I'm not arguing this logic. I'm just uncomfortable (Bitcoin =unchartered waters) with putting such a high price on a non-producing asset. I hope I am wrong! I really am!If you try to buy a finite quantity asset (btc) using an asset with an infinite supply (USD), the value of the finite asset will tend to infinity in terms of the other asset.
If I'm wrong, I make beaucoup money.
If I'm NOT that "wrong," I have already made 5-digit percentages on Bitcoin. The rest are "diversified" on picked stocks with the new influx of labor-generated cash.
Let me explain with an example:
Bitcoin today (now) on my screen is €65K (and change). Based on stock picking in my circle of competence (e.g., LLY), I would have to believe that Bitcoin will reach €325K. I'm not saying it won't, but I don't see it, I don't understand how, and if I don't see it and I don't understand it, I don't deserve to earn what I don't see or understand. I'm OK and at peace with that.
My example:
I finally understood (in 2022 and 2023) when you all browbeat me
PS. To be fair, had banks not been such #ssholes with CRS/AML/KYC/AEOI, etc, I would have probably swapped the USDT to FIAT. But because they ask too many INTRUSIVE questions, etc., I wasn't going to swap significant digits of USDT to FIAT and have tax agencies all over me trying to rob me of at least 50%.
PSS. Of course, I am always willing & able to learn and understand (IQ-limiting, of course
I got married once, and to a ball-busting American feminist girl; how smart could I possibly be?
How much more honest can I be?