Hamas vs Israel

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Reactions: polonieth and Don

Suppose a lot to be given back. May be half Italy is arabian. Infografics don't tell the story. And there is a lot to be said. And USSR skewed the hole narrative. I would say what's said by the Russian\USSR government is usually the opposite of trueth.
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what a waste of time and life... there is no value in arguing over politics, states, governments, nations and historical wrongdoings

there is the never ending and ubiquitous power projections game happening all around, always was and always will be - humans and their social structures and constructs are not any different from natural competition over resources seen on every possible level

humans are the only species having enough mental capacity to be able to avoid physical violence and transfer this unavoidable power projection game to the abstract world of money and capitalism... yet here we are, failing and blaming
Russian Forum.
So what

Russia taking Russian land = bad. Russians = terrorists, Azov = freedom fighters.
Israel taking Palestinian land = good. Israeli = religion freedom fighters, Hamas = terrorists.
Western channel
Russia taking Russian land = bad. Russians = terrorists, Azov = freedom fighters.
Israel taking Palestinian land = good. Israeli = religion freedom fighters, Hamas = terrorists.
Western hypocrisy
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The Russian narrative. So?
Yes. And?

If that's so - just go and take everything back. It should be easy. And everyone who lives on those lands should agree with you.
General Dynamics/Lockheed Martin/Raytheon.
Yes, but besides that. I've been buying those since an early age when a VWO Natuurkunde (Physics) professor forced me to read:
"War is a Racket" was first published in 1935. General Butler was the most decorated American soldier of his time. He had lead several successful military operations in the Caribbean and in Central America, as well as in Europe during the First World War. Despite his success and his heroic status, however, Butler came away from these experiences with a deeply troubled view of both the purpose and the results of warfare.

PS. It's best to avoid this book unless someone is really into details. It's a very troubling book and can easily lead someone over the depression bridge. It's sad. Too much misery. Too much evilness. In a few words, I can summarize this book: Those who seek war should first perish in war!

buy real estates in their new home for cheap
I have real estate trauma! I don't have the personality for it. I, physically, fly off the handle too quickly, and that can only lead to two things: Life in prison or death. I'm NOT much of a fan of either. I'm petrified of putting myself in a situation where I can reasonably "predict", with great accuracy, its negative outcome for me.

Anything else where we can profit that causes me less stress?
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Profit ? Look towards the elections this year - next year early in the west

They’ve imported so many Muslims that it’s changed their voting bases - outnumbering Jewish votes which was in some countries one of their optical points.

So dependent on the noise and vocalization take a bet on which way they will lean and what way the country will go - for example in the UK entire swathes of major cities are pretty much Muslim majority so they have major away in local through to national politics and show a great interest internationally for their religious brothers etc

Much like how
Florida / NY Jews had a lot of sway in the US elections until 2016
Reactions: jafo