Dystopian future for the unvaccinated odds


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Even vaccinated will get their life restricted. Last summer, like a good sheeple, I gave in and took a jab to gain back my freedom of movement (It was the 1-shot non-mRNA Janssen). That was only a partial help, as many countries require a PCR test nevertheless. Just one hour ago I was refused service in a cafe here in Batumi, Georgia. Apparently their reader app does not recognize an EU covid certificate. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Even countries that really couldn't afford to ruin their civil society and economy, just go ahead and ruin it. I don't think there will be a return back to normal. In the end, the West will look much more like totalitarian China with its citizen-slaves constantly monitored and controlled. Perhaps one could have some kind of freedom in some poor, corrupted semi-violent 3rd World bunghole.
Just one hour ago I was refused service in a cafe here in Batumi, Georgia. Apparently their reader app does not recognize an EU covid certificate.
Most of the small cafes/food outlets are incapable of reading an EU COVID certificate properly. Some of them just use the QR scanner of their private mobile and try to get something out of it which is usually fails.
Solution: Download the "CovidPass Georgia", go to SDA and tell them to enter your data in accordance with the foreign certificate. Do take note that this only works with "CovidPass Georgia", not with "Georgia e-Health".
Indeed, the country is so huge that it needs two separate COVID apps . The difference between the two apps is explained here -> “Green passports” to take effect in Georgia from today
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Just one hour ago I was refused service in a cafe here in Batumi, Georgia. Apparently their reader app does not recognize an EU covid certificate.

Wow a cafe that does not want business. Business must be going great for them in Georgia.
Wow a cafe that does not want business. Business must be going great for them in Georgia.
People need to leave these places as soon as they are asked for a certificate. Vote with your feet. Don't start getting your QR code out (real or fake)

Send the message you don't support businesses that comply with tyrannical governments.

I've been asked a couple of times for a green pass, I have left on both occasions. I was asked to wear a mask in a shop yesterday, and I left instantly. No money for them.
I'm also in Batumi right now (unvaxxed, no QR code). So far nobody asked me for it, although I mostly order food in my room. Is this some restriction recently imposed? Or did you just happen to find a cafe where the owner chose to demand it? I try to keep up with the news but it's not always easy. I need to know if I should book a ticket outta here asap.
it's good to keep the fun in this dark world we are into.
Internal permission regulations regarding COVID-certificates are in place since 01-December-2021. Rest assured that they will soon be tightened.
So far nobody asked me for it, although I mostly order food in my room. Is this some restriction recently imposed? Or did you just happen to find a cafe where the owner chose to demand it?
If you get food delivered by a courier or food to go, they won't ask it. You need a vaccination certificate only if you want to eat your food in the restaurant / cafe etc. This is the rule in many European countries already.

My today's balance: First cafe I visited checked my covid pass. I suspect she was unable to verify it, but let me stay anyway. Later one cafe refused me to stay in premises, as I mentioned. They would've sold me coffee to go, but it was raining, so... After writing my message here, I visited McDonald's just to see if my pass was good anywhere. It worked there.

In general I agree it is good to boycott places which require a covid pass, as @polonieth mentioned. I did it in the place where I live, but now I'm on a sort of holiday, and would like to eat a khachapuri or two.
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You can try eating in hotel's restaurants, I've done that various times in multiple hotels without even being a guest there, so far nobody asked me anything and also the prices were affordable
Solution: Download the "CovidPass Georgia", go to SDA and tell them to enter your data in accordance with the foreign certificate.
Thank you for this. I entered my details in the app, received a sms code and now the app has a QR code. It took only a few minutes, and most of it went guessing on the correct format of my name. I intensely hate this covid B.S., but this app is as streamlined as a government bureaucracy can get. Khachapuri tomorrow.

