Euro Pacific bank is a scam

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No, I didn't even known the mutual funds still existed. I assumed they were liquidated and shut down. I will check.
No, I didn't even known the mutual funds still existed. I assumed they were liquidated and shut down. I will check.

Thank you, please check if I can tell Qenta to liquidate all my shares.
I also don't know if the Silver is with Qenta, or somewhere else, I would like to liquidate that as well.

Don’t be naïve! The receiver is a very intelligent calculated individual who is reading this forum and who knows what he is doing! The last comment made here by a "SchlossFinanz" is an old story from “Crowe” – nothing new and from 2022! - and could even be one of the receiver’s many fake profiles made for this forum!

Of course, the receiver could sort out the very basic Novo bank transfer long time ago, IF HE WANTED TO AND & IF HIS OWN POCKET BENEFITTED FROM THAT, if his own payment was performance (with bonus for results) based! Say by spending (max) a week in Lisbon and meet Novo team with a local lawyer.

But the receiver just wants to extend the liquidation for as long as possible by “playing dumb” / disappearing / inventing random excuses. That way he can excessively pay himself and show off publicly/online his posh lifestyle with yachts and penthouse purchases; Enjoy yourself: Bei Facebook anmelden

Pathetic way of making your money in life using other people´s suffering as your income source! -

The receiver even reached out to the Nodus owners last year, as he also wanted to be receiver for them! Just shows he has ZERO moral principles.

Apparently, several clients have even killed themselves because of the handling of the EPB liquidation! That is the rumour

Disgraceful in the name of God
Reactions: jafo
By the way, do I need to take any action as an opt-in customer?
Quenta has never contacted me for registration on their website or for document uploads (like passport etc).
same as you... there is clearly a lack of communication!

why does there appear to be favorable treatment for Opt-in customers over Opt-out customers? We were all customers of EPB and we all had the same risk, therefore shouldn't we all get the same haircut of funds?
As an OPT IN, I don't know which favorable treatment you are talking about hahaha
Reactions: Radko
Thank you, but Qenta told us that we can't keep Silver, only Gold.
Whatever Silver I had, about $100K, I supposed has been liquidated by Qenta? I'll check with them but they don't seem to be answering
You shouldn't worry too much about your Silver Radko. I do not think any custodian can legally just liquidate your Metalls Position and turn it into FIAT, ...or into anything else for that matter without your consent.
By the time you gain access to your property (whenever that might be) you may find that it increased its value substantially. Maybe it will be the only position in your portfolio left with any purchasing power at all!?
Maybe it will be the only position in your portfolio left with any purchasing power at all!?

"Maybe", although Silver has been going down during the last week.

I wonder where the Silver is, or what's happened to it as we were told that Qenta can only keep the Gold, not the Silver.

I would like for everything that I have to be liquidated and get the heck out of there, I just want to move on and never look back.
That was written by a law firm trying to scare up new clients. I don't believe anything is actually happening. The HMRC knows the bank's customers were not tax evaders.
Mr Schiff your statement as misleading. You DON'T know for sure that there are not any investigations against current or past clients of EPB, correct?

Correct me if I am wrong. What we know is that the correspondent bank NOVO (which is the bottom of the barrell in the correspondent banks world because nobody else would bank EPB Puerto Rico) is NOT releasing th funds, correct?

When NOVO is NOT releasing the funds they do it for AML purposes because according to my understanding there is a VALID court order either from Portugal or an MLAT/ letter rogatory from a foreign jurisdiction!

Maybe you could answer why you never applied for FDIC membership of your bank in the first place?

It is very sad that you keep on playing the victim card over and over again. Bear in mind that EPB had the success because it was tied to your celebrity status, and the people trusted in your words that the bank would be totally safe. Instead its CEO was a convicted criminal, its shareholder on a personal crusade with government and its correspodent bank a bottom bank in Portugal, and on top of that you TAPPED the threshold of the regulatory capital which made OCIF intervention possible at the first place.
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Your information is flawed. The CEO was never convicted of anything. He was never charged with anything. He had one SEC fine for excessive markups on muni bonds in 2002. He actually won at the trial level, but the government got a reversal on appeal. A very bad decision. But it was civil, not criminal.

The bank never applied for FDIC membership as it was not eligible. Plus, we did not need it anyway, as the bank did not make any loans. We had several other corresponding banking relationships. They are hard to get. We lost one or two after the articles came out falsely accusing the bank of wrongdoing. We had two left when the bank was shut down.

There is no court order from any authority preventing Novo from releasing the funds. Also, the bank had enough capital to operate according to what we had been told by the OCFI Commissioner. I would have added an extra capital they told us we necessary but they never informed us we needed more.

