Euro Pacific bank is a scam

Well, from what can be googled its another Qenta company that was closed. Why?
I guess we all google a lot.
this Emergent technology Holdings was described as the parent Cy of Qenta in one of the sites.
This after it merged with Qenta I think late 2022. And it was closed. I guess recently, end 2024?
Same Mr De Jongh.
Closed as no more usefull or broke? Legally or illegal stuff? Nobody knows?
So is Qenta itself still operating ? I saw this small deal with trust stamp early this month. And on 17JAN 25 a deal with Woo Commerce for Qenta payment use.
Is the famous G-coin still in operation? It is a real shame there is no information from Qentq, the Trustee or even PS.
It means Qenta Inc. used to be called Emergent Technology & Payments Inc. and somebody is using its name change to spread even more FUD. You can verify this fact on the Delaware corporate register, Qenta Inc. has file number 6227324.
Correct, it was a name change. When I first did the deal to sell the bank it was to Emergent Technologies. While we were waiting for OCIF to give final approval for the sale, the company changed its name to Qenta. I think it bought a company called Qenta, and decided to use that name instead.
Reactions: NorthernDutchman
I didn't get any emails so haven't visited this forum in a while. I had no idea so many new posts where here. I get very little irnformation for either the receiver or Qenta. I have tried, but to no success. That in and of itself is disturbing. It's completely out of my control. All I have now is my lawsuit. My recommendation is that the customers file their own lawsuit as a class against OCIF and the IRS.
Reactions: NorthernDutchman
I'm sorry this happened to you. But EPB was a good bank. It was going to get a lot better too with the deal we had with American Express and upgrading our account with the Fed to online. But then the IRS and the media destroyed the bank. You can read my lawsuit on
I have not been on the site in a few weeks, so I missed all of the new post. I have sent a few emails to Qetna to try to look into these rumors. So far I have not received an answer, which is concerning.
You need to sue the IRS as well. That's the deep pocket.
EPB was compliant. The Commissioner lied about that to justify her actions, which was done at the request of the IRS on behalf of the J5 as a publicity stunt. They wanted to frame the bank for tax evasion and money laundering, then take credit for shutting it down.
Neither OCIF or the receiver are covered. The was no reason to put the bank into receivership. They should have allowed Qenta to contributed the $8 million in capital in 2022 and buy the bank. The bank would have had over 10 million in capital, and all accounts would have been fine. Also, had they not held that fraudulent press conference or issued fraudulent press releases, Novo never would have frozen the bank's account. So all Opt out funds would have been wired out in 2022, and all opt-in accounts would have been segregated at Qenta and available to be withdrawn.
Do you literally mean some of the client funds who opted out still got sent to Qenta?

How did this happen?

Which Qenta entity and jurisdiction holds legally the clients funds?
Qenta got all the gold that was stored in Silver Bullion (We had to move it from Perth) plus all the U.S. dollars that were in the bank's IB account. We moved them there when the bank lost its Fed account. That was the result of the bad publicity following the illegal leak of the Atlantis Investigation, that ultimately exonerated the bank.
Reactions: ilke
The Commissioner lied. She had to make stuff up to justify her action. She had a secret deal with the IRS to reject the sale, so they could close the bank as a PR stunt for the J5.
It gives the impression that Peter Schiff puts his own interests before those of his 'former' customers?
I did all I could for the former customers. I added $7 million in capital in 2021 to protect customers and lost every penny. Corrupt government officials conspired to shut down the bank. I had no control Be made at the IRS, the HMRC, the ATO, the OCIF Commissioner, the Receiver. They did this. I did all that I could to prevent it.
Reactions: Marie Manila
The reason that I am suing personally is that the bank released OCIF from liability. So the bank can't sue. Only I am allowed to sue, and only for my personal losses. OCIF is trying to use that release to have my lawsuit dismissed. I am not really suing over the money. I am suing to get the truth to come out. I think customers have an excellent lawsuit. I really wish they would file one.
Reactions: Marie Manila
Qenta was not deemed to be unfit or improper. The IRS intervened to block the sale. They wanted the bank shut down to use it as a PR stunt for the J5. I arranged for Qenta to take the accounts of the Opt ins, as OCIF was going to seize any funds that were not returned to customers. So I wanted to make sure customers had a better option. Also, there were other PR banks that wanted the accounts, but the OCIF Commissioner refused to allow any other PR bank to take them. What screwed it up was the Novo freeze, which was a result of the IRS and J5 falsely accusing the bank of being shut down for money laundering and tax evasion.