Currenxie account

So what's your take on the reason, other than they suck?

Is your nationality "1st world"?
I have literally no explanation.
I have 2 nationalities from 1st world. Have used the account for some time and was happy with it, moved about €500k before it was closed.
beside corporate documents, passport and utility bill what else do they ask for ?
all kind of nonsense bs.

I have the list after here.

Bank Statements​
We require more information to understand your business operations.
Please provide three months worth of bank account statements in the company name.

Note: Please ensure the bank statements are:
- Not older than 6 months
- Full PDF statements (not screenshots)
Proof of Residential Address​
Please confirm if there is a company director who resides in *** .

If yes, please provide a current residential tenancy agreement or residence permit.
If no one person currently resides in *** , then please kindly describe how the business is currently managing its operations.
Proof of Business Operations​
To verify business operations in ***, we require some additional details

Please provide at least 2 of the following documents:

- Current rental agreement for office premises
- A utility bill addressed to the business dated in the last three months
- Customer contracts, contracts of sale or purchase of goods dated within the pass six months
- Employee contract in the registered jurisdiction and three months of payslips (minimum of two permanent staff)
- VAT registration details and tax receipts
Additional Questions​
Please provide the following documents:

- Certificate of Registration for VAT
- Notarised / certified Certificate of Incumbency (within the last 3 months)
- Notarised / certified shareholder register (within the last 3 months)

Please see below for our requirements on certifying your documents:

The certification should be dated within the last 3 months, be performed by a solicitor, chartered accountant or notary public.

Take the photocopied document and the original and ask the person to certify the copy by:

- Writing ‘Certified to be a true copy of the original seen by me’ on the document
- Signing and dating it
- Printing their name under the signature
- Adding their occupation and accreditation details

Supplementary ID
Payout Country (asked again why I need to send money to country X, where my freelancers live lol)​

Reactions: Forester
OMG. If your business is not a selling grounds on Jupiter or so and you do not have offices at the uninhabited island in Pacific, it is really a pile of bulls**t; more than I would expect.
Thanks for sharing. I did hear good news re: AirWallex in the past but apparently, times are changing .
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Maybe just try it. You might have more luck.
The official date was beginning of august. I had transactions since and they didn't suffer any questions and/or delays. I think that license renewal allow for a 30 days probation so maybe currenxie is waiting for that period to expire until they ask... time will tell. Anyway i searched the website to preemptively upload the updated one but didn't find any way to do so... same goes for declaring customers upfront for KYC, you just can't... So or they don't care (I never received any questions or suffer any blocks) or you just reply when they will have some... no idea until it happens..
Thanks a lot!
Anyway i searched the website to preemptively upload the updated one but didn't find any way to do so... same goes for declaring customers upfront for KYC, you just can't...
As per my experience, it is not a problem either to e-mail them or give them a phone call (if you communicated with them via e-mail before, in the signature of their clerk was a phone number – just check it). There is also an option “Get in touch” (by sending a message) after you login, under Help. And again per my experience, their support is responsive.
(If I were you, I would ask them about the company license renewal pro-actively – but it's just a remark.)
Currenxie isn't Crypto friendly and AdvCash is flagged as Crypto Exchange.

Further Currenxie is providing pooled accounts only - no dedicated ones.
Currenxie isn't Crypto friendly
I think so, too.
However, I am afraid that the problem which @Moulaga described has another roots (payment from the account not in own name), because payment was performed but rejected by the beneficient.
Further Currenxie is providing pooled accounts only - no dedicated ones.
Apparently, it is valid for SEPA accounts, or at least for the SEPA account of @Molaga's company. (@Molaga, this is the reason for what the beneficiary doesn’t see the wire coming from your company but from Currenxie UK LTD – the senders account is shared between more Currenxie clients. BTW, could you share in what institution is the SEPA account located? BIC code will do, if you do not know the name; or at least first two letters of your account's IBAN will tell something.)

However just to precise, for Currenxie Global Accounts (SWIFT capable) it is not valid now, if you open a Global Account, you will obtain a dedicated account with Citi HK that functions “normally”. (Formerly you obtained a dedicated account but with name “Currenxie – your company name”.)

Nevertheless, Currenxie -> Advcash seems to be simply a no go
– if you use SWIFT, the payment will be not performed as it is crypto-related;
– if you use SEPA, the payment will be rejected by Advcash as it is not from your company.

@Molaga: If you need to perform payments to Advcash, consider opening another account; search here in another threads for EMI/bank crypto friendly...

@Moulaga: Just now I see that I have mistyped your nickname, even several times. Really sorry for that
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Reactions: joffreylol
Thanks @Fred and @Forester for your feedback
You are welcome.
Advcash did refund the amount minus the fee.
Would you recommend another option to move money from Currenxie to binance and Interactive Brokers ?(not sure if IB accept SEPA wire from business accounts)
As Binance is the well-known crypto P2P, I presume that it will not be possible to move funds from Currenxie there directly. I would not even try it and I do not recommend it to anyone – Currenxie states very clearly in the TOS that they do not support any crypto related payments, so doing so you would beg for the closing of your account. Therefore, I see as the only option moving funds from Currenxie somewhere else and then further to Binance.
Re Interactive Brokers: I do not know how Currenxie treats them. It is worth asking Currenxie support directly, as per my experience, they are responsive. Nevertheless, as you must search for a sideway for Binance anyway, you can use it for IB as well, if necessary.
For your question @Forester my Currenxie EUR bank account is from Estonia (EE)
Quite interesting. Don't you know, what particular bank/EMI it is?
LHV, which is rubbish.
Thanks – and I agree with you. It's a little bit astonishing to me, as for SWIFT they are using Citi HK that is definitely not rubbish...
Hey, everybody, let me get this straight. I understand that any payment from Currenxie to a crypto exchange will be rejected. Because the sender name will be Currenxie (instead of your company name), maybe that's why they are not crypto-friendly.
What if I want to withdraw money from the exchange? The account in the exchange is registered in the company's name, and the recipient's name in the Currenxie network will be identical. Has anyone tried to withdraw money from a corporate account on the exchange to a corporate account in Currenxie?