The reason they're able to do this is because they checked (and recorded) the vaccination status at the border.
Slightly off topic, but I would appreciate your opinion on Batumi's safety (disclaimer: as a woman I might be overly paranoid). Every time I walk on the street I see shady groups of men at street corners/around taxis/around cars with smokey windows/inside cars with smokey windows parked at random places. They seem to always be checking out the area and the people. Are they just bored locals, opportunistic taxi drivers, or are they a serious threat in any way (cartels, etc)?
Slightly off topic, but I would appreciate your opinion on Batumi's safety (disclaimer: as a woman I might be overly paranoid). ... Are they just bored locals, opportunistic taxi drivers, or are they a serious threat in any way (cartels, etc)?
I can't say I'm an expert on this. My total time in Georgia is about six months (numerous trips). In general Georgia is a safe place. Those men are not a threat in the way that you'd be kidnapped, robbed etc. Many of them are private tour guides, trying to spot somebody who would hire them. Georgia isn't as organized as e.g. Western countries, so instead of spending their days at a workplace, many men do all kinds of hustling; trading and transporting (legal) things. There's not much illegal drug trade, and those people would not try to bother you.

I've read elsewhere foreign women complaining that Georgian men can be real pests, not accepting no for an answer. So no flirting of any kind if you don't really mean to, and take a Bolt rather than a regular taxi. Your biggest danger in Georgia is cars & traffic.
Why don't you instead find someone with a valid QR code and ask him to send you a screenshot of the QR code?
Look, Co(ward)idiots are pretty much like crypto hooligans, it's kind of a moot point talking them out of their nonsense. Always remember:
- "Never argue with an idiot; it will drag you down to his level and beat you by experience"
-"It's easier to fool people than to tell them they've been fooled"
Or my favourite....just go back to December 2019's Kill Gates TL...that's all you need to know. Reasoning with people that believe the flu is now a mortal (lol) plandemic, is something I won't do...let them jab themselves like you would with drug-addicts, they're not much better, anyway.
look, if you were reading and hearing conspiracy theories that never came true, starting from the 90s, over the last 20+ years, you'd be as relaxed as me about the current trending one. what you believe right now, is about the same as "flat earth" when it was trendy, I would be embarrassed to believe this one about a 'plandemic' (as long as I'm not a teen who believes anything). That's actually difficult to comprehend how many of you are adults who really believe this bs. Like, one has to be long time away from any industry and any social group of normal people, in order to be so disconnected, and believe that all countries in the world, all medical organizations, all doctors and hospitals, medics in the labs, researchers (apart of mental ones who "join you" on the conspiracy side and talk bs in various low profile podcasts and youtube channels catering to the lower IQ layer of population, because others obviously won't give them the attention they always wanted) are in a conspiracy against all humanity, and are faking stuff and lying to you how does it even make sense? really, a worldwide plan, all countries and companies, and personnel, are acting together to fool us all? but you guys keep pointing to the same degen sources and degen articles like it helps...
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Comparing it to 'flat earth is nonsense. You can freely post flat earth content on youtube. Want to post that the vaccine has the worst side effect profile of any medical intervention? Good luck.

What you are witnessing is a phenomenon called Mass Formation.
I'll reply to you just this once since I don't take cult preaching well and find your patronizing a little hard to digest... so, in essence:

1) of course it's not a plandemic where some are getting obscenely rich (I refer again to some philanthropist's tweet of December 19) by jabbing people around the world, and of course, there aren't any conflicts of interest between the WHO and those who are pushing this jabbing - it's not that the WHO is independently funded, who am I to dispute that? -and of course, the labs behind the jabs are pristine in their reputation, whoever thinks otherwise must be mad;


