DAC6: new EU tax disclosure rules

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I just want to remind you about this issue by reading this pdf, especially hallmark D where it talks about EMI / e-money


and this one for a quick resume of the whole situation (AEOI/DAC6/Ubo register etc.)

I am very curious about how all these EU resident "consultants/service providers" in forum like this will comply.

Man, IRS special agents are angels compared to this s**t!
It's like kindergarten, pretty soon you'll have to ask EU for permission to go to the bathroom...

It is going to be more of minefield than it already is for providers.


Totally & completely concur on all points, and would add that its freaking SCARY to see how even the most independent and intelligent people I know turn into total sheep the past decades...

Back in my ravaged, ripped apart home country Norway there are perhaps at most a handful of people I know to whom I could even mention registering here. This used to be very different, most people who perhaps had a part time job while studying or following their thing in the 80s or even into the 90s were OK with perhaps not registering all, avoiding registering new addresses and so on.

But now? 99% are seriously afraid of doing a single thing not exactly the way their corrupt masters has ordered!

It actually makes me physically ill having to deal with all of this s**t... I've started my share of companies, actually built some workplaces, but its all been ripped apart by rules, regulations and corrupted systems like accountants doing whatever they please & them billing for their "work"!

Establishing myself here in Thailand has actually made me feel sane again ;-)

Except that Norway is a hidden gem of a tax haven. I helped a foreigner setup in Norway, and he paid 3% last year on €50k and because of Norway's DTAs, fully exempted income that was. As I said earlier in this thread, high tax jurisdictions have high tax deductions and incentives!
What are the details?
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