ePayments Questions

For example, you need to provide a list of your counterparts and agreements between you. They have own list of restricted companies and if one of them in their list you will get a rejection.
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But if you can get the list and you know how to get almost any account it would work just fine! I did some investigation on them to find out they have been in business before and for a long time. They seem to be a valid service provider that can (if you manage to pass their verification) be used for payment services as well as EMI banking!

Now they are in the process of reviewing of all existed offshores companies. If your activity should be licensed - providing of it is mandatory.
It is strange that no one has written here about what is happening with ePayments now. Really, no one to use this platform? Personally, I suffered quite a lot from the fact that this service suspended its work and blocked the funds of all clients. Although the technical support promises that everything will be fine, I have already lost hope that I can return my money. That's why I am actively testing various payment services, among which so far I like quppy the most. But in order to make some kind of conclusions, time is needed, I hope that I will not be disappointed in this platform as well as in ePayments.

I would suggest searching this forum. We have a couple of very active threads regarding ePayments.

I don't care about opening accounts tbh. I assumed they weren't opening any anyways?

When will they refund the balances is the real question.
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