Dubai property downpayment with cash

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How can they accuse me if im a non tax resident anymore in my home country?? I just show them im 183+ days in Dubai with tax certificate and proofs living here and they can eat s**t if my money is in my Dubai corporate and personal bank accs and crypto wallets. I need prove them nothing, I "earned" my money while im an UAE resident.

And cashout in ATMs is fine to live, buy food, normal things but what if I want buy an expensive thing like a house and/or car? only choice is relocation and wait until im a non tax resident in my home country with money "earned" in my new low tax or non tax country.

Shariah law, internet censorship and that is another diferent thing to discuss here. I was thinking about Andorra, much better location for me instead Bulgaria or UAE.
Reactions: troubled soul

Thank you for explaining this to him .
Reactions: jjrapy
Spaniard here...actually you can evade taxes,is not legal but I'm not gonna judge you for protecting your money from extortion .
Being out the system actually helps specially if you never paid taxes but Dubai may not be the best place for relocate.
As other people have told you,first you need to be tax resident in a low tax EU country like Cyprus.
After being considered tax resident in Cyprus (no exit tax)I would move out to Panama and in 3 years,you can get a Panama passport
All tax authorities declare you guilty and you have to prove your innocence.. it happens in developed countries to third world countries.
You’re free to say that need to prove nothing but of course that won’t save you from the fines or penal responsibilities that they may charge you.
As everyone already mentioned, once they start digging in, they will start asking questions and you must have the answers.
exactly but there are already a few oportunities to be under the radar of the tax authorities......but planing it really well is the key....

Actually I'm living under the radar since always and planning to move out in like next year if everything goes well....
Yes the tax offices specially european ones are trying to convince people they actually know everything,that they are like an orwellian big brother. But is not like that,they just wanna scare people out there.

Well, actually european tax offices employ methods closer to an STASI agent in the cold war but they don't have enough tools to control all the not declared income in their respective countries even when it's digital one. Most of what they actually do would be, what we can call "going fishing" and looking for people that actuallly declare their income in search of hidden money or mistakes when declaring their money.

But what happen when you never declared anything? You are almost out of their scope if you don't own any real state or fancy cars or have tons of money in your bank account. You are not a target,why? because they can't actually extort you to pay them taxes and a fine, and probably they would lost money when trying to caugh you.

Collecting money is just another business (based in extortion, yes) and they always try to get the money in a easy way.
Reactions: jjrapy
I am from EU country too. I have moved to other EU country. I had to prove everything from my rental agreements, flight tickets, utility bills , doctor visits etc. They do everything they can to prove that I still remain tax resident in my home country.
They are so desperate, maybe it's because of COVID, the budgets are lacking tax income. So, be really careful - they will check everything. I would not be surprised if they check movements through airlines etc

Also the guys say good advice here. Firstly move to other EU country, stay couple years there and only then move to Dubai.
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Yes they are a lot.... but when you looks like a small fish and live under the radar they aren't so much strict
Yes they are a lot.... but when you looks like a small fish and live under the radar they aren't so much strict
They attack me, because of my business turnovers etc. I can be considered 'big fish'. Yes, when they see it's not worth they would not put any effort.
For example, if we talk about some man working in Germany in McDonalds who moved there from Spain, they would not be interested at all.
But if we talk about business income, about crypto trading were larger amounts involved, they would be really interested to prove residence in home country
Regarding the initial question.

All developers including Emaar accepts cash payments. That's the way to go we recommend as you can get 1-2% OTC rates for significant amount of money. All the property company like famproperties claiming to accept Bitcoin simply do the OTC and charge you 2-5% extra.

Regarding the CRS - if you setup upfront a Dubai Company that grants you the Residence Visa and Emirates ID and you open the local UAE Bank Accounts with the Residence Visa + purchase property and mention this to the bank - this is more then enogh substance - far more then the most people have and didn't get reported under CRS.

Residence Visa + Emirates ID + local phone no. are the keys to success in this matter.

Yes in theory they could check more - practice experience from all people I met in a half decade proof the opposite.

Note that's only for UAE and local banks - there are especially in the discount brokerage space (Swissq.....) banks around that loves to report all over the world - heard already from so many nonsense misreporting from them.

So if you don't move physical to UAE asap - stick to the local UAE banks and avoid international banks like Swissq.... that try to test your substance.
That's why I trully believe in being under the radar of european governments....
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