EMI with Dedicated UK IBAN ?

ePayments is terrible and work with Rietumu (which everyone expects to be going bust very soon).

To look more legitimate, ePayments publish spoofed revenue numbers (extra ",000") and photos supposedly showing their company offices with a lot of staff - but they are "stock photos" =)
They only have a few people working their and pass client's documents to be reviewed by Russians.

Beware and stay away.
Thanks for your review.
Reactions: symon
myPOS is iCard, owner of LeuPay. - sure about that?
I know this for sure. Until recently - they even had phone support in common - then you just had to press different buttons to choose where to turn - 2 Leupay, 3 MyPoS, and 1 for icard (numbers for example. You do not think that I remember them?))).
To whom it belongs legally - it is difficult to say, I did not check. After we had the money stuck in Leupay - I would have twice thought whether to contact MyPoS.
Reactions: maxmoney