Government Can Freeze and Confiscate ‘Unexplained Wealth’ At Will, According to Newly Passed Rules in EU – Here’s How

So what are people 'fighting for', or even 'dying for', they should just sell up and move to where the opportunity exists (latin america, asia, east africa etc.

Couldn't agree more. People should just get the hell out before its too late.

As for Ukraine, imagine dying for that - basically dying in a pool of your own blood and s**t for US institutional wealth ~ f**k that.

That's why fighting age Ukrainian men are not gonna go back to Ukraine any time soon to become cannon fodder for an authoritarian regime as Klitschko describes it.
this is the end of black money and the beginning for even more corruption in the world.

It will be the greatest triumph in the history of mankind, as governments all over the world will gain total control and disenfranchisement of every individual's rights, self-determination, and life. It is grotesque to stand as a spectator and watch. Thankfully, I am old enough that I will not feel it - but my children will become slaves to a world that will consist of stupid people from a TikTok generation - they will let themselves be governed by children in governments to whom they have blind trust. Damn, what a world.
If one looks at where it has been tried, its not working out. It will be the downfall of the current ruling structure.
Reactions: wellington and jafo
I am old enough that I will
Not sure how old you are, but depending on your age, there is a LOT you can do to bring 'remorse into the hearts of unproductive dastardly self-appointed parasitic gang members under the ruse of "government"'.

PS. I'm not there yet, but in 30 years, I'll be at that ripe age to make a lot of them regret their life choices. I'm making a list, and checking it twice...

Reactions: JohnLocke
the hearts of unproductive dastardly self-appointed parasitic gang members under the ruse of "government"'.
At least it's not as bad as in China!
Reactions: jafo
I am VERY familiar with this case and this guy.... he's a real POS scam artist! He ripped off the little gullible people in China! When you see these nation traitors...that target their own birth nations & countrymen with scams....WATCH OUT! China should have executed him!
They have been after this guy since 2007 (when I was first told to stay clear of him)

The guy was and STILL is a complete POS! I rather not get into it to avoid giving too much info.

¥1.2 trillion yuan? Like WTF???

Do you know how much that is? That is +€157 BILLION!
Goddamn! This level of Western gullibility BS is beyond my level of tolerability! You all believe everything you read without doing the math??? As a European, I am appalled at this level of gullibility! No wonder the refugees/migrants think they can invade without any repercussions!

The maximum he was worth was $6 billion (¥42.6)

I ask you politely...if you are going to try to spread these untruths or just throw unvetted rumors out there, please do NOT do them in areas that are MY circle of competence!

PS. Just so you know, the Chinese people prefer investment in real estate (their stock market is put it nicely ... "subpar"). Xiao took little people's hard-earned money in exchange for a promise to build them a home. He then just absconded with the life savings and invested (part of) the money in public companies. Many Chinese committed suicide instead of losing face with their family and dealing with the shame.
I think you need to look at the world like this.

The world (West) is moving towards Socialism on steroids, which is borderline communism in some respects, and worse collectivism for themselves.

If you are willing to take a bullet to a head, a rope to the neck, the cold dark floors of a prison and take the keys to the grave knowing your kids can extract them in a safer environment.

Then crypto is the way, gold is the way.

Everything else, land, homes, cash, reserves etc are not the way, that also means living a frugal life because anything and everything can be taken under circumstances that do not follow the common law, rule of law, but constructs.

The laws/rules were manipulated, bastardised towards state theft, the same is happening in the West.

The same now occurring in the West has occurred in the East, the South, countless times, their people fled to our lands because of such and now it's come to our lands and you have to act like they did to preserve and pass on and provide the means of flight to those around you, that means or could mean self-sacrifice.

You can of-course opt out by moving abroad, outside of the West, and eventually obtaining an alternative citizenship, and eventually ceasing a Western citizenship when the time hits its no return for yourself and your family.

