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EMI, EU citizien


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Feb 2, 2018
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Which EMI is not soo strict that I can receive as individual (on private account) the income which is Invoice for company from company in EU.
Until now I used ViaBuy, they complain but in some way I conviced them as I have signed contact of cooperation between those two companies. Unfortunetly they will close service next month. I tried Vivid but they return the amount as the income was sended from company. Thx for support/idea.
Which EMI is not soo strict
In fact, none should allow this, see below.

that I can receive as individual (on private account) the income which is Invoice for company from company in EU.

Im not owner of the that company ... :( ...
This literally means that you want to receive a payment on behalf of some other person – a company that you even do not own. This is strictly forbidden in all the Terms of Service that I have seen and I am able to imagine, as it breaks AML/CTF directives.

Hence, there is no legal way how to get the money for invoice issued by the company A to the company B, if you are the natural person C. (Putting aside the impacts at the company A accounting – they cannot put there the payment that received some unkown person C.)

As I guess that this is not a one-time payment but something that repeats (it looks like this as of your description), the simpliest way how to solve this is:
Not the company A but you as a freelancer or some company D that you establish, simply invoices company B. Then you could choose from a bunch of EMIs either for you as a freelancer or for your company D.
If for some reason the business relationship must be maintained between companies A and B, then
– either company A pays company B and then you invoice company B (as a freelancer or some company D)
– or it is possible to create some setup like you are the mandatoire of the company B but this is impossible to specify unless knowing the relevant jurisdiction(s), the regulation varies even across the EU (and it could be rather complicated or even not legally possible); you would need a freelancer account anyway.

Sorry I cannot convey to you any more positive news ;)
Which EMI is not soo strict
In fact, none should allow this, see below.

Hi Forester & Others,
thx for all info. I just started but I dont know if is good the write in poblic such info :).
I have signed contract with Company B as Freelancer but issue is that the Company A must pay VAT and was not acceptable for them. After we signed the same contract with Company A (I can say it is family company).
I have frozen company in Country D but services are for country A and they (Company A) afraid for finance/tax office as is not transparent. Some time company A payed to company B on their regular IBAN. Company B has problems to payed me regulary as I wasnt employee there.
it is about 1-2k monthly, not millions.

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In fact, none should allow this, see below.

Hi Forester & Others,
thx for all info.
You are welcome.
I just started but I dont know if is good the write in poblic such info :).
What is now here is fine. For a more sensitive topic (not illegal!), you eventually can go to Mentor Group, if needed.

I have signed contract with Company B as Freelancer but issue is that the Company A must pay VAT and was not acceptable for them. After we signed the same contract with Company A (I can say it is family company).
I have frozen company in Country D but services are for country A and they (Company A) afraid for finance/tax office as is not transparent. Some time company A payed to company B on their regular IBAN. Company B has problems to payed me regulary as I wasnt employee there.
I must admit I have not understood well how the situation exactly looks; regardless of that it seems to me that consulting a good accountant (even not a tax advisor or a lawyer) vis-a-vis can solve the vast majority of the problems, if not all.
Having said that, beware of solutions that simply just ignore the rules – it can get you into a remarkable trouble like being convinced of a serious crime for something that is actually rather a misdemeanor.

it is about 1-2k monthly, not millions.
Bad for you :( . You see, a small fish is usually/always easy to catch and punish, in such a case.

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Not necessary, as of now.