Easy territorial or zero tax residency without presence requirements

Thailand is easy.

Do a Elite Visa, Investor Visa or other.
Until they will start taxing the worldwide income (soon)...
*Which investor visa? The LTR you mean? I can't find it. I see a youtube post that saying you need $300K in condos; but in any case - if exists - is it tax-free/exempt ?

The certificate is worthless in most cases. Why? Because it is issued by the country that has low tax. You need to check the DTA details and what you other country may consider.
No it's not. Depends on the country. And yes you are right for the wife but not the DTA. What the DTA has to do if you don't have any income from your citizenship country? And you only have from a third country. I think nothing to do. Am i wrong? Thank you!
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Not sure what your naitonality is. But we discussed this once here:

It is one of the few places where the certificate makes sense. But just be warned if you get it with a 30-day-stay, you will most likely face many more questions from your old home country. As Cloudback mentioned, you should better move first elsewhere and then to a zero tax place. Why? Because of the DTA. The DTA is essentially what is protecting you from Italy charging you taxes. If you move to a country with wich Italy has a DTA and you read and fufill the requirements, Italy cannot charge you once you have sufficient evidence. In all other cases, you are subject to discussions and Italy asking for more documents.