $40,000. But hey no one really knows, the important here is to have a strategy not to think on the gain.

Moreover, it is imperative to exercise caution when relying on online communities also to those focused on BTC. These BTC communities frequently comprise individuals with $2,000 investments, extolling their newfound financial independence.

Those with a significant grasp of financial matters do not unreservedly embrace prevailing narratives; instead, they arrive at judicious conclusions through meticulous examination.

Adopting a mindset of restrained anticipation is also a prudent approach in any trading endeavor. Consider, for instance, the unexpected achievement of new all-time highs for the SP500 and Nasdaq this year. Such an outcome appeared improbable, given the prevailing macroeconomic conditions.

A viable strategy revolves around "following the money." As capital continues to flow into the crypto realm for various reasons, the discussion naturally centers around BTC, ETH, and stablecoins.

Also take into account the timing of your entry. While the timing is inherently uncertain, the current period appears to be marked by an even greater level of unpredictability. Stock markets have exhibited an exceptional performance, and cryptocurrency has recently diverged from mirroring stock trends. Forecasts suggest a potential downturn in the stock market.

Pose yourself the question: if the SP500 retraces, how might BTC respond? Will it follow suit or display resistance?

Our ongoing experience is characterized by evolving scenarios. Investing lacks a steadfast set of rules, yet we can endeavor to develop a mindset conducive to making informed decisions within this dynamic landscape.

For long-term investors, a prudent approach involves diversifying across BTC, ETH, and perhaps engaging in selective altcoin trading for profit, devoid of emotional attachments.

I hope these insights prove beneficial to the forum.
I have been in crypto since 2011. 'Invested' in various tokens during that time, sold ETH @ 14$ or 7$ when that fake car accident of Vitalik was announced, let MTGox steal all my BTC, mined on 2 PC in 2011 and lost that passwords, and lots of other dramas. Look at all that promoted highflying better-tech tokens from years ago, they are all drifting somewhere lower than ever, with no chance of ever coming back.

My advice is: BTC or ETH only, if you don't want to lose money long term. Put 5% of that money into speculative tokens if you must, keep a trailing stop on them, if you really want to speculate.
If you want to improve your return, buy around September - October 2023, when that supposed last bottom comes. Or dollar average now.

My own strategy right now?

1. holding majority of tokens on hard wallet as BTC/ETH
2. getting 14% on a large amount USDT on NEXO until September, before putting it into 3.
3. Wheel strategy on BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT - making money in the sideway market by selling puts on BTC and ETH and selling the BTC / ETH when assigned. Makes me between 3-7% per month right now. Will stop doing that when halving happens, and just hold then until late 2025.

If I were you, I'd keep selling puts on either BTC or ETH instead of buying straight. You'll be doing better than just purchasing BTC or ETH as long as there isn't a sharp move up.
Or at least DCA, don't buy all now.
If you don't know what you're doing just DCA into blue chips like BTC, ETH, SOL, ARB, LINK in the next 6 months or buy index of top 30 like JohnnyDoe said.
Interesting selection, why Arbitrum and Chainlink, what drives demand to coin itself? very little actual usage of oracles, and very little gas fees or whatever ARB and SOL are used for (both are gas coins correct? SOL is better because people will buy other coins and NFTs with SOL, but what are the usage or ARB/OPT/MATIC I never really understood the layer-2s, is it also for buying into 'other' coins on layer-2 chain or for what? ETH for example is gas coin and gas is expensive, so if network is used, there's real demand for ETH all the time, but not sure about the other ones where fees are low, could you share some insights on the topic? I'm into gaming tokens mostly, like ILV, AURY, MBS, but only because they'll be actually used in the game and that's why tied directly to 'possible' game popularity in the future, for example Star Atlas is in the Epic store already so when they release they can gain some traction if it's a good game).

but who will enforce that the 'assigned' world currency is being used on a daily basis in that country? there is no way to make independent countries use a 3rd party currency system if they don't want, people might still decide to use their own currency for daily operations and keep a secondary exchange rate to the 'official' currency (even if it was somehow enforced, military or politically) isn't it?
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You have 2 coins to consider:
1. BTC
2. ETH

I'm not a financial advisor, just like the majority of people here. My money is almost 100% on BTC, and that would be my advice to. If you want to go a little bit outside the BTC realm, look at ETH, and never go beyond the top 20 market cap, unless you know what you're doing or you like to gamble.
One usually doesn't decide to get killed, but gets killed by outside forces (or lifestyle).
But I gladly trade in a long life for a good life, one with lots of joy and experiences and no regrets.
Seriously: in 2050 I'll be >70 years old.
I'll not have that much desires to fund with my wealth then anymore, it's more fun with girls at the beach when you are young and without a walking cane, and they like you for who you are and not how much you have. Probably I'll rather became a sanyassa or just embrace 'ubasute' if I am still there in the future dystopian world.
Reactions: jafo and Mercury
I'll not have that much desires to fund with my wealth then anymore
You would be surprised. I work with a LOT of old people. Much older than 70 and they are BEASTS! Just watch the 2023 annual meeting of Berkshire Hathaway. Charlie is 99 and Warren is 92/93. - These two are NOT going out willingly!
it's more fun with girls at the beach when you are young and without a walking cane, and they like you for who you are and not how much you have
#FACTS! I did ALL this! A few old men inculcated this in my head since I was a child and during my teen years and it's SO TRUE! I'm glad I did, but if I could do it again, I would do it WITHOUT the romantic part. It's TOO f*cking draining! I couldn't "help" ANY of those girls get out of their own way. Of course, the characteristics I search for in girls are purely physical & superficial, so I'm not surprised that all these girls were superficial too. So many self-sabotage and destructive personalities. I started referring to them as suicide bombers! I actually started to write a book called "Defusing the Suicide Bomber in Her", which is just a compendium of adages I put together from my encounters with them. I'm not even close to finishing as I'm on page 34, but I suck at articulating my thoughts.
Maybe when I am less busy, I'll finish it.
You don't need to defuse anything
Best you can do is to hit and run!
Don't stick around. You don't have to marry and start a family just because everyone is doing it.
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