DLS-Dubai.com (Fred) - Reviews

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Just wanted to say my piece.

I am also waiting for my business bank account to be opened. The personal account was opened within a week of the bank meeting.

I met with the banker around mid-late June. Communication from the banker has been sporadic to say the least, but Fred has given me updates. Fred has assured me, it's in the final stage. I will update here once it's been opened.

I have heard that in Dubai on average it takes a while to open a business bank account.
Reactions: troubled soul
Thanks for your positive feedback.

It depends all on the bank we are choosing together with the client.

We were choosing for you ENBD with the longest and most intensive compliance.

Other banks are taking 2-4 weeks and aren't asking as much as ENBD - that even ask for a good amount of money.

You are patient and therefore no issue as well - however most people aren't patient and therefore we don't open with ENBD for them.

Looking for your final update once the account is open within the next days.
Reactions: troubled soul
Does it have that much to say which bank you choose? I've heard that RAK Bank for example is a lot less strict with business accounts?
Yes of course - ENBD is the most frequent bank in the UAE in terms of compliance since the past 5 years - it's not only compliance but we together with the banker needs to sell the client to the bank and explain why the banks benefits from him. They don't make a secret out of the question "what's in for the bank?"

Forget about banks like RAKBANK they considered for too long too many questionable setups and companies and are running in 2021 a huge risk decrease - so the common information you have about them is outdated.

ENBD together with another bank are by the way the only banks in 2021 that gives you EURO accounts from spot - all other banks only AED and USD.

Everything is manageable and still very well possible - however majority of the people are new to the offshore space and therefore not patient enough and not knowledgeable enough to value what ENBD brings in advantages all in all for them.
He has been very helpful in the past with lot's of information actually I consider his service together with the one from alexpcs
Yes, this is a brand new registered account and only for the purpose of leaving a review. I’m not an active user in the forum.

I’ve used Fred’s service and I received exactly what I paid for. Residence visa + business bank account + personal bank account (which I have already used without issues). Process was pretty straight-forward and simple. My activity is not crypto cash-out related though, so I can’t comment on that (seems to be what people are most interested in). Whole thing took like 3 weeks and I'm satisfied in general.
I wanted to make an update to my last post here.

I have finally received the welcome letter to ENBD Business banking at this beginning of this week signifying the account is now approved!

I started this process earlier in the year. You can check my previous posts to see when I had started.

Since the banking is the most important aspect of this setup, let me talk about that first.

It took me around 3/4 months from Bank meeting to account being approved.

While I was in Dubai, Fred gave me the contact and I messaged the banker and asked him to meet me the next day on short notice. I didn’t have much info going in. After the meeting, I emailed the banker, the requested documents to start the process.

There was a lot of compliance hoops to jump through. To be fair from what I gathered/researched while I was in Dubai, I don’t think it’s easy to open a business bank account over there, for any business, period. You need help for sure.

During the waiting-for-the-bank-account period, Fred did a very good job with providing background support/(and some key items) as best as he could. You are gonna need him for this step.

Like I mentioned in my last post, communications were sporadic and slow from the banker at times, so Fred was good as someone who you could message for updates and/or any help.

However, there were a few curveballs for me as well. They came back with another 2-3 rounds of questions/documents that I had to gather + supply on short notice.

I say this because I know ENBD is one of the best/largest banks in UAE and so naturally they have a lot more stringent processes before the account is approved.

Fred mentioned that other smaller banks are much quicker/easier and I tend to agree. So anyone interested in this process should keep that mind. The trade off is that obviously you are going with a smaller/less-known bank.

If you want the best, you are gonna have to wait and work for it.

I do have to mention, that while I was in Dubai for this process, I had some issues. The PRO was good and quite efficient time wise. But from day 1, it seemed like there was a constant element of communication missing. I didn’t seem to have all the information while going through the process. For example, I didn’t know I needed cash on hand for the medical tests, insurance etc. This caused delays and I had to drive around an extra day with the PRO. I also had some issues while at the typing centre preparing our form for the IDs and both of us (me and the PRO) had no idea what the right P.O Box was. We had to then drive again to another center to find a typist who knew all that info. I also had no clue how long it would take to get back my passport/Emirates ID.

