EMI with Dedicated FRENCH IBAN ?

Rachel Brown

Active Member
Feb 20, 2018
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I have tried all mentioned solutions before like veritas, anyti.me, those guys dont speak English, support does not exist and I need some french IBANs asap, communication with veritas and anyti.me takes ages, not to mention veritas does not have working contact phones at all. I can't travel to France for sure, my partner organization can only transfer the funds on a french IBAN, like in their country, I have different EU accounts with IBANs, but they do not work in that case. SO can you help me please? I just need some EMI with good support so I can get a french IBAN asap, documents are not a problem.
Sorry, I have no solution for this, but I'm curious to know why your partner only can send to a French IBAN number?

As far as I know a IBAN number is for European countries and to speed up the time it takes to transfer money around Europe! France is Europe!
Same here, I was under the impression they can send SEPA transfers and that will be ok, however, it turns out they have some restrictions related to the main funds source, so they can be only transferred between banks located in the France. Funny thing is EU wants all countries to use SEPA, but in my country we have a national system, same goes for UK, Ireland, Germany, France, etc. Here bank clerks still believe we only have SWIFT transfers as an only available options. EU is weird, their European union projects even more weird with annoying requirements and limitations.
Or you can buy BTC with the funds and cashout with another EMI like Leupay or Money Polo
I have accounts with all possible EMIs you could think of, however, my partner organization is in France and they are required by their EU project to transfer the funds to a local bank account.
The funds are not in my account, so I can't buy BTC with them, and honestly BTC is still heavily associated with fraud and illegal activities, I am just trying save on taxes, my business is legit/legal.
Honestly not paying taxes to the revenue agency is also illegal, but here if I pay my taxes I will end up on a BIG "-"/negative/. Not to mention that in that poor EU country, once they caught you transferring big amounts of money (understand over 100k euro) they start blackmailing you to pay them a tax called "piece of mind" like the taxes are not enough.
It sounds somehow strange, do you live in an EU country?
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It's sounds somehow strange, do you live in an EU country?
Yes, I do. 20% VAT here, 10% corporate income tax, plus health insurance and some other taxes for small amounts you easily scale up to 50% taxes. Some people even call my country "offshore paradise" but in reality the country sucks big time, not to mention 0 tolerance if you forget send your documents to national revenue agency and for the VAT they have you to send empty declarations when your company does not operate, if you miss the deadline (you must send them every month), so you miss deadline bcz it totally makes no sens to send a declaration empty full of 00000, they have you to pay 500EURO fine. If I were in a normal EU country like Germany or UK they won't bother with small amounts. Anyways here the partner organization is forced to follow some requirements (its a well established EU organization) so they pay only on a French iban.
I am also a pro accountant the highest I got it was assistant auditor, but salary was miserable like 400 euro (something normal for my country) so I was forced to quit and start working online.
But when it comes to local laws and regulations I know almost everything. The government gets and applies only those EU laws and regulations who protects their best interest. Whatsoever. Most banks here don't know about SEPA at all, they still believe the bank transfer must be SWIFT in the EU, but thats not a problem, I have accounts with many EMIs, so don't have to deal with the local banks. Not to mention all banks are now linked in a network and they exchange information, EU is weird.
@Rachel Brown sounds like you are in Switzerland or a place close to Anyway, it's a strange situation you are in. I wonder if there are other people that face the issue without a France IBAN to receive payments from other EU bank account holders.
@Rachel Brown sounds like you are in Switzerland or a place close to Anyway, it's a strange situation you are in. I wonder if there are other people that face the issue without a France IBAN to receive payments from other EU bank account holders.
Dear Admin, you're kidding me. I'm in Bulgaria lol
Switzerland is a very good country and I wish I could move there with my family. Here we combine "best" of both worlds - very strict laws, taxable minimum does not exist, so you pay taxes over everything, corruption, lack of opportunities for local business, fiscal machines are linked directly to the National Revenue Agency so they report your income 24 hours, banks are linked, government uses all the information to blackmail you for a % of your business, foreign investors dont want to hear about Bulgaria and they are in a rush to sell their companies here, National revenue agency agents themselves usually want a % the so called "piece of mind" tax when you pay behind "the table" so they allow you to operate your local business. I rather move to Nigeria lol.
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Hello Rachel,

so you want to open a french bank account without speaking french? well...."ca va être difficile!"

usually they require to have a french address (to send the card) and eventually a french mobile phone number (second factor authentication)

perhaps your partner can wire the cash to a french middleman (another business org?) and then he will wire it to you afterwards?
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Honestly there are some EMIs and I would like to use them. Don't need a real french bank account, because well it will be too complicated and I have a family who speak French, but I do not have anyone located in France.
Middleman will have to pay VAT and a corporate income, dunno about taxes in France, but I guess 30%. And for their services like 10-15%. Oh well, I rather paying someone from the forum to get the job done for me.
Less hassle and complications.
Honestly there are some EMIs and I would like to use them..

the only thing that prevent you to move forward is the language?
for the VAT it's transparent for the middleman, if your partner owns you 10K, middleman will invoice him 10K +20% VAT which will be deductible on his side and then middleman will wire you the money with no VAT applied (EU reverse charge mechanism- B2B services).

is it only for a one shot operation?
Yes, I shall receive the funds by the end of this month, thats it. I think that the language is not a big problem, however, I can't visit France at the moment, because I have some family issues, grand parents very old (90+ years old) and ill, so I must pay them visits every second day. Kids need to visit kinda garden and school. I have a god. Etc etc. I'm stuck where I'm for now.
On other hand salary here is like 400euro, so I would hate to "lose" the money that partner owns me.
Hi Rachel

Try with ipagoo, you should choose France in registration form to get FR iban, monthly fee is 3€, I have not account but they answered my emails fastly. I understand your situation, a preppy french company consider a french iban better and they are very distrustful. Avoid french banks, they are directly supplied by tax agency.
I meet also a few companies requesting to pay in German and polish iban. Like you said that you opened much ewallets; Do you know tell me of ewallets offering dedicated DE or PL iban?

Best regards

transferwise offers DE Iban when activating EU borderless account.
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