EU Threatens Russia with SWIFT Network Disconnection

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I do believe that you drank the Kool-Aid. The Fed literally has no idea what it is doing. This is proven by its delving into Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), which is a recent unproven concept that is entirely alien to all of human economic history. The Fed is like a blind man in a dark room searching for a black cat that isn't there.

If the Fed were all-powerful and knew what it was doing, as you suggest, it would have easily averted the 2008 financial crisis (and all previous economic crises). In fact, it helped create many of those crises. Plenty of people could see the housing bubble forming in 2008 (I did), while the Fed did nothing and stated that everything was just fine. In recent times, the Fed has created more financial crises than it has averted. Enough said.
@Golden Fleece crisises are inevitable and are an important process for restructuring the markets. Creational destruction.
It's always the same way that everybody is laughing about the US. They laugh about the US "bankrupt" economy with most of Top10 biggest companies, they laugh about the bad healthcare with most of the top10 hospitals, clinics, doctors, new medications and therapies, and most of all i love the 40yo old european guys laughing about the big paper homes of the US people while they live in their small 39m² apartment made out of better building techniques while going to work via train while the overdebted redneck goes to work with his brand new mustang. And this goes on for decades already... . The europeans just don't understand how to keep an economy alive and booming with bubble cycles as they have a wrong opinion about debt and the monetary system. Big debt bubbles are necessary. The big debt bubbles built the railraod network, the big debt bubbles built the needed housings, the big debt bubbles paved the way for internet technology and and and. Yes they burst, and then everybody is laughing, but they all forget one thing: without the massive overexaggerated accumulation of money in various markets they would have never developed to the peak we have seen. Bubbles speed up technology processes exponentially. Then the bubble bursts, some stay rich and leave the system and other have to restructure in new markets. And new restructuring starts new developments and the cycle continues. This cycle is healthy for development (if it is healthy for our mental states is a different question, but this is a philosophical question to answer ). And the US understand this and that is why they have easy bankruptcy laws with which you have no problems running a new company within a few months.
Please guys, get a more objective opinion about the US. I know they are hated, but this is because no one understands the long term outcome the US is achieving.
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The issue is you live in the past not understanding that this bubble is diffrent than the bubbles before.US is losing its sole world reserve currency dictatorship.
US wealth is based on taxation of the rest of the world forcing them to use their worthless USD paper on their goods like oil,gold,copper etc .
When losing it it means losing massiv income.
Also you are a blind fool not seeing that the elite is taking control over key points like food,security,real estates etc going into full dominance mode to establish a facist control mechanism which is far worse than Hitler or Stalin.

The vaccination is a good example.The elite described it themself "let the dumb eliminate themself"

Negative interest rates coming with digital money.That means wealth will be sucked out from citizens very quickly.People are just unable to understand what it means.Real resources being bought by elite with fresh produced money and paper will be left for the majority
People always underestimate the USA.
Just give you perspective.

USA rule the entire ocean. Which country in the world has a navy like the USA? The USA is the Undisputed King of the Ocean. There is no argument here. Anyone can live in a fool's paradise.
USA military budget is $738 Billion. It means only the USA military is 21th richest country by GDP.

Vanguard Mutual Fund.
It owns the World stock index. Calculate how much foreign stock index they own. It adding new and new customers daily.
Thinks after some year how many stock index (In term of percentage) They will own?

Calculate S&P 500 companies' non-US revenue share?
S&P 500 companies basically rule the world.

Not only the tech sector every sector Like 3M, Marriot International which worthwhile country does not have a Marriot hotel.

USA companies have a kind of Monopoly over a certain sector Seed and Agriculture biotechnology. They are no competition for some area like Lockheed Martin, Airbus, Boeing. China tried but failed miserably.

The mighty AMAZON and Google, Every digital presence online pay directly or indirectly to AMAZON or Google. You do not know Ask your web developer.

Mcdonald Coca Cola, Pepsi, Starbucks We are surrounded or used to USA company so we sometime does not even know that we are literally a slave to them.

Hollywood movies watch around the world and their profits are like crazy.

Visa/Paypal and over-loved broker Interactive Broker, are growing like crazy.

I am not a fan or hater of china or the USA.

The winner always innovates and finds a method to simplify human life. Can anyone tell me any original product/innovation that comes from china and change the world?

Regarding the Manufacturing hub, Yes the china is indeed the Factory of the world. but compare like To manufacture iPhone in china It cost 200$ to Apple Inc and they sell them at 2000$. Here who is the winner?
Compare the Apple Inc profit margin and Taiwan Semiconductor (iPhone maker ). Who is smarter here?
The USA has outsourced all labor work to cheap labor countries (China, India ,Bangladesh). Who is the winner here?
Like the Amazon FBA program, So many people make money by selling china product, You see who are the winner, Do you know the Amazon FBA fees per product, It is easy money. It helps USA company more than China company Do your own research here.

Every country has a reserve currency is USD and Puts its money on a USA treasury bond, If the USA default on its bond who will lose more?

As long as Capitalism exists the USA will always remain the Undisputed Ruler of the World.
Wrong.Globalism is ending because the elite wants to end it.Majority of western countries expecially of EU will suffer deeply because they stopped producing.Trend will be to produce localy again.
However they won't use human work power but robots based on their industry 4.0 agenda.Banks already researched in 2018 that thanks to industry 4.0 there will be arround 2025 35% unemployment and till 2030 85% unemployment.Thats why they prepare basic income.It will be a centralized world where people will get credit scores like in china.You are against the system you won't get a dime.Let's see how you survive
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It will be a centralized world where people will get credit scores like in china.
Now that people accept vaccines, perhaps you will also receive a mandatory monthly government-prescribed shot.
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Now that people accept vaccines, perhaps you will also receive a mandatory monthly government-prescribed shot.
Nobody can stop Globalism,
Internet and Crypto how can you make them local?
Small-time nationalism or local political gain works.

But think yourself Why are you hiring an expensive web developer, when you can hire a cheap web developer? How can you stop outsourcing? If they make a law, companies will relocate to different countries.
If the government doing some drama, Their country's economy will finish.

Nobody can reverse Globalism.
Now that people accept vaccines, perhaps you will also receive a mandatory monthly government-prescribed shot.
You will laugh but i intended a conference in 2019 where a world wide leading visioner who is working for big cooperations told that people will need to wear a health bracelet which will control you health and possibly limit your free choices to unhealthy food.
According to her they will enforce wearing it by demanding 4 times higher monthly healthcare cost if you don't
globalism is the past.........maybe its time for you to wake up ?
Even China started to switch their economy from export to domestic since 2019
Cheap developers do garbage software products that cannot be maintained without throwing all code base that you invested in for many years. Developers who truly know how to be product-oriented, not just tech-oriented are costing plenty of money

Big mistake is when companies hire 100 indians to do the same job that just 5-8 highly skilled westerners can do with higher quality
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