Every excuse against this thinking has been made obsolete from education through to health by the actions of Western states and the decay that is escalating, that's my opinion and my life is spent looking at data and impact, there is no return.
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Okay, with that video, one actually hits the bullseye in 2024 in our perpetual discussion about Tax Authorities and their interference in our earned fortunes. SantaTax is probably the new term for this socialist mafia gang.

It's funny, it gives Santa Claus a whole new meaning, a metaphorical meaning.
Reactions: jafo and wellington
The world (West) is moving towards Socialism on steroids, which is borderline communism in some respects, and worse collectivism for themselves.
Just for the sake of argument and since you profess to be a data guy, if you look at wealth inequality over the last 50 years and the way base rate and taxes have gone down / eroded. What do you see? Do you see a sudden push into "socialism" as you call it, or mean-reversion? How are we even close to socialism on steroids when wealth is more unequally distributed than during the Victorian times?

Also, generally the constellation of Western governments are not looking to turn private business into a government owned sector. Yes, tax rates are increasing, but that is not socialism in itself. I wonder where your conviction of "socialism on steroids" comes from.

A dirty guy for sure, but kidnapping him from Hong Kong, if it were to happen in the EU, would have you spamming threads about it all across this forum for sure. I just find it funny people in this thread hate socialism but advocate for China which is literally led by communists. I am not saying China is poorly managed, or on the brink of disaster, but it's far from a free country however you slice or dice it. It can confiscate and freeze wealth with much more freedom than the EU can, for starters.

You can of-course opt out by moving abroad, outside of the West, and eventually obtaining an alternative citizenship, and eventually ceasing a Western citizenship when the time hits its no return for yourself and your family.
Personally I am considering this, especially cause war might be on the card in a couple of years. But it is difficult to predict, especially the future. People severely underestimate the impact of climate change on the SEA-region imo. One could argue the West is the West mostly due to its temperate climate.

"79% of the world's population lives in countries closer to the equator than Japan, but only 31% of the world's GDP is located there. In other words, the world's most antipodal 21% of the population produces 69% of the world's GDP."

That is data right there, and with temperatures increasing evermore, not data you want to scoff at. Because everything comes at a price, always.
Reactions: incognitbro
1) West has made its 'wealth' by strip mining resources from one poor country, exporting them to another country, utilised the work force to manufacture something *under IP* then sell that to another country or at home.

That system is broken and isn't coming back (Globalisation) having said that the Moonsoon Region is hitting peak expendirture demographics (watching India's credit impulse as much as China). Which covers Kenya through to the Philippines.

Some of the countries are on the wrong-side of the monsoon demographics so will see a slow down and move towards more socialism aspects (Thailand for example).

Others will have a lot of opportunity / wealth generation, the US is trying to work through Australia in the monsoon region to have a mini-globalisation pad for that reason as worldwide globalisation has ended.

As for the 79% - this is kinda of irrelevant, a key example, a house in the West lets say 500-1.5m average, in Asia a house on the beach or beach region is generally sub 50k.

So sure there will be sea-level rises (i will be directly impacted with a meter rise) but typically the impact is marginal except in a few major cities which are already moving or considering (Bangkok -> ChiangMai), Jakata -> (can't think of the name) etc but with the construction style/costs the impact in asia (concrete/rebar is marginal) -> just continues the river sand boom out of Cambodia.

Ref the Temperatures, in Swiss the glacier above me has melted, in Thailand haven't really noticed any impact, also looking at the science behind Global Warming, and the history looks more like a cycle that plays out every 150 or so years.

In Victorian times the state didn't provide pensions, health, education to it's own population predominantly in the West (the kids were working) - which forced the Governments to debase the currency by printing the difference, you also didn't have mass-migration which put more pressure on state based resources.

Whilst also taxes were remarkably low, property was affordable as the Government wasn't routinely debasing the currency, life was hard but otherwise easing - Brexit Accelerates the British Pound’s 100 Years of Debasement

As for unequally distributed then ->Capitalism, today the last time i was in the UK, i was paying something like 50-70% in taxes in some form or another, and even now as a non-resident, non-citizen i still pay 0.5% worldwide wealth tax to a state in Europe i haven't visited in 4 yrs which is distributed to things that don't directly or indirectly benefit me.

