Euro Pacific bank is a scam

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You trust revolut ? seriously ?
Some banks and brokers are rejecting payments from revolut as we speak lol

My feelings about Revolut are well documented on this website as you already know.

I feel like we are having a discussion of "which one is worse"
They both suck in my opinion, go for alternatives if you can ..

Yes it is a which is the sh*tter bank debate. But Revolut loses to EPB

BUT, EPB is NOT a scam (whatever that means to you), is it a "good bank" ? No. Is it "good enough" especially if you are not finding other options? Yes.

Never said it was a scam. But it is a criminal enterprise that survives on shell companies, scammers and housing tax evaders. In 2021 this is unacceptable.
This post is where I stopped thinking Martin was clever , Revolut is defo not safer than anywhere as they’ll run with your money despite the “legal” safety work I’m first hand of this and so are a lot of others. Now I can open my EPB account without fear as long as everything is neatly documented they won’t be running away with my 10k
If anyone has an alternative for EPB speak now or forever hold your peace. Will be using it to store crypto savings (recycled crypto savings)
Will be using it to store crypto savings (recycled crypto savings)

If they sniff out your money is connected to crypto (they will be asking for documentation about source of funds), they will close your account and you will come back here calling them a scam lol

They just don't deal with crypto, in or out ..

They are under scrutiny and the last thing they will do is go into crypto (even though Bitcoin is becoming main stream now)
Nah bro
nah bro don’t put words into my mouth that’s what recycled means , how would theyknow it’s crypto earnings if it’s coming from an LLC licensed for a comepletly different business that is already receiving formatted funding from my crypto derivatives in similar nominal amounts. Sometimes it’s about how you carry out transactions that can save your a*s

Lol...I can only laugh at you as you are in your early 20s and still very naive about banking . Making a point like yours based on emotions rather than facts, logic and common sense is a sign of clear mental weakness. Your the perfect template EPB

Is the mentor group work it for someone like me saving crypto early 20s

P.S I have family in their early teens that are not as stupid as you in your 20s I am sorry to say. Good luck with EPB
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Haha look how personal you get with youth bro , can tell you never had it like me at 20
You don't see the beard on my Avatar young boy have some respect for it
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Oh wow, I'm sure nobody thought of that before .. bro.

There are other EMIs / Banks that are more crypto friendly, those may be a better choice for you ..

EPB is an OK "last resort" bank .. So unless you can't find any other options, then go ahead .. You will just have to deal with extra headache ..
Novo Banco will be gone as correspondence bank to them soon. That EU bank will stop facilitating money laundering and tax evasion for EPB.

EPB will be back to using EMI's again maybe Mistertango this time
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Reactions: Astaruk
I'm getting messages from people asking me why I recommend EPB and asking me questions ..

Let me be clear: I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS BANK ..
I only said it's not "a scam" .. That's a big word, nothing more ..

I felt I needed to answer because I have an accoun there for many years ..

Also note, that since few months I have been transferring everything out of the bank, with the goal of eventually closing up my account. So please ask somebody else your questions when it comes to EPB ..
Have you even bothered to read the supplement to Revolut personal terms below or has your account not been migrated yet to the bank?
they are ok if you don't use them very much, but I won't trust them with any larger amounts or long term investments.
they are ok if you don't use them very much, but I won't trust them with any larger amounts or long term investments.

The debate was about which bank is worse between Revolut over EPB and nothing else.
Hi all. I think I am also a victim of EPC ... I initiated a wire transfer to a transfer agent company having a bank account at EPB. It has been initiated from France to Puerto Rico. I tried to recall / to refund my wire transfer. But it was impossible. The transfer agent was a scam. I talked to EPB yesterday to explain my situation. Do you think it is lost ? Or do I have a chance to get a refund of my funding ? Thanks a lot ! I am new in this forum.
In some case, like ours, it is to comply with regulation, only to then be stuck without financial services support...
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