Government Can Freeze and Confiscate ‘Unexplained Wealth’ At Will, According to Newly Passed Rules in EU – Here’s How

Happens all the time in the US, will happen in the UK/EU.
Switzerland is a EU Vassal state now..... it's in a worse position than the UK...

Hence the sanctions aspect, then the gross violation of direct democracy (2018 not to bail out banks in the future).
In regard of the UK im puzzled.
Just recently I got notice by a crypto exchange which started to severely restrict actions one can do there like no leverage, no lending and such. Seems UK goes the way of the EU even faster.
Reactions: jafo

I agree. Having such power is wrong as it only takes one rogue government coming to power for it to be misused.

One can only dread what this will turn into.

You got 1930's Germany to serve as an example as to what it could turn into .
P.S People should think very carefully about the direction of the EU. History will repeat itself and this time you maybe in the group affected politically, ideologically, socially or economically etc.
Guys I have had to delete some off topic post and replies to off topic post. Please keep to topic thx
Reactions: JohnLocke
Banks ... the newest battlefield in the war of governments vs. the individual:


I'm beginning to think I really do not want a bank account.
At all.

And starting to wonder how to get along without any bank account.
(Maybe impossible, but starting to wonder anyway.)
Reactions: incognitbro