Estonia company + Estonia bank account

Xolo is pushing Wirecard now.
Reactions: Btraveler
What I am interested currently is HK company + bank acc.
So please go ahead and open a new thread so this one don't get mixed or I will have to delete posts!
As a matter of fact, I have e-residency (although I live far from Estonia) and I found it very easy to form a company in Estonia and open a bank account, maybe because all my activities are totally legitimate and above board and I pay all applicable taxes and I appeared at the bank in person. I cannot comment on other people's experiences
When I formed a OU in estonia I has some problems regarding banks, it was quite silly becouse they told me I should be back several times, in meantime I opened Leupay but was quite afraid becouse of those scandals with Satabank so I open an account in other EU state quite easily. Now everything goes smoothly just fees of banks are higher than I expected but still, its safer than any of EMI account regarding higher yearly turnover (if it is more than 1,5MIO you need auditor).
Reactions: Btraveler

Hello @Bluepearl In which country did you manage to open a bank account for your estonian company?

I think the main difference for a bank account and EMI is:

- Bank account. Your money is legally covered by government at 100% until a limit of 100.000€ for the major part of banks inside EEA
- EMI. You're not covered by that 100K fund, but anyway all legal registered EMI's offer Segregated accounts for its customers, so the money of customers is sepparated in different accounts and in real banks. So, in fact, the only worst case that could be is that the banks where EMI's store the clients funds go to bankrupcy (which is very improbable)
First post ever on forum I see . Maybe you could outline how you can help rather than asking people to PM you especially when this is your very first post. Only scammers do that.
and he is gone… I hope the BAN hammer hurt