Some winding up their Estonian company, these days have been researching possible offshore online formation possible corporate entites to leverage foreign income tax waiver which have access to local card processors that allow cross border transactions and charge on per sale commission basis without setup/annual fees by payment gateway. Or ideally have access to Paypal recieving, stripe, wise business, etc. With no WHT on undistributed profits. Able to setup company 1 director, 1 shareholder 100% foreign owned no quarterly bs docs submissions/advance tax payments only year end submissions. Without need for resident local agents. Able to collect payments from US clients tax free via waiver of foreign income. Low penalties for any delays of doc submissions. Low incorporation costs and annual renewal costs. And this all fit bill for Estonian but sadly new 2% tax coming in 2026 so what other option exists which others who already have Estonian company going to apply which I could do same?
Some did mention US LLC but since it is tax transparent and it comes onto personal tax liability not an ideal solution since not living in a tax free country. And the idea is to setup a corporation so the corporation hangs onto the money and not distribute as salary or dividends. Plus US have quite high penalties for doc delays and other related things and lots of legal implications if ties to US when consider reporting to other non US financial institutions
Some did mention US LLC but since it is tax transparent and it comes onto personal tax liability not an ideal solution since not living in a tax free country. And the idea is to setup a corporation so the corporation hangs onto the money and not distribute as salary or dividends. Plus US have quite high penalties for doc delays and other related things and lots of legal implications if ties to US when consider reporting to other non US financial institutions