2) of course it's always been the case in the past that when if you don't get vaccinated against X (this being tetanus, diphtheria, rota-virus, etc) you're socially ostracized by the mass-sheep media, you are forced to show a n**i-pass to take a beer and you've got to insert a stick up your nose to board a plane. Ah, I remember those good old days as a kid when -without a mobile phone- I carried my pass around tied around my neck and would show it everywhere with a proud face!
3) of course it's harder in the age of technology to control the sheeple who are enslaved and glued to the screens (and use the same 2-3 common applications), so hard in fact it may take 6-9 months of really hard work (phew!) in order to create a software that, once made mandatory, decides who does and who does not become a part of the "new normal"
4) I also remember in the past that, after having my paediatrician had informed my parents of (and signed) my vaccine calendar program and the side effects of each one, they left the room with a few gas masks and other stuff so I would be reminded that vaccines alone are not enough. And I also remember stopping by the town hall, where some adults were cheering and offering me sweets and lottery tickets, since I now was part of the "healthy and vaccinated" kids. Further, I remember they did the jabbing in the streets, in market stalls and fair stands, all very casual and part of the daily life, no nurses required.
5) ...and it's always been the case where viruses sleep during the day and attack at night, hence the need to restrict freedom of movement from 10pm to 6am...to let the viruses go to parties alone!

I could go on and on but I don't want to waste more time, you're either a troll or a cult follower. Either way, it's your choice to do so, that's what freedom and personal liberty are really about. The sad thing is that while you talk like a priest who sheepishly obeys what TPTB dictate, you not only look down on those who don't agree with your/this nonsense, but are happy to see our freedoms taken away, one bit at a time...all in the name of "science....fiction". And this is the only 'good' thing that this tyranny has brought up: showing that, at the end of the day, what miserable and small people (regardless of social condition) want is to dominate, show their sphere of power or knowledge -albeit small- in some way and play mini-dictator on others....like social BDSM if you ask me. And that will always be the difference between those among us who truly believe in real freedom (what the US was based on when founded) or what the new peasants consider 'their freedom', the same that the old peasants had in feudal times, which is pretty much where we're headed if this isn't stopped. Perhaps too apocalyptic, perhaps not, we'll have to adapt.


@polonieth no use talking to tin-cult-heads, mate, they wouldn't understand
Guys, don't you know that the proper way to spread this virus is to spread it as a vaccinated person? For if you spread it as unvaccinated, it will be called inconsidered of your community, and is akin to speeding on the red light.


if you're unvaccinated, you automatically emit the virus 24/7, every single day of a year, every second, like a special virus-machine, that generates the virus. Non-stop. "Bzzzzzzrrrrggggg".
You never recover. And you never die. You just keep emittting and spreading it, while walking around and talking to other people. You may never become uninfected either, because unvaccinated is equal infected.

Once you've become vaccinated, emission doesn't stop, but suddenly becomes good, socially acceptable I guess, and you also become part of the club of considered pro-vaxxers.
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Austria starts issuing fines of 3600 Eur per quarter, to all unvaccinated residents, that's pretty sick, I agree . Smells fishy as hell. It starts to feel dangerously close to the vibes of a real forced vaccination like in a concentration camp.... :/
I myself got stuck in Ukraine at the moment lol, need to go back to Montenegro but they just issued a new law that vaccines over 6 months old are not accepted for entry. And the entry requirement is both vaccination AND test. Lol, Ukraine does not issue vaccines to foreigners, just checked today in a clinic, she said it'll be impossible to get a 3rd dose here unless I'm a resident. So I'm gonna look for some EU country to get a vaccine in order to come back home, where I left just a week ago ... and they issue these changes in laws, literally 5 days before enforcement, (news came yesterday and enforced from 2nd Jan), without giving us chance to get compliant. That's stupid. Not that enforcing a fresh dose is bad (while the pandemic still puts people in danger in many countries) but switching regulations within a week, is absurd. For now I'm gonna try Austria, seems they accept a vaccine up to 270 days so I can enter there.
Happy new year everyone! I wish us all that the covid madness will be over in 2022! So we could get back to discussions of flat earth instead
https://t.me/+UiztNSWzHLVV6_pWHere you can buy a real covid vaccine certificate in your name.
There are plenty of doctors who are willing to issue a certificate to those who don’t want to get vaccinated.
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