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Do EU countries inform each other where you have moved?


Active Member
Oct 8, 2021
onon river
I have currently moved from one EU country to another. I want to cut as many ties as possible with my home country, but I do wonder, will the country I have moved to, inform my home country? Does anyone here have any experience or knowledge regarding this? Also, my home country is not my country of citizenship. I just happened to have been born and grown up there.
I have currently moved from one EU country to another. I want to cut as many ties as possible with my home country, but I do wonder, will the country I have moved to, inform my home country? Does anyone here have any experience or knowledge regarding this? Also, my home country is not my country of citizenship. I just happened to have been born and grown up there.
No they dont.
My thought is that if you don't move out properly (example: some eu countries require you to report the residence change) they would request an account statement from the bank and the bank will provide them everything they want. Hope I'm wrong.
If I read the many threads about CRS etc. right the reporting by the bank will go to the country to where you moved and not the country where you lived.

My thought is that if you don't move out properly (example: some eu countries require you to report the residence change) they would request an account statement from the bank and the bank will provide them everything they want. Hope I'm wrong.
What do you mean by "my thought" ? Do they request a bank statement or not? If that's the case then you might as well go to the neighboring country and use the last transactions at some restaurants etc and make it seem you were just on a vacation.
I have currently moved from one EU country to another. I want to cut as many ties as possible with my home country, but I do wonder, will the country I have moved to, inform my home country? Does anyone here have any experience or knowledge regarding this? Also, my home country is not my country of citizenship. I just happened to have been born and grown up there.
Based on Council Directive 2011/16/EU your former resident country might want to verify your new tax situation and can easily pull the new resident situation. But exchange is not automatic. You might also want to consider keeping the country issuing your ID documents informed about your residency,
Some countries (like France and possibly Scandinavian countries and others) may inform the tax authorities of the country of emigration of cross borders transfers (for example I live France for Poland and I transfer funds to my bank account in Germany : in that case French tax authorities may inform Polish tax authorities in case they don't know about my account in Germany...)