In Asia i pay 0% tax up-until this year, from next year a gradual tax rate based on remittance (which will likely be around 5% when all said and done due to deductibles).

I think you need to look at social media from the perspective of how its being controlled to stop descent, and manipulate the talking points/focus, and utilised to manipulate the individuals using it to redirect their attention.

That's a pure sign of 'socialism' getting it's claws in, alongside authoritarianism


Side note the last time i looked at France, around 2017 there was something like 73% of the population on some form of government handout.

As for communism / socialism - authoritarianism

I think we only need to look to the laws enacted to tackle the Russian wealth in our countries and how these are now being used against every day citizens,

Setting that aside Roman Abrovamich a friend of the family was his PA - what they did to him is a pure sign of similar mechanisms as utilized in China, the arguments being put forth by governments for a CBDC on internal memos and inter state agencies are akin to the same motives in China..

As for communism / socialism - authoritarianism

I think we only need to look to the laws enacted to tackle the Russian wealth in our countries and how these are now being used against every day citizens,

Setting that aside Roman Abrovamich a friend of the family was his PA - what they did to him is a pure sign of similar mechanisms as utilized in China, the arguments being put forth by governments for a CBDC on internal memos and inter state agencies are akin to the same motives in China..

I suspect we will have a era of CBdCs regardless and it will take 39-50 years before a revolution succeeds and revert to hard assets including Bitcoin as the shackles of bigger government come home to roost and the layman rises up finally.
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would have you spamming threads about it all across this forum for sure
Yes! I would be spamming calling for his execution in the EU! 100% correct! That's what you mean. right?

Just like I am spamming the government of Italy now to execute all these migrants/refugees who did this to the 13-year-old girl!

Why? What are you doing about it? Do you want to give them a fair & democratic "trial"? Maybe a reward? Some sociology classes?
How about you bring them into YOUR home and take care of migrants and show the rest of us how it's done?

This is how China deals with such situations involving *MALA IN SE*:

Source: Chinese couple are executed after father killed his two toddlers by throwing them off a 15th-floor balcony because his new girlfriend saw them as a 'burden on their future together'

I am 100% for the death penalty for thieves, murderers, pedophiles, rapists and all others involved in "involuntary acts" (one party NOT being in agreement/full consent).

Wasn't the answer you were expecting, huh? You thought I would come up with some Western BS talk about human rights and whatnot, right? How do you like them apples?
Reactions: bigdaddyleon
Which countries do you see more positive in that region?
Some of the countries are on the wrong-side of the monsoon demographics so will see a slow down and move towards more socialism aspects (Thailand for example).
If what you're saying is that countries with the right demographics will be more prosperous than the countries with poor / old demographics, then I agree that that is more likely. But it's not always that clear-cut. For example, Japan's real GDP has risen only about 15% since 2000 (less than 1% per year), making it one of the world's least dynamic economies. However, growth looks considerably stronger given that Japan's working-age population has been shrinking steadily since 2000. The country's growth rate per working-age population has been close to 2%, above the figures for both the EU and the US. Likely, given our pace of technological development, it will not be impossible for Western countries to maintain decent GDP growth rates.

Combine that with Western economies and esp. the US economic strength concentrating in the service sector and re-orienting demand toward domestic sources and for the current decade at least the projections for China are not that good. The Chinese problems in the property sector combined with re-shoring and de-risking plus Chinese aggression led alignment with Western interest of the island countries are not positive for them.

I wonder which countries are top of the list for you, as targets. I would say Malaysia and Singapore are among the best.

It's not only sea-levels rising. Take for example the incidence and intensifying power of typhoons in SEA and you have a dangerous cocktail. Singapore is partially so rich because it is basically shielded from tropical storms by its neighboring countries. The SEA-area is not a strong base for prosperity until we can do proper geoengineering (which will be tech sold and services by Western companies most likely).