The answer was, I was never emailed the visa guide PDF from DLS beforehand, which contained all these above needed info. It didn’t help that Fred left for vacation the same week I was there so I only meet him towards the end of my trip to Dubai.

This irked me definitely and I brought this up to Fred. He admitted it was a mistake & assure me that it was a one-off thing due to growing pains (they were expanding at that time).

I was in Dubai for around a month. I did ask to meet Fred before I left and we meet for a meal (he paid) and he seemed cordial enough.

In conclusion, It’s not a super fast process but if you want this setup with ENBD banking to go with, Fred will deliver. He answers my questions on WhatsApp.

Everything seems strong for now. I will surely post some updates here in the future about how useful it is and how I’m faring.
Thanks for the extensive review, appreciate it.

Yes back in the days in your case we had shortcomings we sorted out meanwhile - this in combination with the missing guide and the new PRO made things not look that good for us.

I'm glad that you received everything you were looking for even with some mistakes from.our side.

We keep improving and compensate our mistakes as much as possible.

Appreciate the support
Reactions: RedBlackBlue
May I ask, why is ENBD so important in your case? Is it anything specific e.g. easier crypto cashout (I doubt, but just an example)? or is it just for the prestige?

I'm referring to the business account here.
Guys, how are your ENBD and other accounts working?

Has anybody sucesfully cashed out at least mid 6 figures?
Just over 500k with ENBD. After the opening no questions asked. Only pay 200AED monthly fee's for the account hahaha.
Personal account works also perfect, no problems yet. Sending myself salary and using my credit card daily.
It's astonishing how well the cash out setup works.
How long have you had the account for? Does Fred offer any insurance should anything happen in the future? How likely is it that these accounts will be reviewed in the future?

@Fred is each setup done on a case by case basis? If there a crackdown on your kind of setup, would everyone who went through you be affected?
The guarantee is my years of experience and what I'm using since years.

That's it and honestly speaking for this pricetag - you won't find anything similar - we don't quote the ways I show you how to utilise the setup at all - we quote Company, Residence Service and Banking Service but everything related to Crypto is a freebie and I just show you the way till everything is done.

In other words guys like @Kol019201 have so many problems solved with a simple and straightforward setup by us that he is that thankful and invites me once a month to diner.

This is the reason why @mike400 as our biggest hater returns all the time to this thread even when we already provided him long time a refund because he was not following our advise and cancelled everything on his end. He simply doesn't find something like you find actually in Dubai + at this pricetag - impossible.

That's exactly the way how to do business - creating value that is for the client much more worth then he paid for.
Whoa. This is good news. In what timeframe did you manage to pull through 500k ?
Does Fred offer any insurance should anything happen in the future? How likely is it that these accounts will be reviewed in the future?
I don't know what kind of insurance you are talking about.
But if your account will get reviewed in the future it's probably because you did something that Fred told you not to do.
He gave me an easy setup that I just followed strictly. No problems so far.

Whoa. This is good news. In what timeframe did you manage to pull through 500k ?
In a pretty short time. Obviously I did only sell a portion of my holdings because I expect bitcoin moving higher.

Often I got asked via private message "how fast and how much can you cash out with this".
Most of these people don't understand that you need to be prepared for a cash out.
You can't just run to Fred when BTC is at 150k and expect to have a solution setup created in one week that can receive high 7 or 8 figures.

Also many of these guy's seem so attached to their btc investment, they probably won't sell anyways no matter where the price is.
And then cry in the end when the next bear market happens.
Reactions: Donsted and NoKYC
I'm in the process of getting "friendly" with ENBD and, from what I've heard, 500k is nothing so when the time comes to put more, as Fred told me, they won't look as they'll see you as a HNWC and won't care that you trade crypto.
There are also different ways to cash out depending on your risk appetite (or preference I should say). There’s something for everyone, just listen to the advice your given and be patient.
That's good news. Can you pls share which currency and from which country/bank have the funds been sent? (you can DM me if you don't want to share publicly).

This is the reason why @mike400 as our biggest hater returns all the time to this thread even when we already provided him long time a refund because he was not following our advise and cancelled everything on his end.
That's not true, I was following your advice to the letter (at least for the first 5 months after which I gave up).
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