Euro pacific bank - reliable, safe or no


Mentor Group Lifetime
Oct 17, 2019
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Is this bank safe? I read a lot negative reviews from people that their account frozen, etc etc. Can anyone say please?

Also what are the reliable alternatives to open for an ofshore company? Reliable 100% i mean that you will not see your money dissapear.

Thank you
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There are a few threads about them already here which you may have a look at:
That's just a few of them there are even many more.

The best alternative you may find for a offshore company is TransferWise borderless, ePayments (I don't know if it is possible at all) and Mister Tango - it is going to be difficult to get real bank account for your offshore company depending on where it is registered of course.
Thank you very much @Admin .

I know, I've seen all of them. So what is your suggestion? Reading all these comments make me feel very unsafe for having an account there. But are they true, or these are cases by strange transfers (illegal) etc?

I read that transferwise is the same and losing money during transfers, locking accounts etc. I will check the rest 2 that you mention.

So my question comes to

1) just name 1 that is the most reliable please (EMI & 1 bank to try).

Company is in Marshall islands.

Thank you once again
As I already said it's going to be difficult. But have you already registered a company and if so, where? or do you plan to register a offshore company?
Forget MrTango...

Regarding Euro Pacific, the funds are safe and I wouldn't worry about that, they are one of the very few "full reserve" banks due to their philosophy. And that about sums up the list of their benefits. Everything else is pretty bad, from fees to customer support to online banking.

Your money won't "disappear" though they may not like some niches and you should avoid USA connections as much as possible if you want to bank with EBP.
Stay away from Those reviews on Trust them they are all Who writes such forced fake feedback on Trust Pilot if you actually read whats written in the

Anyway you will thank me one day for avoiding EPB. 99% of EPB customers are either avoiding CRS or can't find banking anywhere else for offshore shell companies they own. It's bottom of the barrel banking when you got no other banking options. Hence it is full of deplorables.
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Hi @Martin Everson what you mean the feedback is bs? if it's bs you dont agree with it? but its negative.

Have you actually gone through the feedback and read them?

What about bank one limited mauritius? does it work or is same?

See thread on bank one limited I believe someone gave feedback already on it.
I have always avoided the EPB and I feel good. I sleep peacefully and feel calm.
the only time I didn't want to feel my instinct was when I opened the account in Loyal bank. now I'm paying the consequences.
Reactions: Martin Everson
the only time I didn't want to feel my instinct was when I opened the account in Loyal bank. now I'm paying the consequences.

Yup and people will also with MisterTango and Leopay as they did with Satabank (although people got money back month later). If people don't trust their instincts bad things happen in my experience.
we trust our insticts but the question is which one is finally the right one to be safe? i dont feel good with any of them. but i need to have a bank account for the marshall islands company.
even if i personally need to visit a safe country and open it (in worst case). So i am between euro pacific, bank one mauritius (initially want 10K $ and ocbc singapore - personal visit but they need30K $ which is huge..

any alternatives?

thank you
but how they have the right to block your money? it happend to me even with a famous European (yes European) Estonian scam EMI... but i found way to get back everything.
How come a supposed managed bank can keep your money?? when it's invoiced and normal transfer?

when others do dirty things, and the United States gets pissed, everything happens

but i need to send 30$K initially in the account... so i try to avoid this & avoid the travel also.
you could open 2 current accounts. the first to operate quickly with very chip price, in another country.
the second serves as a safe for your company's savings.
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