Deal Reached On Global Minimum Corporate Tax Rate Of At Least 15%

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So brics will make their own economy
Maybe Rusia and China are powerful enough. The others highly doubt: Brazil India and south Africa
20.34 trillion U.S. dollars are combine GDP of them and They are still growing with 41.53% of the world population.

The Group of Seven has become increasingly irrelevant in a world of new emerging powers,”
by Jim O’Neill (Former Goldman Sachs Chairman)

Why the G7 is a zero
Will be good to see this group stand up to G7 nations. They have the right to do so. But unfortunately the global financial system is largely a western controlled construct. It would be a game changer however on the international stage if they can reject the G7 plans .
I really support china on this "China says small groups do not rule the world"
But a small group of psychopathic families, children of the murdering revolutionaries, certainly rule China:
Reactions: mmueller
But a small group of psychopathic families, children of the murdering revolutionaries, certainly rule China:
Deng actually moved away from Maos policies and wanted to have more of Hong Kongs system, which they also knew is superior than the state controlled communistic one.
Also in China the "mandate of heaven" 天命 is paramount of legitimizing a certain rule. is well and alive today too and interesting to see its implications going forward in Chinas very complex and fascinating history.
Reactions: EuroKiss
mostly the current first world countries because they already have this setup albeit paid by high taxes. People accept living in shitholes because of tax reasons. There is a reason why millions are trying to get into the EU, because in general it's a good place to live.
These reasons are: Africans, Arabs, Asians, with some exceptions of course. They see EU as a place of equality, where they will get FREE healthcare, pension and state education for their kids. I don't think millions of Canadians, Americans, Australians etc. are trying get into EU.
Reactions: M4S
i was obviously not talking about Canadians, Americans. In general millions are trying to get into first world countries be it EU, USA, Australia because quality of life.
Reactions: jjrapy
The devil is in the details of the text when released. Might be allowances made for smaller companies or it only applies to companies doing majority cross border business.

Imho it would be an infringement on sovereignty to have it apply to local businesses doing majority local business .
Ok so seems it will affect tax wise very large companies only.
Reactions: troubled soul