EU Passport

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Just a question of political goodwill. Albania and North Macedonia is off, Montenegro is on

basically there are 35 chapters that have to be negotiated/achieved to get in. Montenegro has managed to complete 3 chapters so far. That’s 32 chapters to go. If you look at how others have progressed, it will be 10+ years.
Politics or no politics you cannot really speed this up.

Also, they inappropriately/unofficially use the EURO, so paradoxically, they may actually have to stop using it in order to get into the EU lol …
Euro is history.Its currently just a place holder for Yuan
It is funny how many times in the last 20 years I heard about the end of the Euro...
So true. In the wake of Brexit popular sentiment is incredibly well-disposed toward the EU, above all because of freedom of movement. Le Pen, Salvini, Meloni and all the other brainless populists know there are no votes any more in talking about leaving.
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It is funny how many times in the last 20 years I heard about the end of the Euro...
Who cares what you have heard.Reality doesn't give a s**t what you did
Global Monetary System is planned by the elite decades in advance and not what people say or claim.It is their agendas which are being executed and not what people say ,hear or want.
If you are blind like 99.7% of all people (uncluding so called non sheeps) unable to recognise agendas based on offical documents and agendas that is your problem not mine.
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I might be blind but as a personal trait I do not take rude people's opinion into consideration. Your style speaks for itself.
Reactions: pomegranate
I might be blind but as a personal trait I do not take rude people's opinion into consideration. Your style speaks for itself.
Who will have to live with your decissions and forcasting not me.
I'm rude i guess so after reading so many years so many BS from people thinking they know better having not read a single offical document about the new global monetary system.
Enlighten me please, where could I read this official document about the new global monetary system?
Under polands leadership the new union is already being formed under the name "unia nadmorze"
you really believe that ? Lets face facts for now a bit. Germany rules EU some may like it or not, without UK there is no real power to enforce rules over Germany. On the other side you have Russia and their USSR dream while they don't offer any real alternative Russia only power which has is plain resources no brain power or factory power. At the end no mater how old USSR nations will cry form unions they won't do s**t at end.
Just because they have nukes it doesn't mean that they will rule at hightech idiutry/pharmacy/sience etc.

For me getting secondary EU passport is not worth effort, maybe Germany for wealth-fare/education is ok to make some effort. Better probably to have exit plan like with any carabian passport and when needed obtain some EU residency when needed.

EU collapse is not really that certain because there is not external factor to me that can do it. Russia is not big USSR anymore. EU will have migration crisis in future because of global warming and that should strengthen it, its easier to fight it together than alone.
Its easier put one wall than put wall on everyone borders.

do you mean the Three Seas Initiative? they need cash for that, billions of euros, which only germany and USA have but seems like USA only wants to provide moral support.
just look how much $$$ they throw at Israel and on that "Three Seas Initiative" countries, watch where the money flows. There is too much wishful thinking than reality - where the money goes thee are goals.

BTW if you are in Malta like 10years then maybe just grab long therm resident status valid for next 10 years and just move away - same time you will have right to go back if s**t happens. In best EU countries they start making EXIT TAX so be careful what you signing for.

Enlighten me please, where could I read this official document about the new global monetary system?
That is the best because there is problem EVERY side wants that global monetary system will favor THEM. So EU US China all want that cake for themselves what is sure today we are not after 3WW that we will see X country as winner and take their rules. In fact how that new system should work can be subject in hot war in future. I don't believe in stable long standing solution for everyone.
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Men your know how is really BS.
First of all Germany is not ruling the EU but USA.Germany is just a colony as poland is for USA even i can say poland is way more independant than germany.
Russia has nukes ?And you think germany,france,italy have no nukes ?Thats your bs they taught you in school ?
Germany is a logistic centre for US military which have a lot of nukes there.
Secondly poland and czech are a schield for these countries with their rocket system and radar.Its not a defence tool for poland but to protect US logistic which isn't in poland.
Next step i don't need to think anything.
The new union was already beeing announced 2015 by Stratfor Freedman to create a pilsudski line to make sure germany and russia could never join forces.Thats unia nadmorze.
Stratfor Friendman is the think tank for the US government.If he claims they will create a coridore sanitare you can be sure they will do it.
EU collapse is certain because its planned.
You are a naive guy when thinking they have not planned structures already decades ago.Just shows you have no idea how real politics is being done in davos and co and that local politicans are just a theatre to sell people their agenda
Montenegro scheme closes this year, anyone invested in it?
How about investing in Bulgaria's CBI program instead? It takes 1M+ EUR investment to get their citizenship in 18 months, or 500K+ investment to get it in five years. Even if one can park the money in an investment fund, It does not sound terribly attractive. Still, Bulgaria is a EU country, not a memeber-hopeful like Montenegro.
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