Just like I am spamming the government of Italy now to execute all these migrants/refugees who did this to the 13-year-old girl!
That's a very sad case indeed, I read about it two days ago actually. But be aware that rapes like that occur far more frequently than you would imagine in Italy, and not only by migrants:

1. A heinous rape in Italy sparked calls to introduce chemical castration
2. Meloni's partner Andrea Giambruno criticised for Italy rape remarks
3. Meloni visits Italy’s ‘criminal enclave’ in wake of child gang rape
4. Seven held for gang rape in Palermo - TopNews -
5. Italy: Four men arrested over alleged gang rape of two British girls on holiday
6. Caivano gang rape suspect 'broadcast assault live' - General News -

Wasn't the answer you were expecting, huh?
It kind of was actually. I never took you for a champion of human rights if that was what you were thinking.
Reactions: jafo
and not only by migrants:
I perused all the articles you linked. Only one explicitly says that ALLEGEDLY one of the suspects is the son of a Gamborra "head". So, by leaps & bounds of logic, I am going to "assume" (a*s - U - ME ) he is NOT a migrant/refugee, which isn't necessarily an impossibility

The rest, their "ethnicity" is suspiciously missing, which leads me to conclude that the media is purposely hiding it

One important thing you all seem to forget...
You become what you are around!

Bad behavior is contagious!

Should I expand on the latter or is it clear?

I never took you for a champion of human rights if that was what you were thinking.
My definition of a human being with human rights ≠ (unequal math sign) thieves, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, scammers, fraudsters, or anyone else who commits *MALA IN SE* crimes.

Why? Do you include the above undesirables under the nomenclature of "human beings deserving of human rights"?
Reactions: incognitbro
I'm not interested in discussing human rights and nomenclature, I am mainly interested in the PoV of Wellington related to economics and the EU vs East discussion, and the EU discussion in itself, as well as opinions of others in this thread pertaining to aforementioned before we go completely off-topic again.
Reactions: jafo
Ok please stick to topic.

Start another thread for that.
Reactions: jafo
The topic was this:

Government Can Freeze and Confiscate ‘Unexplained Wealth’ At Will, According to Newly Passed Rules in EU – Here’s How​

Then you introduced this OFF-TOPIC: Government Can Freeze and Confiscate ‘Unexplained Wealth’ At Will, According to Newly Passed Rules in EU – Here’s How

and then later claim:
I'm not interested in discussing human rights and nomenclature, I am mainly interested in the PoV of Wellington related to economics and the EU vs East discussion

There was NEVER an "East discussion"!

You don't get to take a swing at a man and when he SWINGS back at you and you feel the fatal violence & pain he is about to bring into your life all of a sudden claim you don't want to "fight" and only want to stay "on topic and civil".

You went off-topic. We just corrected you!

Govern yourself accordingly!
There was NEVER an "East discussion"!
I've been thinking about running a few accounts on this forum fully automated just triggering you left and right, writing your massive paragraphs in this fathering tone to play with you. But I won't out of respect for the other people on here and for the things I've learned.
So what are people 'fighting for', or even 'dying for', they should just sell up and move to where the opportunity exists (latin america, asia, east africa etc.
Couldn't agree more. People should just get the hell out before its too late.
You don't get to take a swing at a man and when he SWINGS back at you and you feel the fatal violence & pain he is about to bring into your life all of a sudden claim you don't want to "fight" and only want to stay "on topic and civil".
It's not a fight. I just don't want to waste my time with you.
Reactions: jafo
I am really excited to see when the first unjust confiscations will be announced in the press. And then if we will also hear about the unjust and above all the "oops we hadn't read the law correctly" cases.

One thing is for sure, this will be an intrusion into every man's right to own wealth, house, car, and luxury - it will be hell on earth in Europe when this law is passed in the EU - I'm starting to understand why the British wanted out of the EU and why Switzerland has stayed completely out all its lifetime.

One can only dread what this will turn into.