EMI recommendation for Stripe Payouts 2023 (Card, IBAN, Personal Account)


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Jul 3, 2022
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What's the best personal EMI account/card in 2023 for receiving Stripe payouts?

I am looking for a EMI with IBAN number, (virtual and) Plastic Debit Card that is fast to apply for and has privacy.
Hopefully the IBAN bank account is somewhere in the EU and accepts euros. I am EU/Scandinavia resident.

I have used Wise for a long time, but their yearly KYC surprised me off the guard.
I didn't notice my passport had expired and Wise stops working in the next Friday without verification.
Updating my passport will likely take more than a week. You get the Wise account back after the verification though.

So I am looking for a short term fix for this problem to send the payouts to, and maybe even replace Wise permanently if there are nowadays better
solutions out there that accepts stripe payouts, has physical (&virtual) debit card, allows you to send regular SWIFT/SEPA payments and ATM cash withdrawals.

I have now set up a Zen.com account as it seemed the best.
Bankera wanted didn't let to do application with driver's license and seemed the worst choise.

How do you apply for a physical card in Zen.com gold subscription?
Do you just have to wait for the verification before you see the option for physical debit card?
Currently I can only see a virtual card and IBAN for SEPA transfers in the EU zone that I assume can also receive stripe payouts.
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You should just fix a proper business account, as a Scandinavia resident, that's easy.
I am mainly looking for a temporary solution as I have to renew my passport to use Wise.

I have been extremely happy with my current set up for years,
so I haven't followed the latest EMI's for some time now. For example I never heard about Zen.com before,
but it looks very good addition to the scene. I read every thread I could find and this is probably what I am looking for my specific situation.

Stripe accepts IBAN number accounts as long as they are from EU. The IBAN from zen is from Lithuania. Wise is Belgium.
Zen lets you to create virtual+physical mastercard that arrives in 10 days and you can use driver's license to create an account.
If you loose access to your expired old bank account that payouts were already scheduled to go, they should return to stripe automatically and get sent to your updated bank account information.
I wonder if Payoneer account is possible? I am not sure either.
I was also looking for more answers on EMIs other than Wise for payouts from Stripe.

Zen is great on my brief experience!

It's just like Wise, and the on boarding process was easier and faster.
They didn't ask for tons of information like Bankera, Payoneer, ect and you can even use driver's license for verification.
I would definitely prefer wise/iCard/blackcatcard/Zen over to Payoneer/Revolut/Bankera type of solutions based on my research.

Receiving payouts and spending money has also been effortless with Zen.
I will receive the physical card today, but the virtual mastercard has also worked well.
If you need to pay for FB/GA advertising, I would definitely wait to do it with the physical mastercard instead of the virtual one just to be safe.

I thought Blackcatcard only offers personal accounts?

With Zen you can only sign up via App right?