Dubai: Poor air quality

That's the reason why I don't want to spend too much time there with two babies. As far as friends who live there full time almost told me it's not any worse than Eastern European capitals or any other major city (NYC, London etc)
The readings from the US consulate show double the value from nearby stations, so I guess the data is questionable. Today you have moderate to high winds, so there's lot of sand around and you'd not necessarily go outside during that time. These values quickly drop once there's no more wind and you have moderate values around the city. Ultimately the air quality is comparable to any other bigger city.
From my experience some Asian stations only recorded PM10 and disregarded PM2.5, which is an issue during Haze season. It's still odd that two nearby stations show completely different values.
A big city in a desert… does it sound healthy? You just need to use common sense, not air quality sensors.

The legionnaire’s disease is a serious threat. Probably among a ton of other bad things that come out of AC units. Did you ever try to open the vent in a random hotel and look inside?
Reactions: troubled soul
How's it any different than the AC in Singapore, HK, the rest of SE Asia etc
Not any different. In Singapore you need the AC 24/7 and on 365 days whereas in Dubai maybe "only" 5 months.
That's my point. Also most hotels use ventilation air even when AC is not needed hence you get the same problem.

Even in Thailand which is fine a few months a year people literally don't know how to turn the AC off.

East Europe capitals have a dreadful air quality in the winter months, and you stay inside for 6 months more or less.

I guess you could invest in a hepa filter purifier for your room but that can only help somewhat.
My point is that if one can choose, leaving aside existing respiratory problems, it would be wiser to live in a place with good air quality. It is much more valuable than seeing supercars at every corner and paying zero taxes. (But there are places with zero taxes and good air quality)
Reactions: troubled soul
Agree on health > business.

If you had to pick one of those places which one would it be?

I found that there is no Shangri-la type of country that ticks all the boxes.

Air quality is definitely high up on my priority list, along with food and water quality, lots of sun etc.
Reactions: RealDude
You should clean your aircon quarterly and do chemical cleaning every other year. That's a bit of common sense and it applies to any residence with aircons. Usually the short term impact in hotels is not notable but if you rent / buy a place it certainly makes sense to clean it regularly.

Ideally check out the cities to get a better picture and visit for some time.
which country you will suggest ???
A not-so-developed one, or a rural area of a more developed country, far from big cities and major roads. Or a sailboat. StarLink has opened a world of opportunities!

Air quality is definitely high up on my priority list, along with food and water quality, lots of sun etc.
food quality needs work and it is expensive. With some good planning you can get your Kobe steak on your plate even on a remote Island.
Water quality: air2o pure water made from air is an interesting solution. Your own desalination plant is not a huge expense. You can be water-independent as well as energy-independent.
Lots of sun means in the tropical region, where you can find plenty of good options
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You are going to die.
Come to terms with that.
Air pollution is a load of political balony.
Better not to die of some respiratory disease, if you have a choice.
I personally feel better when I breath air on my deserted beach than when I walk in a city, but others might like dust and fumes, good for them.
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