Euro pacific bank - reliable, safe or no

and the United States gets pissed, everything happens

Yup ask ABLV in Latvia or pretty any bank that has been shutdown has been due to US involvement

etc etc etc

@macthaiver I would reconsider whether a Marshall Island company has a bright future for finding safe banks to use.
Reactions: JohnLocke
Yes sure.
I suggest you also evaluate other leading banks in Singapore. when you travel, not all of them will open your bank account on the first day. some of them will ask you to evaluate your business within 15 days.

i didnt get you. in this case which would be the first to operate quickly and cheap? in which country?
i understand that the second is the singapore one, right?

Thank you!
what you mean shutdown? closed?

Yes closed down. The US investigated them and had them shutdown by regulators, ECB, government etc. I missed even Loyal Bank that US killed also due to stupid activity of bank falling for US sting operation.
Reactions: Spinat
I can only agree with everyone here your Marshall company has to be shut down and you have to find a better place for your business activity. You may look into Malta, Cyprus, Georgia and even the UK - if all is setup the right way you can find proper banking, pay very little tax and keep your privacy.
Is this bank safe?

So in summary EPB is not safe. It is a bank based in a bankrupt, corrupt banana republic. The bank publishes no financials or publishes management structure. Not even the staff are aware of how the bank works or how much money it has. It is also an opaque bank offering predominantly CRS evaders and shell companies a way to bank when they have no other options. The bank uses nothing more than its association with Peter Schiff to present a thin veil of legitimacy to its operations. Sad but a lot of people have fallen for it and are blinded by just being able to open an account where they couldnt do so elsewhere....for good
So is it better to use emi than them in this case?
You mean if I do fair right invoiced transactions they will block me anyway?

What is the very little tax rate for you?

The Marshall has to shut down because of the banking institutions issue or for other reasons?

Assuming that the Marshall will have a very safe institution in i.e. Singapore will that be ok?
So is it better to use emi than them in this case?

You can trust i.e Transferwise before you can trust EPB 100%. Do you want to deal with the corrupt Puerto Rico authorities and their laws if things go wrong with Will the regulators mysteriously stop speaking English when sh*t hits the fan with that

You mean if I do fair right invoiced transactions they will block me anyway?

Not sure what your trying to say here .
Thank you @Martin Everson for answering.

I mean if i do fair trading (fair transactions, with invoicing etc) they will block my account anyway? I mean they are doing to everybody (blocking accounts and creating issues?) or just if they see something strange, from not allowed countries, USA etc?
If i invoice services from European companies, they will block my account?

thank you
They can hold up transactions for any number of stupid reasons related to i.e invoicing. The bank is inefficient, unreliable and relies on manual processing of everything. People who use EPB have gotten Stockholm syndrome and kind of get used to that level of captive slow and ambiguous third rate banking as they have no other banking If you bank with them long enough you will convince yourself that the problem is with you and not the
Is there any specific reason you are so concerned about blocking?

Sound like you have a real issue with that risk. If you are deeply concerned then reduce transaction and account risk by spreading your funds and transactions around multiple EMI's and banks.
Not at all!

I just read around that they block their accounts and that everyone lost (by been blocked) fees.

In the past I had online merchant accounts and they were blocking my accounts to steal my money. All transactions were perfectly fair, invoiced etc and the company in Italy.

So I have experience with these type of companies that just block your money to steal you. I'm talking to 100% clean, honest, fair transactions. I never did something illegal an will not do.

But, again, I want a reliable institution without intention or policy to block customers' money.

thank you
Ok then EPB is not for you. They block and delay wires for fun like its a sport.
Reactions: Cetme308win
What about Singapore banks, even the lowest level one?
And what about transferwise or epayments?

thank you

Singapore banks such as DBS and OCBC are safe if you can get in there. I have not used epayments personally but many have on here. TW is fine.