Fighting for Ukraine – a discussion...

Had dealings with the former Presidential administration *Ukraine*, corrupt and thieves from experience.

Circa 2017-2018.
Same, and I have been scammed big money. The most horrible place I have ever tried to do business in, both from a financial and human perspective. In comparison, certain African countries are a heaven for investors.
oh, these tongue-twisters.
They've never even been to the country, but they've said they've done business through the 'presidential administration'

at best, their business is spam letters in the format of "you're have an inheritance from a Nigerian prince"
Reactions: vehzag
Serious question: why should you fight at all if a much more powerful and richer country, that coincidentally speaks your same language, decides to annex some of your territory? Shouldn’t the logical thinking be trying to reach an agreement to give to that country the entirety of the territory?
I think this would apply to many former SSR. Let's take Tajikistan. But they know that their only purpose during soviet time was to serve as well against the west or south without and real interest in either their culture nor the people there.

And just remember, Switzerland was also poorer than Germany for centuries. Still, they fought for independence. In the end, nobody wants to pay taxes (especially here) and in particular not to some government that you don't believe in. Many areas of Russia would become independent of Putin if they could.

There are not many ethnic minorities that enjoy much cultural freedom within their bigger body country. Take Tibet, Xinjiang or even the Canadian first nations.
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Reactions: vehzag
to answer this question, you need to tell wellington to raise connections with the 'presidential administration of Ukraine' and ask these questions.

Ukrainian citizens on this forum are unlikely to have influence or direct connections with the heads of state.
Reactions: vehzag
There are not many ethnic minorities that enjoy much cultural freedom within their bigger body country. Take Tibet, Xinjiang or even the Canadian first nations.
Tibet has improved greatly thanks to China (leave aside Hollywood and romantic woke nonsense).
Whereas Donbas doesn’t seem to have enjoyed much freedom.
There’s no doubt that Canada would do much better as a U.S. state.
Zelensky was elected after Poroshenko because he promised to negotiate with putin about ending the war, so he got his fair high rating both among those who support relations with russia and among those who support relations with the west (although now the roosters will come out and say that the elections were bought by Kolomoisky).

The fact that the promises were not fulfilled, well, that's just it, these are politicians, it's not the first time.

Ordinary people have no other option than to re-elect another president in the next elections, if they don't like this one
You mean like the New European Security framework that was presented in December 2021 but rejected by the West?

Or the Istanbul peace agreement that was basically signed untill Boris Johnson flew in?

Both of which had basically no territorial concessions. They had so many chances to avoid this. Crazy.
The argument that Kolomoisky backed Zelensky is not some crazy conspiracy theory, it’s a documented fact.

1. Kolomoisky’s media empire (1+1 TV channel) gave massive coverage to Zelensky.

2. Zelensky was literally a TV actor on a show owned by Kolomoisky.

3. Kolomoisky used Zelensky as a political tool to regain control over his assets (like PrivatBank, which Poroshenko had nationalised).

4. Even Government stenographers, aka Western media, admitted that Kolomoisky’s influence helped Zelensky rise to power.

So when people say, "Kolomoisky bought Zelensky’s election," it’s not a baseless claim.

You never answer my previous question, quite telling.
Reactions: PassinBy

I don't know what could be unclear in this message.
Reactions: vehzag
But why so mean to each other?

I just wanted to know the reasoning why people here decided not to join the army to defend their country.
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- some people simply afraid to be killed/injured
- some people don't want to take weapon to his hands and kill another people
- some people was in army/ATO and known what is it and don't want (or can't because of injury) to return there
- some people are pragmatically decided that exchange of their live/health to the benefit of country is not worth. And it's a better to change their place of living and build new home for their family instead of being killed or injured to leaves own family to problems (don't forget that Ukraine is a poor country with low social security standards). so disabled man after war is a huge problem
- some people are prorussians

Actually there are tons of another reason why people don't want or can't fight. It's a not a some kind of sport competition or evening trip to a restaurant where you participate and come back home unhurt. Cost of it own health/life.

Moreover, if people in AFU but not in front line - they are defending own country. And it's a more than million people there.

If people involved in the production of weapons, the support of the country's infrastructure, or simply the functioning of its economy - they are also in defense of their country. It's a bunch of millions people.

So the statement that if a specific person is not on the front lines it means he is not engaged in defending his country is absolutely wrong
Reactions: vehzag
But if those men are sitting online encouraging more war, referring to Russians as "orcs", etc, when other men are being pulled off the street to go into the meat grinder, they are the definition of cowards.
Yeah, that guy serving fries at Hesburger who then goes on X after his shift to spread nonsense about the war is helping things. That video he posted off a Russian tank being blown up really helped. Slava Ukraine.

You can find exceptions to the rule everywhere, but the general one is that if you're a fighting-age male who fled Ukraine but continues to talk tough online about this conflict, then you should be ashamed.
Reactions: JohnnyDoe
Solution to all wars is simple and should be obvious in a democracy: a referendum must be held to send citizens to the front. Those who vote in favor automatically enlist in active military service and are conscripted on the spot.
no country can defend itself against a stronger enemy if the state holds a referendum and plays at democracy. modern society will simply be against war and dictatorships will easily take over the world

forced mobilization is the only way to recruit a large army.

the cruelty of the mobilization itself is another matter and depends on the criticality of the situation in the army/at the front.
Reactions: vehzag
Yes, but which one are you?
Reactions: polonieth
Solution to all wars is simple and should be obvious in a democracy: a referendum must be held to send citizens to the front. Those who vote in favor automatically enlist in active military service and are conscripted on the spot.
+ The family of the leader implicating his country should be sent on the first line too.
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