Euro Pacific bank is a scam

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ok, but it's right to give him the chance to clarify what happened to the gold and silver...lets wait and see....
Reactions: feelfunk
Why are you discu
It is the second time you have mentioned suing and both times you have failed to mention who you would sue and what the reason(s) for suing would be. Maybe it would help your point be less useless if you added that to your post.
Of course the receiver, I'm an opt-out client. You keep talking about opt-in clients, gold, silver and whatever, but what are you doing in practice? Nothing, pages and pages of useless posts without even having an idea on how to get back your (our) money. Thousands of assumptions, same questions to Peter who of course keeps giving the same answers, and then? What are you planning to do, besides complaining??
Of course the receiver, I'm an opt-out client.

If you feel so strongly then please go ahead and lead the charge and stop looking for others to do so.

You keep talking about opt-in clients, gold, silver and whatever, but what are you doing in practice?

I don't need to do anything. I was not stupid enough to put any money in EPB.

What are you planning to do, besides complaining??

Again nothing. What has happened to you (and not me) is based on your desire to bank in a bankrupt banana republic with a bank that never published any audited financials. They just printed on their website they are a 100% reserve bank and the reputation of PS seemed good enough for people to risk keeping money there they actually cared about.

You need to take responsibility for your actions and quit criticizing the thread. If you don't like the thread then go elsewhere.
Why are you answering as if I were talking to you? YOU doesn't mean MARTIN but everybody else who's complaning here. YOU means you guys who put your money in EPB like me. And BTW, we were not that stupid as you think and you're not more intelligent than us, otherwise you wouldn't spend your time in moderating this forum. Why should I stop looking for others interested in suing and go ahead alone? Only a stupid would think a class action can be lead by a single person. And you Martin, which useful news can you find in this 141-pages thread?
If you believe Peter Schiff and trust that your funds are safe and secure than there is nothing more you can do but wait until you eventually got your money back.
If you are having serious doubts about Qenta and the money pipeline they are controlling than write this letter ore something similar to urge OCIF to supervise also the opt-in funds.
What does my still living in Puerto Rico have to do with it? I sued the OCIF Commissioner and the IRS. Agents of both governments acted illegally. Am i supposed to renounce my U.S. citizenship and move out of the country because some corrupt politicians stole my bank?
They didn't force me to sell. The whole point of opt in was that you didn't have the sell.
Correct, Opt in gold was going to Qenta. Opt out had to be sold, so the bank could send out the money. The problem was we sold the gold before we knew that we couldn't send out the money. We didn't find that out until we tried and the wire requests were rejected by Novo.
If you were an Opt in customer, Qenta should still be holding your gold. None should have been sold. However, I have no information to confirm or deny what happened to the gold. If it was sold, I think Opt in customers have a right to demand Qetna buy it back at the same price at which it was sold. I will email Qenta to check on the status.
Peter has been very dishonest concerning this Qenta issue from the beginning. We all know it now for sure, it was just very well planned crime by PS.
I was honest and upfront about everything. The crimes were committed by IRS agents and the OCIF Commissioner. All the evidence proves that. Be mad at them, not me. I was by far the single biggest victim of this crime.
No one here as exposed any such thing. The Qenta deal was meant to give people an option who did not have an alternative place to send their deposits or gold, and to avoid unclaimed deposits being turned over to the Puerto Rican government. Puerto Rico is bankrupt, and I was worried that funds turned over to them would never be recovered. It was also done to provide the bank with an extra $1.25 million of capital to further safeguard customer's funds to cover the costs of liquidation.
I checked and the physical gold of my account was sold in August 2022. Well past the June 2022 date when OCIF stepped in. It was ordered to me- forced by EPB - so i could become an Opt out. I gave wire instructions to have the money transferred to another bank account of same entity. However that transfer was refused. Soon after there was the town hall meeting and you could become Opt out or Opt in. i chose opt in due to the G-coin. So what now?
No one here as exposed any such thing. The Qenta deal was meant to give people an option who did not have an alternative place to send their deposits or gold, and to avoid unclaimed deposits being turned over to the Puerto Rican government. Puerto Rico is bankrupt, and I was worried that funds turned over to them would never be recovered. It was also done to provide the bank with an extra $1.25 million of capital to further safeguard customer's funds to cover the costs of liquidation.
My guess would be your funds are still in cash, as the gold was initially sold to accomodate your wire request. Even if the wire never went out I doubt someone would have bought the gold back.
@PS thanks. All very unfortunate events. I do hope Qenta is now moving fast to end this ordeal. Why do they not communicate with the clients?
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