Euro Pacific bank is a scam


Offshore Agent
May 15, 2010
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I have been a customer of this bank for the last 8 years and I have never had problems with them before a little over 4 months ago where they suddenly closed / blocked my account. I have about $ 45,000 left in the bank and they say they will not release the money unless I send proof of all the money to them. I have tried to explain that all the money comes from crypto trading and therefore I do not have any documents on the transactions. I have asked them to send the money to my local bank, they have simply not responded! Stay away from that bank.
I think it's not... I mean, they are by far a bad bank but not a scam.

If is crypto trading you could try sending them the transactions with the exchanges and the trading you did (the beauty/horror of cryptos is that everything is traceable). Maybe that could help you.
Reactions: AdH and burgerin
If I remember right, you are not allowed to deposit funds or income from crypto currencies to EPB according to terms and conditions.
At least before they moved to Puerto Rico, it was not allowed.
That's correct you are not allowed to deposit and use the funds on account to buy/sell Crypto. I told my client not to put his funds there because it was all from Crypto appreciation. He didn't listen he has 1.5M stuck and they have every right to hold it and can confiscate it under their T&C's.

Would not even put a used tissue there.
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Reactions: exprtadvisrdev
If you breaked their rules it can't bea scam but you can be a fool! Anyway, they should release your money ASAP and transfer it to an account in your name.
No one has lost any money with them so far? What makes them 3 times BAD mind to share?
Well breaking their terms and conditions does not help but at same time using EPB in general just makes problem worse. They will use your frozen $45,000 to pay You should be able to send them some proof of the transactions otherwise you should never have transferred money without this. I expect they will file a suspicious transaction report in meantime.
I am an EPB customer. But I find it strange that EPB calls me at 10 a.m. (CET) where it is 4 a.m. in Puerto Rico and the bank it´s closed. Can you tell me where the consultants actually sit? It's suspect.
I am an EPB customer. But I find it strange that EPB calls me at 10 a.m. (CET) where it is 4 a.m. in Puerto Rico and the bank it´s closed. Can you tell me where the consultants actually sit? It's suspect.
I received a ticket on Tuesday asking to fill out a form to update my registration.
In the message they said that they tried to contact me twice without success, and that I should complete the form by the 30th of this month. But I have not received any contact.
I think that in the recent money laundering scandals with big banks, they will review all accounts.

I received a ticket on Tuesday asking to fill out a form to update my registration.

The end is near with that questionnaire.i.e

"What is your reason for domiciling your company internationally, as opposed to in your home country?"

Are people going to be honest and say its to avoid tax and CRS .

Can you tell me where the consultants actually sit?

Israel, Vietnam, Italy, Panama etc.
Reactions: JohnLocke
It´s true, the time he call me is strange, because the time in Puerto Rico was 4 a.m. Does the bank even exist?
Reactions: Martin Everson
It´s true, the time he call me is strange, because the time in Puerto Rico was 4 a.m. Does the bank even exist?

It exists in shell form but it's not a transparent bank in that ppl know nothing about what happens with their money or if its even I have seen it all before how banks especially offshore banks without published audited financials can have missing funds i.e Standford International bank etc. Euro Pacific Bank could also just be sending screenshots to auditors like Wirecard where is Euro Pacific Banks audit report anyway?

I think that in the recent money laundering scandals with big banks, they will review all accounts.


I am surprised they are not asking clients if they are compliant with tax and reporting of accounts in their home countries or place of operation. Or for clients to provide some proof they are tax compliant in countries they operate in. That tells you they are a tax avoidance bank and that tax avoidance is Euro Pacific Banks CORE business.
Reactions: MT2021
Thanks, then it`s fine, EPB it`s a serious bank

Serious bank with advertised serious salary of $2,000 a Shout out to every Indian looking for a job....EPB is all yours.
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