Euro Pacific bank is a scam

Wirecard was a prior asset purchase Qenta made. I don't see the relevance to Qenta buying EPB. The reason OCIF claimed the bank was insolvent is that they initially excluded about $3.5 million in cash held in the company's gold hedge book. That mistakes was corrected when they admitted in the final order that the bank had millions more in cash than was owed to customers, and was not insolvent. While the bank was not insolvent, it was under-capitalized. But OCIF was fine with that pending the sale to Qenta. Qenta was obligated to inject $8 million in capital once the change of control was officially approved. In Nov. of 2021 I offer to put in $7 million myself, while the approval process was still under way. The Commissioner told me, and eight other people in the room at the time, that there was no reason for me to make that contribution, and that the bank was fine operating with the capital it had pending the official approval of the sale to Qenta. Despite that, I added about $2 million in capital between that date and June 30th 2022, to make up the bank's operating losses, to keep the capital at the level the Commissioner said was sufficient for the bank to operate. Prior to the June 30th 2022 Cease and Desist, no one from OCIF informed anyone at the bank that additional capital was necessary, or gave me the opportunity to add the capital I had already offered to put in. Again, this entire thing was a PR stunt for the J5. The bank was never insolent and no customer funds were ever at risk. The Commissioner would have approved the sale but for the interfearance of the IRS on behalf of the J5.
are you really so unprofessional to rely on oral comments made by a regulator in a banana republic - unbelievable?
She was the OCFI Commissioner. My lawyer was in the room. So was the Qenta CEO and in-house counsel. An OCIF official also made a follow up phone call to the bank's attorney to reaffirm that the bank did not need any additional capital to operate. But I agree, I attorney should have gotten that commitment in writing. But all of this will come out in my lawsuit, assuming it does not get dismissed. If the judge allows it to proceed, I will win, and the truth will all come out.

Also, OCIF can't point to a single letter or email where the bank was told it needed more capital or that if additional capital was not added it would be shut down. They have no explanation for why that was the case. The only viable explanation is that the bank was told that no capital was needed, so no such communication was necessary.
a verbal comment by the regulator has zero value and is not binding.
They don't have to remind you 2nd time that you tapped regulatory capital.
A regulator can revoke a banking licence anytime he sees fit. You have no legal rights to hold a banking licence.
Reactions: john8899
That's just not true. If OCIF believed the bank needed more capital, the procedure is to inform the bank in writing of the deficiency and give it time to cure the deficiency before issuing a C&D. Also, we are not talking about a low level official. But the head of the agency itself made that verbal assurance. Do you really think that it's fine for a regulator to abruptly shut down a completely solvent bank for having low capital, without any advanced warning or giving the bank any opportunity to cure the capital deficiency first? If you do there is no point in this discussion.
Mr. Schiff are you saying that the reason why my transfer that I made to another account in 2022 did not go through was a SWIFT protocol error? is that?
No, those wires didn't go though as Novo bank refused to process the requests due to the Puerto Rico government freeze. Though initially they regarded the requested wires as suspicious, due to false press reports that the bank was shut down for money laundering and tax evasion. So they held off on sending the money until the Portugese government could review. They did, and placed the 8-month freeze on the account.
Would you please stop talking about useless topics? Can we all understand what to do now to get our money back, both opt-in and opt-out clients? Is anybody willing to file a class action or just prefer keeping wasting time here?
Who are u planning to sue?
We can sue all parties involved for some reason.
Incl PS...i gave my money in good faith when he was sole owner of the where is it now and what is going to happen...he should give no excuses but solutions. I am however grateful PS gives some information such as confirming Qenta is still in business and the funds are safe. But i do think he can still do more for his clients, certainly direction Qenta and providing info what the problem is between Qenta and Ocif/Receiver
Would you please stop talking about useless topics? Can we all understand what to do now to get our money back, both opt-in and opt-out clients? Is anybody willing to file a class action or just prefer keeping wasting time here?

It is the second time you have mentioned suing and both times you have failed to mention who you would sue and what the reason(s) for suing would be. Maybe it would help your point be less useless if you added that to your post.
As you have noticed, PS is just ignoring our request to have any kind of evidence about Qenta.

The liquidation is now delayed due the personal lawsuit of PS and receiver is using funds of EPB to defend himself and OCIF.
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Suing me would be a waste of money. I was just a shareholder and director of the bank. I never took any money out, only put money in. So there is no money to claw back, and I am not personally liable for claims against the bank. The bank was owned by a corporation. That limits liability to the entity. It does not extend to shareholders or directors. To pierce the corporate vail customers would need to prove that I committed fraud, misappropriated funds, or was involved in come other illegal conduct. But I did none of that. In contrast, if customers sue OCIF or the IRS, I would make a great wittness.