from your experience, what would be a good jurisdiction for setting up a personal investment/holding company which would then invest in different startups in Europe/US/GCC?
Imagine shareholder lives in a jurisdiction where PE not a problem.
Also as the company would only do a few high risk startup private equity investments, yearly running costs shouldnt be too crazy.
Was looking into Cyprus as there it seems 0% tax on investments even for investments lower than a few % equity of target company.
Yearly running costs of that vehicle in CY including audit, local directors around 4k EUR/yr/
More reputable jurisdictions like Switzerland seems running costs with local director easily 10k EUR/yr.
What about Luxembourg SPF for non EU residents?
Or which other jurisdictions would make sense to look into?
It should be a personal investment vehicle, not multi-millions private equity family office.
from your experience, what would be a good jurisdiction for setting up a personal investment/holding company which would then invest in different startups in Europe/US/GCC?
Imagine shareholder lives in a jurisdiction where PE not a problem.
Also as the company would only do a few high risk startup private equity investments, yearly running costs shouldnt be too crazy.
Was looking into Cyprus as there it seems 0% tax on investments even for investments lower than a few % equity of target company.
Yearly running costs of that vehicle in CY including audit, local directors around 4k EUR/yr/
More reputable jurisdictions like Switzerland seems running costs with local director easily 10k EUR/yr.
What about Luxembourg SPF for non EU residents?
Or which other jurisdictions would make sense to look into?
It should be a personal investment vehicle, not multi-millions private equity family office.