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Exodus wallet on iPad or PC - both disconnected?


Mentor Group Gold
Sep 10, 2018
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I know some of you have lot's of knowledge, if a Trezor or Ledger hardware wallet is not an option for any reason, would you recommend a Exodus.io wallet to be installed on iPad or PC - both will nothing have installed else the OS and will be disconnected from the Internet when not used.

What would be most secure?
Bad idea, hw wallet are very easy to get, its an absolute must have if you own decent amount in crypto.

I would only use hot wallet for an amount you could lose with little impact on your life style, and quite frankly keeping that amount on a reputable exchange with 2FA is better for most of everyone.

If you go on with your idea, make sure to disable online backup of your device and obviously have your 12 words recovery seed phrase backed up on several physical non electronic format.
Exodus claim they have the key encrypted on the device, and each currency has it's own key, for that reason they are unable to offer 2FA and say it make no sense :( ?

They have partnered with Trezor to offer a better security for their customers.

Is there a better ANONYMOUS exchange than Exodus.io that can allow swapping cryptocurrency in the same way as they can? It has to be easy and with a nice overview?