Seriously some people here hate most of the developed countries and their governments, but then jump to some real shitholes as if it's the next
I agree. but who knows what could happen in the future? South Korea was once a shithole, Singapore was once a s**t hole too. People back then said "Oh wow, who is dumb enough to invest in Singapore, it's a shithole" now Singaporean banks don't want your money, they won't work with you if they don't want too. they can simply tell you to f**k off with a smile on their face and a firm handshake.
Singapore was ruled by LKY, who is an authoritarian and dictator, yet his country became the wealth hub of asia.
china is a communist country (they are capitalist to certain extent in practice, but still), and yet you can see how china became a gigantic power after getting fucked by a civil war and the second sino-japan war.
But oh "Western democracy", please, cry me a river.
Salvador president bukele, although somewhat authoritarian, is quite the business man, plus he is pretty young, was a small city mayor, then capital mayor, now president with overwhelming support, his party controls the congress, this guy have 0 tolerance for corruption, plus he did a pretty good job of reforming his country education and healthcare (which is the backbone of any country),and it seems that he is building a new railway and a new airport, and he is still developing his country, overall he is walking on the right path.
I wouldn't bank any money there
yet, but that doesn't mean I won't invest some of my "risk capital" there, it's the same thing that I do in Cambodia and some
African countries like Egypt (although Egypt is an exception since I bank there), Rwanda and Kenya. I want to invest in infrastructure and strategic
investments that would yield me certain power/influence. Well, if it paid off, I could be one of the people who helped the country to become a real developed country and that comes with HUGE benefits, and If it didn't paid's a risky capital and I would just consider my investment there a spoiled egg, and it won't matter because my "risky basket" is still filled with eggs. that why I diversify all my assets, and that includes any "risky capital".
Also, making more money for the sake of just making money becomes just fucking boring after you pass a certain amount, this amount is different for each person, but after a certain point, you want to convert this money to something that will make an impact whatever it's and overall leaving a legacy behind you.
For me, I get adrenaline rush in risky climates and frontier markets, It's what excite my nowadays. Western countries (specially the EU) just became too much with over regulation and anti business practices that it became too unbearable at this point. I just do the regular bonds/stocks investing and banking in the west, maybe investing in couple of properties, but not it
Spain, because
f**k Spain, but other than that, I don't do a lot there since these countries are boring socialist countries (except maybe a handful of European countries)
Back to topic. The btc thing though, I don't know about that, issuing a
stable coin that's backed by actual audited Salvadoran assets, including US dollars plus having an alipay like system (
crypto/fiat) in place but for all people including both citizens and foreigners would be waaaaay better than using a volatile currency as a legal tender, but who knows what will happen, the guy seems serious about this for better or worse and I'm just enjoying the show.