Dystopian future for the unvaccinated odds


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This is probably the worst thing in all this madness - the unpredictability. In the past if you wanted to fly, you bought a ticket and most likely you arrived to your destination. The exception could've been perhaps a crazy unexpected 2-hour traffic jam on the way to the airport...

However now EVERYTHING is unexpected. You must check rules to leave, rules set by the airline, rules set by country A, rules set by transit country B, rules set by country C, rules set by a local government or a certain city. If you want to make a trip with two or three legs, the probability of you arriving without any problems and any delays to do business or to go on vacation decreases drastically.

And the worst thing is that even if you do everything right, you are not guaranteed to be cleared. Because the rules can change and do change.

I totally remember that Montenegro (in the summer of 2021) was one of the most relaxed and free countries in Europe and in the world. You could arrive totally free, no vaccination required, no PCR test required, no arrival form required, no questions asked. Just show your passport and you're free to go. Not a lot of people wearing masks, noone annoying you. Now it is the exact opposite and crazy restrictions within the span of a few days. Well good luck, I thought 25 % of your GDP comes from tourism. Perhaps you already found some better activities, dear Montenegro.

Similar crazy changes were also in Romania, Netherlands... There are some countries going the other way and cancelling restrictions, like Mexico and El Salvador. Now maybe Spain or at least part of Spain? That's nice but they are still more the exception than the rule.
Well good luck, I thought 25 % of your GDP comes from tourism. Perhaps you already found some better activities, dear Montenegro
Well, they wellcome tourists in summer, and now it's winter there.

On the other hand, the worse - the better, because at some point it'll explode badly.

Also, the vaccine passports are the two-edged sword because it hurts vaccinated too: it requires that the vaccinated take jabs every 6 months in order to remain vaccinated, thus harming their immune systems and little by little making them unhappy. It's not a long term solution.
Yes, I recently watched an interview of a doctor who stated that the damage from the vaccines is likely cumulative, which is why we have seen a wave of deaths from the booster shots -- including some athletes.
maybe they will cancel it for now, maybe it will take a few more months before all is as it was before COVID-19 - however, I believe in short time we will have a new but similar situation.
How does it look today, one month passed, where are we with DysTopia - all good - now it's PutinTopia?
lot's of talk, still we are all here and looking into ww3 rather than COVID19
Reactions: aage and FlipnShip
For now it's fine. But it's going to be a terrible year for the jabbed. Especially the triple and quadruple. More likely to get covid, more likely to get sick. Welcome to the world of VAIDS. It will be impossible to hide. So that might make it hard to bring back restrictions seen as though it's the vaccinated at more risk.

Of course, all predictable. Anyone with a few functioning brain cells avoided it. You can find the triple jabbed over on the Russian invasion thread, trying to tell us Ukraine are winning .
Of course, all predictable. Anyone with a few functioning brain cells avoided it. You can find the triple jabbed over on the Russian invasion thread, trying to tell us Ukraine are winning .
Yeah, I noticed that too. I'm from a country which somewhat recently joined the EU. Whoever shilled for the EU back then now got the vaccine, supports Ukraine and is looking forward to the introduction of the Euro (during inflation)

Our local "experts" are already saying how there will be a massive outbreak in fall as if they have a crystal ball... Makes you think.
It was rather difficult to avoid it and required relocation in many cases (in my case at least and many Ive met).
You can find the triple jabbed over on the Russian invasion thread, trying to tell us Ukraine are winning .
Not really. I am not vaccinated, I oppose the COVID vaccines, and I know the science regarding vaccines, masks, viruses, and natural cures.

And I also know that Ukraine is winning, because it is always much easier to win a defensive war -- especially when you have troop morale on your side. Once Ukraine receives first tier Western weapons systems (versus old Soviet and second tier technology), which are just beginning to arrive, Russia has no hope of achieving its main objectives for the war (although it may achieve some lessor goals). What good are ships and tanks when they can be destroyed by cheap missiles and drones?

If Russia's goal was truly to achieve greater security against alleged NATO encroachment, which is what Russia claimed, then it has already lost that objective as well, once Finland and Sweden join NATO. That would never have happened, but for the war. There is no doubt at all that Putin now regrets his actions.
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It was rather difficult to avoid it and required relocation in many cases (in my case at least and many Ive met).
Which country/circumstances required relocation? I can't think of many.

I agree it was difficult, the pressure was high but all it took was having the courage of your convictions.

I don't have an employer to mandate it. But even then I know I wouldn't have taken it. Risk death to keep your job?

I don't understand why most people never asked what the social contract was. If I take this jab, how long do I keep my job for? Do I get 10 years guaranteed? Do I get a pay rise?

Instead, half the companies that mandated it. Have now removed the mandate.
Ok Ukraine is winning if that makes you happy but that’s OT in a thread on vaccines
Reactions: backpacker
Ah I'd have put money on jabbed.

Western weapons that they can't use properly and break easily?

The West are sending absolute junk. Those Howitzers? They use titanium so break quickly and need repairing which requires both parts and training.

Even the NLAW which is pretty good as it can at least be fired from an enclosed space unlike the javelin are past their sell by date so are failing miserably.

All more weapons do is lead to needless death of Ukrainian men. The smart ones are surrendering, as they realise they have no Central command.

The West don't give a s**t about Ukrainians. Proxy war.
Reactions: backpacker
Ok Ukraine is winning if that makes you happy but that’s OT in a thread on vaccines
Ask yourself who it was that first raised the OT issue (hint: see post #92).

Then ask yourself why you are complaining to me, rather than to the first person who went OT.

Then ask yourself why it is that you can never comport yourself in a fair and even-handed manner.

The funny part is that even if everything you say is true, those weapons are still far superior to Russian weapons. For example, the Russian tanks have serious design flaws that the West has known about for more than a decade, yet the Russians never bothered to fix those problems. Now Russian soldiers pay the price.

The Russians are abandoning so many weapons that the Ukrainians are fixing and redeploying them.

Meanwhile, Finland just today announced a fast-track application to join NATO. Just what Putin wanted. lol
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