Did you all enjoy the opening ceremony at the Olympics? :)

They banned Belarus (what bad did they do?) and Russia (always bad, since cold war) from participating, but let the murderous regime of Israel take part? I can't do different but call this years Olympics "Games of Shame".

What a clown world.

How funny that the 'most evil man who ever lived' revived the Olympics, restarted the Olympic fire tradition, and let the whole world come to celebrate the Games of Friendship and Peace. Even then, the US was trying hard to convince everyone to boycott the games.

And even more funny, that the black gold medalist Owens rode in the front on the bus in Germany and was celebrated by the German people when he got the gold medal, things that he couldn't experience at 'home' in the US. The man who actually snubbed Owens was President Franklin D Roosevelt. After the 1936 Berlin Olympics, only the white athletes were invited to see and meet Roosevelt. Owens – the most successful athlete at the games – bemoaned that he "wasn't invited to the White House to shake hands with the President".

It was a tremendously beautiful event and therefore a beautiful opening.
100% this!
Damn! You REALLY know your history! Most people would go into anaphylaxis shock when I (used to) bring this up.
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@jafo I think it is like with art or literature.

On one side, a lot of what is considered valuable today, was controversial at the tone it was created. That's why it eventually became so valuable.

On the other side, remember Andy Warhol and the 15 minutes of fame. It simple is just much easier to extend those 15 minutes by an absolutely controversial act rather than something harmonic. Hence, there is a natural tendency to controversies rather than a classical performance.

And last but not least, remember that the average wellbeing today is much higher than what it was 120 years ago. There are so many more possibilities, healthcare is much better and starvation became extinct in many parts of the world. Consequently, there are not many reasons to glorify an era of Western suppression of the rest of the world by showing performances of that times. The west achieved a lot through suppression and I personally don't think it was correct.

But yes, they could have shown France from a more classical point, but honestly why not go to the next Asian shopping mall to get a glimpse of it?
Reactions: jafo

I agree with you here, though I believe it's conditioning through media that leads people to defile logos and loose track.

And last but not least, remember that the average wellbeing today is much higher than what it was 120 years ago. There are so many more possibilities, healthcare is much better and starvation became extinct in many parts of the world.
I wouldn't be so sure about the 'starvation' issues though.
Here some data from France, UK is much worse, especially for children.

But we always have money for the 'weather change' and 'Ukraine', or any other plot thought out
by the global parasites to move the wealth from the taxpayers to corrupt politicians and corporations.
And like Rome, circuses and games come before the fall, and keep the plebs mentally occupied.

Don't get me even started on the trillions that went into space, and all we got is a toxic teflon pan.
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