The bank was shut down solely as a PR stunt for the J5, so they could pretend the bank was facilitating money laundering and tax evasion, and take credit for shutting it down. I will be filing a civil rights lawsuit soon. The bank's customers should file their own lawsuit. We are all victims. I am by far the biggest victim as I lost of $10 million of contributed capital, and the opportunity to sell the bank for much more than that.
If I had the money I would sue OCIF and the IRS. Even foreigners should have some protection such as:
* due process
* no unreasonable search and seizure
* equal protection under the law
These three protections have been denied for all of us.

I mean just look at Silicon Valley bank. There's clearly a double standard.
And Why is the J5 using the global media to attack a bank? I don't think that is one of its tasks.
And why does anyone in the J5 have access to our information? Clearly they did not obtain that legally.
If there is reasonable suspicion for money laundering you have nearly no rights as long as there is a pending investigation.
And its not a "bank" it was a financial company in a banana republic - sadly...
and there are numerous MLAT (mutual legal assistance treaties) between the US and nearly every country on earth, so yes its totally legal to share customer data
Puerto Rico is not a banana republic. It's a U.S territory, subject to U.S. laws. There is no reasonable suspicion of money laundering. The bank was throughly examined by the U.S. government and a criminal Grand Jury. The investigation lasted over two years and involved thousands of accounts and hundreds of thousands of pages of documents. Not a single instance of money laundering was fond. Then the Portuguese government froze the bank's Novo account for eight months while it look for evidence of money laundering. It found none so the freeze was lifted.
Reactions: jafo and Wyoming
always the same imperialistic American way of thinking lol. Maybe no investigation in the US but in other jurisidictions for sure.
And I stand by my word 2-3 years ago every totally unqualified idiot was abel to secure a "banking" licence in Puerto Rico.
The minimum share capital was only 500.000 USD -laughable. Was Puerto Rico not until recently bankrupt lol?

OCIF is now cleaning up the messy situation they created by attracting these "banks" to the islands. Countless licence revocations and hefty fines. And just recently they changed the Banking Act that the statutory capital needs to be minimum 5.000.0000 USD....

Please consult the revised AML Directive of the EU which is directly applicable in Portugal to see what mechanism Portugal has to enforce blocking of the funds or what mechanism NOVO has in delaying the funds return.
Reactions: jafo and Clank
I put in over $10 million in capital. Plus the bank did not make loans. So less capital was needed. The Portugese government has been doing nothing to prevent the return of the funds for over a year. The freeze only lasted 8 months. Because they found no evidence of tax evasion or money laundering, the freeze was lifted. Why is it so hard for you to believe that OCIF and the IRS/J5 is corrupt? Nine Entertainment had no proof that the bank did anything wrong. That's why I won my defamation lawsuit against 60 Minutes Australia and the Age. It very hard to win a defamation lawsuit. Even Nine's own evidence confirmed my bank did far more KYC and AML that any major bank. Customers on this board know that first hand.
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3 points relating to Peter Schiff:

1: HMRC (UK tax authority): “Smaller tax investigations usually take between 3-6 months, while full-scale investigations and complex cases can sometimes take up to 16 months to complete” (Preparing for a tax investigation from HMRC | -> we are now +25 months since the bank liquidation for a bank that had already been investigated pre 2022 and which was a small bank with some 3,000 clients. Listen to Peter, we are likely beyond any investigation phase

That said: What is likely the status:

2: Qenta, where Peter Schiff is a shareholder, is very likely not doing at all what is best for their “opt-in clients” they are supposed to represent. They love the current status, where nothing is happening, as they are – disgracefully– taking into their own pockets the earned interest rates (5%+) on deposits they have from Euro Pacific Bank. Qenta is really an immoral start up company that pretends to be something they aren't. And why aren’t Qenta doing any calls with their clients like they did in sep 2022 ? Ask yourself. Peter has been shamefully quiet about this!

3: The receiver told someone that he hasn’t been paid for months. So his work is non-existing/half-a*s. And he knows he can charge “backwards” once he has access to money. Should he have access, already now, to money, he loves it, as he is under no pressure from the governor of Puerto Rico/OCIF.

Someone needs to sue OCIF and/or bring this up in the US congress.
For the record I do not own any stock in Qenta. I was going to get stock in Qenta as I had sold them my bank, for a combination of stock and cash. The deal also required Qenta to add $7 million in capital on closing, to further protect customers, and raise capital to about $10 million. But the OCFI Commissioner rejected that sale. Likely as a result of pressure from the IRS/J5 to close the bank instead as a PR stunt. So the bank went into receivership and I received nothing for my stock of the bank. I lost 100% of the over $10 million I personally invested in the bank. Over the years I never took a salary as I did not work for the bank. I was a directed, but received no compensation for that. As a shareholder I was never paid a dividend.
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