EMI or bank accounts for Russian with a Cyprus utility bill and Cyprus certificate of taxpayer

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So far all European EMIs replied that they are not working with Russian residents
Странно, так вы же резидент Кипра. Куча людей просто рисовало квитанцию и им открывали счета. А у вас реальное резидентство. Хотя каждый день что-то меняется. Пробуйте Vivid, Gemba например. Но грохнуть то везде могут акк... В гонконге тоже, акки компаний currenxie например закрывает, neat не открывает. Кажется нужна диверсификация, и может даже счета в банках СНГ.

Strange, you are a resident of Cyprus. Try vivid, gemba. But everything is dangerous now. Honkong too, currenxie is close RU accs. Diversification. Maybe real banks in ge/kz/uz.
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Reactions: spacely
If your bank statements show heavy use in Russia for day to day expenses then forget it.

Russians unfortunately are being hit hard. Kazakhstan I know definitely works as there are a few Russians in Dubai using that route. They are merely using it as a pass through and are buying up assets.

Gold Souk is busy with Russians buying up gold coins, dory and bars.

Your options are nominee
Any of the countries mentioned above and maybe Azerbaijan.
Your options are nominee
how does it work in terms of personal bank account?
If your bank statements show heavy use in Russia for day to day expenses then forget it.
no, only non-Russia payments

Kazakhstan I know definitely works as there are a few Russians in Dubai using that route.
Thanks, yes I am aware about Kazakhstan, but I need a decent bank to store money

Strange, you are a resident of Cyprus. Try vivid, gemba.
I am tax resident of Cyprus, most banks will want European ID.
Do vivid, gemba work with Russian residents?
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Buy a fake ID and solve all your problems.
Reactions: holywater and CaptK
What do you mean by resident? They ask for receipts for electricity. That's all residency is. Only Revolut asks for a real documented residence permit (ВНЖ). (And Wise may have been closed to you because you still had a Russian address there.)
You need to separate the concepts, tax residence and residency may be connected to some extent but are two different concepts. At the moment Cyprus banks, and I believe other EU banks in general, are willing to accept people with Russian citizenship as long as they can show that they have a permanent residency elsewhere. By permanent residence this means a permanent residence permit or other similar permit allowing them to reside in the specific country
Reactions: clemens
would you be able to help him in this situation, no right?
Reactions: CyprusLaw
What about US banks? Are they opening accounts now for Russians?
I would be very carful with who you are engaging in the account opening in the US - you want to find someone with reputation. As far as I remember @startfleetio is a guy heavily active around here for some time.

He may indeed be able to help you.
I would be very carful with who you are engaging in the account opening in the US - you want to find someone with reputation. As far as I remember @startfleetio is a guy heavily active around here for some time.

He may indeed be able to help you.
are there any EMIs in US? Can I just apply directly? Kinda weird in 2022 to have another person help you fill the forms
You can open a personal bank account in Georgia remotely. They accept Russian clients if they confirm in writing that they consider the situation in Ukraine as a war.
thanks. Actually I have an account in Georgia in TBC. My concern is Georgians are also quite russophobic, so long term they can also suspend it. My issue is I don't have tax declarations, so I need banks that are a bit lax on DD side, that would accept my dividends docs for 2021. I will do a tax declaration in Cyprus in a couple of months, but who knows what happens in these next couple of months
It must be permanent? Temporary residence permit isn't enough?