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EU Court Ruling Could Open Door to More ‘Golden Passport’ Schemes

Martin Everson

Offshore Retiree
Jan 2, 2018

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A legal opinion published last week signals that the European Union’s Court of Justice may rule in favor of Malta’s “golden passport” program, experts said, despite warnings that such schemes allow criminals and corrupt individuals to buy EU citizenship.

Malta is the sole remaining EU member state to offer citizenship by investment after Bulgaria and Cyprus scrapped their programs under pressure from the European Commission. The Commission brought a legal challenge against Malta in 2022.

A ruling in Malta’s favor could encourage other member states to revive or launch their own citizenship-by-investment programs, said Eka Rostomashvili of the advocacy group Transparency International.

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The way I see it, it's not a bad thing but rather very positive if you just leave out the part about it opening doors for criminals.