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Oct 9, 2020
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Dear friends, I ask you two questions:

can you please tell me some EMIs that do not perform automatic exchange of information (CRS)? I am not interested in EMI with IBAN from Eastern Europe.

I know and use TransferWise, on their website they claim that they do not exchange information, but will it be true? I can trust?

Hello to all!!!
Can you trust what those emi-s claim.. i guess but there's no guarantee that they won't start reporting retrospectively...

As far as I personally checked these emi-s don't participate in any kind of automatic sharing of information :

Perfect money

Those are the ones that flat replied to my email and said that don't report anything but if they are asked or court tells them to they will disclose any info the court needs.

There are others but I haven't asked myself so wont name them..

Your best bet is to email customer service from the emi you're interested in and ask..
Reactions: Btraveler
Paysera is IBAN LT, not good for me. The ideal would be an IBAN DE, BE, GB etc. AdvCach has too high fees (5 euros + 0.5% for a bank transfer).

Can you recommend other EMI that do not exchange information (CRS)? They don't need to accept crypto, I only use EUR.

Thanks to all friends.
Reactions: Btraveler
I think payoneer has DE iban , people are claiming the don't report but I haven't asked myself .
Problem is I don't think you can receive money directly to iban from private people.. you need to use stripe.. perhaps some other people that use payoneer can chimney in.. but you do have DE iban.
Reactions: Btraveler
Thanks for the reply. The IBAN of these EMI of that country is?

Someone suggests me other emi?

how about to signup for some of the suggested accounts and checkout what will work for you? I'm sure no one here is able to do the work for you.