EU Threatens Russia with SWIFT Network Disconnection

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Are you from Ukraine?
Guess what? I am from Russia myself. And I am used to 100% lies from each and every media and/or official source. They say gold reserves are 589 billion?
Well, there is only one thing you can be absolutely sure of: it's nothing near 589 billions. Anything but this figure.
Do you know a country that doesnt have lies on media and official sources?
Reactions: melzvy
Worst than Ukrainian, must be a Navalny fan...
They NEVER said 589 billions are gold reserve! And the amount of reserve is certified (and pretty much known since gold transferred are registered and dollars in reserve are 90% t-bond and equivalents).
Yes people are hating on US too much but you exaggerate as well. You didn't mention huge property tax for example

My 74 year old uncle lives in the US, he receives around 1000 USD pension a month and his property tax is 10K USD a year. He is not living in a villa, just normal home.
So he has 167 USD to spend on utillities, food and other necessities a month. He has some other income streams so he should be okay but how about other people that need to live on that. Yes USA has lower taxes but I believe for avarage joe western europe would be a better place to live

Yes america has top univerisities, doctors and so on but when comparing countries you should compare living standard for avarage joe

My 74 year old uncle lives in the US, he receives around 1000 USD pension a month and his property tax is 10K USD a year. He is not living in a villa, just normal home.
That is verifiably false information. He would not pay that much in property taxes for a normal home even if he lived in New Jersey, which has the highest property tax rate of all fifty States in the nation.
That is verifiably false information. He would not pay that much in property taxes for a normal home even if he lived in New Jersey, which has the highest property tax rate of all fifty States in the nation.
Thanks for your reply
I am sure that the amounts I mentioned are true, he lives in illinois, chicago
His house is a bit bigger than average but not some huge villa and his district got more popular so the evaluation increased. That's good when house worth incr wses but when you are an old man that lived in the same home for 20-30 years, know all your neighbors etc. then you are not willing to sell your place and move somewhere else even if it's better standard

Nonetheless 2% of house value annually is very high, a drawback of living in the us worth pointing out as some people forget about it
The article states the average property tax for Illinois, where Chicago is located:
New York, Illinois and California are also in the top 10 states with the highest property taxes in 2020, with homeowners paying $5,407, $4,419 and $3,818, respectively.

Chicago is an extremely socialist area. If your uncle wants to pay more than double the state property tax and almost four times the national property tax, then that is his choice. We all have choices in life and many people make bad ones. If he wants to remain in a socialist paradise of high taxes and cultural craziness, then that is his choice. Florida is less than one percent property taxes. You cannot denigrate an entire nation by fixating on the crazy areas.
Do you know a country that doesnt have lies on media and official sources?
Every country lies sometimes, but not each of them ALWAYS lies.

Worst than Ukrainian, must be a Navalny fan...
So, according to you being Ukrainian is bad, being Navalny fan is also bad. You must be a government fan, then what are you doing here, trying to cheat government of it's honestly stolen money?
You probably haven't properly seen media in other countries.. They all lie, all the time. They all have hidden agenda paid by their corporate UBOs
Being Ukrainian is not bad, being a Navalny fan of course yes, is really really REALLY bad.
Btw, corporate tax in Russia is 15%, in the western paradise I am from (and that you like so much) is 45%, more other atrocious personal income tax, so this is the kind of government I try to cheat, the same nazicommunist government that want me to shot in my veins some untested vaccine to allow me to partially recover my freedom of moving.
Reactions: melzvy
Just curious, why it's bad to be a Navalny fan? If you are not a Russian official or one of their affiliates of course
Can't think of anything, honestly.
This is Navalny:
Video: Alexei Navalny Compares Muslims to Cockroaches, Supports Gun Rights in Russia : Alexei Navalny : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Only the corrupted western stupid libtards - which btw are in power right now - can wave this n**i as their freedom paladin. From the same people that created Al Qaeda and ISIS...
Reactions: khinkali
Did you even bother to read the comments to the video, which prove that the title to the video is a lie?

I previously did not know anything about Navalny, but if he supports law-abiding citizens owning firearms then he is my kind of man. “An armed man is a citizen, an unarmed man is a subject.” — John Adams
Man, you are just a propaganda victim. The man is practically a saint )
Of course not a single word about muslims there, it's just a pro-gun ad.
And it's from 2007. Now it's 2021, if you don't know At the time he wasn't even a politician.
Man, you are just a propaganda victim. The man is practically a saint )
Of course not a single word about muslims there, it's just a pro-gun ad.
And it's from 2007. Now it's 2021, if you don't know At the time he wasn't even a politician.
So, this video where he wants exterminate Caucasian people (correctly intended as “ from Caucasus”) is fake? Tell me more...

(btw I am pro-gun but heavily anti-gay marriage, which is where this subject is pointing right now to have the western support).
So, this video where he wants exterminate Caucasian people (correctly intended as “ from Caucasus”) is fake? Tell me more...
Do you even know russian language? He didn't tell anything like that. Even word "caucasus" wasn't mentioned at all.
Although it is clear from the photo in the background that he meant Chechen terrorists who were quite known at that time for their deadly attacks. Do you even know there was a war with Chechnya shortly before this video was released? And about large number of terrorist attacks exactly at that time?
Of course not.
Indeed, as some may recall, it was a period during which the U.S. and Russia sought cooperation from each other because they were both victims of terrorism against their civilian populations.
@Admin you should move this discussion!

Personally I believe Putin give a f**k and just send some gas attack towards Bruxelles if they don't stop.
Reactions: Jerry1911
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