Dubai vs Switzerland for Third world country Rich immigrant ?

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Why do u prefer West EU?
The EU consists of 27 countries. It is common to board a plane for 10-20€ per flight for a weekend trip to another country with friends and let yourself be entertained there (alcohol, Colombian cocaine, Czech crystal meth, Russian/Asian or local hookers, whatever you want). You can walk around with an open bottle of beer or vodka on the street 24 hours a day and drink, no one cares. You can get in your car and drive 300 miles an hour on the highway. If you are brave enough, you can drive to the front in Ukraine for a weekend and shoot around. Where else do you have such freedom?
EU citizens are not service oriented due to being entitled by nature.

This is sooo true.

There are some EU countries that are more service oriented than others though, for example i was in vacation in Italy and service was so bad that i want to leave ASAP.

It is common to board a plane for 10-20€ per flight for a weekend trip to another country with friends and let yourself be entertained there (alcohol, Colombian cocaine, Czech crystal meth, Russian/Asian or local hookers, whatever you want).

Man, where's that magical destination?

I'm on site ready to book my next flight, spill the beans!
Where in the US do u like the most?
Going by state:
  1. Texas.
  2. Louisiana.

It is common to board a plane for 10-20€ per flight for a weekend trip to another country
These times are mostly gone, except you book a promo many months in advance or it is routing which is faster by train than by plane.
Colombian cocaine, Czech crystal meth, Russian/Asian or local hookers
I feel sorry for everyone who longs for it and considers it "good entertainment".
you can drive to the front in Ukraine for a weekend and shoot around. Where else do you have such freedom?
That's a very poor joke.
Do you consider this "freedom"?
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Agree with you!
Except the flights, yes they are cheap, but the taxi to the airport costs 50 EUR
Agree with you!
Except the flights, yes they are cheap, but the taxi to the airport costs 50 EUR

If I figured out correctly, we're talkin about person with 100M net worth.

These guys don't care if the plane ticket costs 10 EUR or 100EUR and if the car to the airport costs 50 EUR.
If you won't go on a trip because the taxi price to the airport - you should consider if you have enough money for the trip itself.
What kind of entertainment are we talking?

And when you talk about people dancing to you in Dubai, you talk about prostitutes, right?
obviously he was referring to the Bedouin dances, that’s why everyone goes to Dubai

Jesus. Well, I am not at any point against hard core sex working, but not for my taste.
Nothing beats slavs, specially tall, blonde and with sapphire eyes Russian men

I had the opportunity of going to Dubai with an ex, many years ago and I refused.
I can't stand these banana aurocracies in the middle of absolutely "dirty powder", 600 degrees Celsius, trying to fake modernity, "freedom", high level, and at the end, they are f**** with a Goat.

As I cannot understand, but accept that some people doesn't like fresh weather, for me there is nothing near the happiness, safety, very good food and service and handsome people than the Nordic countries. Specially Sweden (Stockholm), even with the migrants. Denmark, Finland and Norway, and for who are calmer, Iceland (and Iceland can provide everything, basically).
mmmm it is so tempting to pay 50%+ taxes for the privilege of enjoying those long dark cold Nordic winters

Going back on topic, in Switzerland you find all the same “benefits” of Nordic countries with lower taxes, nicer mountains and better climate.
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So safe.
Reactions: RealDude
No. You can make a tax deal with this income/wealth and have legal binding paying a lump sum you.
Reactions: troubled soul
No. You can make a tax deal with this income/wealth and have legal binding paying a lump sum you.
No. It's not what you think.

Le forfait fiscal - Afschrift Tax & Legal

Requirements (in English):

  • not have Swiss nationality;
  • settle in Switzerland for the first time, or after an absence from the country of at least 10 years;
  • not carry out any dependent or self-employed gainful activity in Switzerland

This is a sort of territorial tax system. It's not easy as it seems to be eligible, especially what I said when making 6 million in income.

Why do you think Zug is a very popular place for wealthy foreigners earning millions? They unfortunately don't meet the requirements of the lump sump taxation. And if 99% of them did, then what's the point of very low tax cantons like Zug when you only need to pay 400k CHF instead of 20% effectively on 6 million?
Plus many cantons are trying to abolish the lump sum regime (ZH,BS,AR,BL,SH so far) while others are making the condition more difficult to apply.

One day, the lump sum regime will go away nationwide.
It's not easy as it seems to be eligible, especially what I said when making 6 million in income.
It’s not difficult at all actually, if you meet the conditions.
One day, the lump sum regime will go away nationwide.
unlikely to happen any time soon, as a referendum recently took place and such proposal was rejected.
No, its not what you think
I give you free alpha: It is running and well.
Rent a villa in emirates hills in dubai or maybe buy it. Get private security (not needed but still), get a G7 country passport (avoid usa), have bank accounts in ADCB, FAB, AL ANSARI multi currency numbered travel card for yourself and wife. Overseas bank accounts maybe UBS in switzerland and DBS in singapore. Get a team of maids plus a driver and personal assistant to do the dirty work for you.

You might have neighbours like ex Thai president, bhuttos of pakistan, jacob zuma of south africa, ex afghan president, rajapaksas of srilanka and most of the super rich indians in Dubai.

Dubai will give you security, safety, conveniences and cheap labour plus amazing quality of life and standard of living and connectivity to the world. You can probably live this lifestyle for 100 years (if you dont spend more than 1mil usd approx 4mil dirhams a years) without working.
Reactions: troubled soul
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